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akillathahun t1_j206api wrote

enjoyable show if you’re looking for a cookie cutter spy drama.

Problem is, it’s using an established universe to play around in and it pisses me off.

If we’re going to Clancy universe it up, then give us the rest of the universe already. There are more people in that universe than Jack Ryan. Jack Ryan finding himself in the field is the work of him opening his big mouth and being pulled into the conflict, not becoming the conflict.

Oh no, Jack Ryan is disavowed and has to prove his innocence

Why the hell was Jack Ryan on that boat to begin with? He’s too valuable to be pulling ops.

Give us rainbow and solve this problem already. Just stop resetting the universe right before you get to rainbow. We don’t need any more Jack Ryan origin. we’ve got it.


DJ1962 t1_j20q7pc wrote

I agree somewhat, but Clancy did take Ryan into Russia and South America in his books. Be great if they brought in Rainbow Six w/John Clark. Make a good splinter show in the future.


wildwalrusaur t1_j2d69ww wrote

The Michael B Jordan movie was a backdoor pilot for a Rainbow Six show/movie.

Problem is I think he's too big now for them to want to move ahead with it.


Elemayowe t1_j20rhb0 wrote

It’s ridiculous a little bit, even when they’re about to get on the plane to go to Russia and the Czech President shakes his hand and thanks him, nothing for Greer or November, like wtf, Jack Ryan would’ve died in Greece without their help.


Edogawa1983 t1_j23qzro wrote

Can't believe a head of state would just randomly go to all these places without drawing attention, or have any kind of protection


SQUID_FUCKER t1_j23b27q wrote

It was kind of funny when Michael Kelly's character, Mike November, pokes fun at this.

"I'm sorry, I've been out of the game for a while and forgot everything revolves around you."