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ZarK-eh t1_j2epgyz wrote

Meh, it was the movies that burnt me out. Fuck star wars and disney.


MyFavDinoIsDrinker t1_j2epxtp wrote

Then you are essentially bragging about the fact that you have no business discussing this show and are just trying to piss people off. And you are doing so in such a lazy manner that everyone knows exactly what you are doing and is just going to block you rather than take the fucking bait.


GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j2esowq wrote

This thread is about why people aren't watching it. Getting the perspective of someone who didn't watch it does in fact contribute to the discussion.


theyusedthelamppost t1_j2extrv wrote

I happen to agree with your sentiment which is, ironically, the reason why supporting Andor is so important to me.

A consumer's responsibility is to vote with his wallet. If we provide feedback to Disney that we don't want more of the crap that came before (prequels, boba fett, obiwan) but instead want more stuff like Andor, then we have a chance to turn the tide.


testthrowaway54321 OP t1_j2euv0d wrote

yeah, that's partly my point. I was a huge star wars nerd in high school. The movies killed that interest for me, with the exception of Rogue One. So I had no reason to believe Andor would be that good.

It basically made up for all the crappy movies so far.


Yellowdart00 t1_j2f8itv wrote

What if, and hear me out, we evaluated each piece of content on it's own merit rather than painting with broad strokes? We don't say "oh Thor L&T sucked, and She-Hulk wasn't really for me, so now everything set within the Marvel cinematic universe sucks now." No. Instead we apply a little nuance and understand that not everything is created equal and we as individuals aren't always the primary target audience for that content.

The narrative that Disney + SW is shit, or the quality of one production affected another is just tired and lazy.