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ArtistChef t1_j203ad3 wrote

Would have been better if they spoke Russian and Czech.

When is season 4, Jeff?


accioqueso t1_j20ruh3 wrote

I thought the same thing. In season one and two the characters spoke the languages. Why can’t they in season 3?


foxh8er t1_j21ypzt wrote

Yeah and they didn't even do the bit they did in Clear and Present Danger and Red October where they switch languages. Feels really low effort.


BoredomEmpire t1_j20iilv wrote

I enjoyed episode 1 but I had this same exact thought. Why are they speaking English amongst each other? Really took me out of it, and seems like a minor detail that could have made it seem more realistic vs action schlock (albeit pretty entertaining schlock). Minor detail I know, but seemed like a lazy shortcut imo.


SonofNamek t1_j21se8g wrote

I don't think many of the actors were Czech. Some of the Russians weren't Russian.


foxh8er t1_j21ysz1 wrote

Neither is fuckin Sam Neil in Hunt for the Red October (or any of them for that matter)


SonofNamek t1_j221a1o wrote

Yeah but that was a movie. It's way shorter than 8 hours.

With this show, it's 8 hours on top of coordinating actors from different countries (UK, US, Sweden, Russia, Germany). I don't even know if anyone was Czech lol.


foxh8er t1_j221g1a wrote

right but like...that's something that can be solved through writing! Why the Czechs? Such a bizarre set of choices.


alpastoor t1_j201csn wrote

Fun escapist watch. It does fall victim to some of the more annoying action tropes like whacking people on the head, leaving them conveniently and confidently knocked out to the level that no one needs to take the time to tie them up. There’s also some tortured dialog at times when the characters should clearly be too pressed for time to be engaging in philosophical banter. I don’t want to spoil anything so I will leave it at that!


HarryCallahan19 t1_j21yjhi wrote

Honestly it was on the same level as Only Murders in the Building this past season. It was very average. Nothing really to write home about. No real twists.


Strident_Hood t1_j1zyihj wrote

Better than season 2 but not as good as season 1. Over its three seasons the show has been very consistent in it’s tone, pace and style.

Honestly the show is cheesy, dumb and full of American jingoism but by god is it not entertaining.

I hope they keep making more of it, it is a very fun show.


dennydiamonds t1_j209d8t wrote

I just finished it yesterday and it was pretty good. The production was fantastic and Wendell Pierce as James Greer is one of my favorite, current, TV characters.


LegendaryIam t1_j21tcm3 wrote

Pierce has been doing roles like this for a while now haha. Wire, Suits, and this...all same vibes but small diffs


dennydiamonds t1_j21tgtg wrote

His character in The Wire was freaking fantastic!


LegendaryIam t1_j21tqxb wrote

As far as I can recall, he was the one with most morally sound voices haha. Loved his yin to Dominics yang


akillathahun t1_j206api wrote

enjoyable show if you’re looking for a cookie cutter spy drama.

Problem is, it’s using an established universe to play around in and it pisses me off.

If we’re going to Clancy universe it up, then give us the rest of the universe already. There are more people in that universe than Jack Ryan. Jack Ryan finding himself in the field is the work of him opening his big mouth and being pulled into the conflict, not becoming the conflict.

Oh no, Jack Ryan is disavowed and has to prove his innocence

Why the hell was Jack Ryan on that boat to begin with? He’s too valuable to be pulling ops.

Give us rainbow and solve this problem already. Just stop resetting the universe right before you get to rainbow. We don’t need any more Jack Ryan origin. we’ve got it.


DJ1962 t1_j20q7pc wrote

I agree somewhat, but Clancy did take Ryan into Russia and South America in his books. Be great if they brought in Rainbow Six w/John Clark. Make a good splinter show in the future.


wildwalrusaur t1_j2d69ww wrote

The Michael B Jordan movie was a backdoor pilot for a Rainbow Six show/movie.

Problem is I think he's too big now for them to want to move ahead with it.


Elemayowe t1_j20rhb0 wrote

It’s ridiculous a little bit, even when they’re about to get on the plane to go to Russia and the Czech President shakes his hand and thanks him, nothing for Greer or November, like wtf, Jack Ryan would’ve died in Greece without their help.


Edogawa1983 t1_j23qzro wrote

Can't believe a head of state would just randomly go to all these places without drawing attention, or have any kind of protection


SQUID_FUCKER t1_j23b27q wrote

It was kind of funny when Michael Kelly's character, Mike November, pokes fun at this.

