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Nick_Papa_Giorgio t1_j210h6j wrote

It's unoriginal. I only enjoyed scenes featuring the head of the GRU. Too many spy show have used the storyline of Russian hardliners or Cicadas (but Slow Horses is doing it right).

It feels like the writers watched Condor and Treadstone and ripped the plot.

Season 1 of Jack Ryan was amazing. The firefights were incredible. The backstory for the villian was captivating and gave the audience a real sense behind Suleman's motivation to attack the west. And i liked rooting for his wife as a refugee. Even the side storyline about the lucky drone pilot was neat, not seamless, but entertaining.

Season 2 was great, not as good as season 1. I liked the jungle Spec Ops storyline. That last shootout in the palace was well shot and choreographed. And Venezuela was a fresh country to feature in a spy thriller. But it was blatant CIA propaganda. Almost a justification about their interference with South American elections.

I was disappointed. We waited so long for S3. It was watchable but it was like it was written by an algorithm.


foxh8er t1_j21yj0w wrote

Sadly Condor season 1 is still the peak of conspiracy thriller TV in the last few years


Nick_Papa_Giorgio t1_j21zptk wrote

Season 1 of Condor was gold.

I agree, there have been few standout spy thrillers.

Counterpoint was great; it had a sci-fi element that made it interesting. Slow Horses has been killing it. And an oldie but goodie was Rubicon.


foxh8er t1_j21zykb wrote

Counterpart Season 1 was exceptional but marred by a terrible (imho) season 2. Condor's season 2 was so hard to find I can't really fault it for not living up to the first season. It did at least do the spy craft in an interesting way.

Slow Horses season 1 was painful for me. I get that they're all incompetent but it ends up being extremely irritating. This season is better so far but I'm an episode or two out of date.