"I'm sorry, I've been out of the game for a while and forgot everything revolves around you."


shegotofftheplane t1_j20cxqv wrote

Too confusing and moving into Mission Impossible spy territory. Jack Ryan is supposed to be an analyst awkward at missions


RedSnowBird t1_j22nn9l wrote

The thing I liked about the first season was they weren't trying to make him out to be a James Bond sort of spy. Guess someone decided they wanted him in the action more for some reason and it just doesn't work for me.


TomGNYC t1_j22x6ln wrote

Totally agree. The first season felt like he was Jack Ryan. The last 2 seasons feel like a generic action series.


swordfish1221 t1_j1zwlb2 wrote

Loved the first 3/4 of the season, i feel like the last 1/4 was fairly week and had to many cringy moments. Overall a good season. Crazy it was filmed before the Ukrainian invasion and it had so many parallels to real life.


cynic74 t1_j21uwc3 wrote

I completely agree. It started off interesting at first, but then after the Jack Ryan on the run and the nuclear device plot sort of ended it got dull and boring. I did like it when that Navy Seal threw Krasinski out of the helicopter in a real stunt. That was cool. But ultimately although it mirrors current affairs a bit, it was a pretty lackluster story and the worst season out of the three.


ChuckChuckelson t1_j1zyiha wrote

The Russians invaded in 2014. Look it up.


swordfish1221 t1_j1zyssw wrote

Big difference between 2014 and this years invasion but yea.


somedickinyourmouth t1_j209fkv wrote

As someone who's worked in international relations, not really.


Mythic514 t1_j20du12 wrote

You really disagree that there is a "big difference" between a limited invasion to annex a single region of Ukraine vs. a fullscale invasion of the entire country, with military occupation, bombings of major urban centers, going on a yearlong now?


swordfish1221 t1_j20jjt4 wrote

If you have worked in international relations care to explain why countries weren’t giving billions of dollars to ukraine since 2014 but only after full scale invasion if there is no big difference


somedickinyourmouth t1_j24al61 wrote

One is hot, the other is cold. War is still war. Did you think nothing was happening simply because you didn't know about it?


SonofNamek t1_j21xdpn wrote

I mean, if you paid attention to the boring stuff in international affairs and not just follow whatever is trending on Reddit or Twitter ("Oh Amerikkka warmonger, hurr durr CIA and 5 Eyez bad, RuSsIA nOt iNvaDing U just wAnT uS to obEy the eLiTes!"), you'd find that security analysts have been quite concerned about Russian activity being on the rise for years now. This show is just taking what's already in place and riffing off of it.

For example, someone like Peter Zeihan, who is more of a 'pop' geopolitical analyst, even correctly predicted 2022 as the invasion year back in 2014ish due to this year being likely the last year before Russia's male population began declining. They're all in, at this point, and probably are willing to throw a few hundred thousand men away.

In that time, Russia's been releasing material about how the Ukrainian identity is tied to the Russian identity and how they needed to be together as one identity. Just go out and read what actually gets put in document and you'll find that this war and Russia's list of justifications aren't too surprising.


__War_Eagle__ t1_j1zvwbx wrote

Haven't finished the season yet but what I've seen has been excellent.


smitty3257 t1_j20gzxw wrote

I didn’t even know the season came out. Have I been under a rock?


3parkbenchhydra t1_j204f6x wrote

hilariously bad, full of American jingoism and an indestructible, virtually psychic main character. the gunplay was fun though


foxh8er t1_j21yen9 wrote

jingoism is when another state does something bad


blopbloop t1_j20ah9p wrote

I want to know when John Clark and rainbow six will intersect with jack ryan.


Theonceandfutureend t1_j21035g wrote

They don't have the character rights to Clark.


matrixfan0831 t1_j214d2b wrote

I thought they did because they made Without Remorse with Michael B Jordan?


Theonceandfutureend t1_j214vlf wrote

No, they just shared the streaming platform. The rights to Without Remorse and the John Clark character are held by a different entity than the one that owns the rights to the Jack Ryan books.


spiritbearr t1_j22g90t wrote

One of the richest companies in the world and they can't do what Ubisoft does.


stormatombd t1_j22cu62 wrote

Is that black ops full with lgbtq+ team member


Nick_Papa_Giorgio t1_j210h6j wrote

It's unoriginal. I only enjoyed scenes featuring the head of the GRU. Too many spy show have used the storyline of Russian hardliners or Cicadas (but Slow Horses is doing it right).

It feels like the writers watched Condor and Treadstone and ripped the plot.

Season 1 of Jack Ryan was amazing. The firefights were incredible. The backstory for the villian was captivating and gave the audience a real sense behind Suleman's motivation to attack the west. And i liked rooting for his wife as a refugee. Even the side storyline about the lucky drone pilot was neat, not seamless, but entertaining.

Season 2 was great, not as good as season 1. I liked the jungle Spec Ops storyline. That last shootout in the palace was well shot and choreographed. And Venezuela was a fresh country to feature in a spy thriller. But it was blatant CIA propaganda. Almost a justification about their interference with South American elections.

I was disappointed. We waited so long for S3. It was watchable but it was like it was written by an algorithm.


foxh8er t1_j21yj0w wrote

Sadly Condor season 1 is still the peak of conspiracy thriller TV in the last few years


Nick_Papa_Giorgio t1_j21zptk wrote

Season 1 of Condor was gold.

I agree, there have been few standout spy thrillers.

Counterpoint was great; it had a sci-fi element that made it interesting. Slow Horses has been killing it. And an oldie but goodie was Rubicon.


foxh8er t1_j21zykb wrote

Counterpart Season 1 was exceptional but marred by a terrible (imho) season 2. Condor's season 2 was so hard to find I can't really fault it for not living up to the first season. It did at least do the spy craft in an interesting way.

Slow Horses season 1 was painful for me. I get that they're all incompetent but it ends up being extremely irritating. This season is better so far but I'm an episode or two out of date.


Reasonable_racoon t1_j204dfr wrote

Mediocre. There's absolutely nothing in this show I haven't seen in before in various spy dramas. It offers nothing new, just more tedious American exceptionalism.

This character is so boring, why does he get so many chances and remakes? There is literally not one interesting aspect to him. How would you even describe his character? There's just nothing there.


somedickinyourmouth t1_j20ah7l wrote

Yeah this show legit sucks but not as much as other stuff on TV. I put it on in the background while I work because the dialogue seems to be written like it's for blind people with over explanations and cliche lines non stop.


Cela84 t1_j213py7 wrote

I remember enjoying season 1, then Jack became an unstoppable one man army in season 2, and so far he’s been that in season 3. Overall an ok binge.


DJ1962 t1_j20px0c wrote

Big fan of Tom Clancy. I believe they are expanding the character nicely. Be nice if John Clark was on the show too.


bluechips2388 t1_j1zyll6 wrote

It was good for the most part. There was too much handwaving of problems away towards the end though. It kinda seems like an executive came in and revised the last 1/4 so it would be wrapped up nicely Hollywood style. It was too clean.


mickeyflinn t1_j2019c2 wrote

Since the debacle that was S2 I really don't have interest in watching it.


nycdiveshack t1_j213nis wrote

They did a great job of putting 4 of the books plots together into one season


che-che-chester t1_j215pyl wrote

I really enjoyed the first two seasons, despite the plot issues with season two. I'm finishing episode 5 of season 3 now and find myself a little bored. I suppose I might just not be in the right mood. There are the same basic elements from the first two seasons but it's just not pulling me in.


Lunasera t1_j238kq0 wrote

I’m on the final episode and I still feel that way. Jack is indestructible and I just don’t feel the tension. It was fairly predictable and I wasn’t super engaged. JK does a good job but I liked it better when he wasn’t a Bourne level spy.


che-che-chester t1_j243juz wrote

I had a hard time finishing it. The interesting thing about Jack Ryan is he is a reluctant hero. He finds himself in intense situations and rises to the occasion. In much of season 2 and 3 he is more of an action hero which simply isn’t that interesting.


Lunasera t1_j24i2pz wrote

Exactly. He’s so confident and sure of himself he walks right into every dangerous situation and barely seems phased by it.


007meow t1_j21lk8u wrote

Kinda funny watching Russia be the Big Bad in so many works when they’re utterly floundering in real life.


nuisible t1_j26h7a1 wrote

I had this exact thought, to be fair to this show though, they had wrapped season 3 before the war in Ukraine started.


foxh8er t1_j21yl7n wrote

The problem I have is they aren't portrayed badly enough


TaskForceCausality t1_j201w75 wrote

A curious and positive combination of amazing storytelling, good character development- and 1980s level cliche action. The early episode shootouts look like they were ripped out of a Michael Bay film, and naturally the CIA can engage hostile fighters on their own soil with impunity provided Jack Ryan’s attached to the element.

My suggestion: save the bullet trading for the final two episodes when the tactical stuff actually matters for the plot. And keep John Patrick Ryan, Case Officer, away from the armory in Season 4.


Ethersphere t1_j214mb5 wrote

I liked season 3 a lot more than season 2. Felt like a better production and better script.


bowlsandsand t1_j215f7x wrote

I enjoyed it. I wish they would tie in dome splinter cell, rainbow 6 or ghost recon too. But i am satisfied with with i got


TooLittleMSG t1_j21i0s9 wrote

I can't get past Jack Ryan playing special forces. Just add Clark


bauhaus83i t1_j229uy6 wrote

Starts ok. Gets worse.


TomGNYC t1_j22x15v wrote

Watched first episode and I'm disappointed. It's halfway decent action but it doesn't feel like Jack Ryan at all. It's just generic action.


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Johnnyboyeh t1_j21j3ay wrote

I liked it better than season 2, season 1 i thought was the best.


weshric t1_j21sk9h wrote

To me, it started great but had a convoluted last 2-3 episodes. Got too sloppy. I’ll keep watching though. Fun background action watch.


cynic74 t1_j21uaqm wrote

Season 3 started off well with a decent run-of-the-mill nuclear device plot, but after that plot ended the last few episodes were really dull and uninspired. Not to mention, besides Greer and November, I really could care less about any of the other characters (even Krasinski this time gave us a very bland performance compared to other seasons). So definitely the worst season storywise out of them all for me.


SonofNamek t1_j21vto9 wrote

It's good. Better than S2.

Do feel they need to take Ryan back to being an analyst, though. Have him figure stuff out, have it lead to a military strike, have the bad guys come after him once his identity is revealed, have him figure more things out, have him leave the CIA and run for Congress.


foxh8er t1_j21ybnl wrote

Better than Season 2, but that's a low bar. Action and acting were pretty great, but the plot made no sense. The Czech Presidency is ceremonial! There's multiple countries between Czechia and Russia! A Russian president would never behave rationally! etc etc


SKRILLEX_SK t1_j227clp wrote

I haven't seen the show at all, but after hearing some parts were shot here in Slovakia, really close to the city where i grew up, maybe I'll give it a chance.


Stlouisken t1_j22kddk wrote

Overall, thought it was ok. Was entertaining enough to occupy my time. Not great, not crap.

I enjoyed the first season. 2nd season was subpar. 3rd season was better than the 2nd but not as good as the first season.

Did enjoy the different cities/environments season 3 were shot in.


NerdyBoy117 t1_j22mrmg wrote

I watched the all the episodes in a day


Uberkorn t1_j22s3dj wrote

His hair was ridiculous.


Deflated_Hive t1_j22vg63 wrote

It's actually surprisingly decent and worth my time. There's lots of holes. But the production values and plot are thought out well enough that you're not distracted by it. They redeemed themselves from Season 2.

There's so many typical tropes of a nuke they could have used. But they didn't fall for them. I really liked that this revolved around old Soviet Union people infighting from an origin event.

If you're paying for Prime, it's a good value watch.


MeronDC t1_j2376v0 wrote

great plot but still doesn't surpass the first season


Romalic t1_j23pxcb wrote

Really enjoyed it, far better than season 2 i thought, the story was just, better


FullmetalGin t1_j28n64z wrote

The thing is I love these kinda shows once in a while, I know what they are, I don't expect too much from them but they are hella fun to watch. It's a show that usually doesn't have huge consequences and is very safe, we know how it will end and the good guys always win. These kinda shows are a huge guilty pleasure of mine.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j2cdre4 wrote

Is this a paid ad? Awful, mindless action, predictable. Jack is now a superhero Navy SEAL, political leaders don't employ counter snipers at their own events, and everyone walks into an ambush. And that is just the first episode. They turned the thinking man Jack Ryan series into JJ Abrams Star Wars writing.


wildwalrusaur t1_j2d65a4 wrote

Much better than season 2.

The plotting wasn't as tight as season 1, but it was better paced imo.

I'd be happy to see it renewed


Ride1226 t1_j2229e6 wrote

Enjoyed it, but wasn't particularly blown away. Fun none the less. Don't think I'd return to watch it again like I do with other shows.

Can anyone confirm though, the helicopter two feet under the view of the camera, jack not getting a answer on the phone, heli pops up. You mean to tell me he couldn't hear that helicopter? I can hear helicopters flying miles out. That thing was within 100 feet. Lol.


MadCaptainAhab t1_j224e90 wrote

Thought it was the best season to date


TaskForceCausality t1_j201wma wrote

A curious and positive combination of amazing storytelling, good character development- and 1980s level cliche action. The early episode shootouts look like they were ripped out of a Michael Bay film, and naturally the CIA can engage hostile fighters on their own soil with impunity provided Jack Ryan’s attached to the element. The only thing missing was a 5/11 tactical pants plug in the script.

My suggestion: save the bullet trading for the final two episodes when the tactical stuff actually matters for the plot. And keep John Patrick Ryan, Case Officer, away from the armory in Season 4.


dan_crider t1_j1zyfwy wrote

Thought it was great...less cringey than season two...less woke bullshit. Thoroughly enjoyed.
