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After_Hovercraft7822 t1_j2bfnxl wrote

I like this season of MQ quite a bit.

I feel like more of them trying to work on an MQ expansion would have gotten stale and we’d still be complaining about it. Having Ian and Poppy be forced to intensely look at themselves and their relationship is a good way to keep things moving forward.

At the end of this season, both characters are going to have to make some dramatic internal changes, which allows this story to fold them back in to MQ as evolved characters. I don’t think this is story that could have happened while they were at MQ.

I will say, I think the B plot of MQ and the movie feels like it’s been really slow, and the C plot of the HR lady and monetization team seems to exist solely to keep these two characters around. I would have left Ashly Burch in school and had her remain a tester to pay her tuition. I would have left Pudi in prison, with a work release program at a department store. Then, when Grimpop finally works through their issues and secures finding, be told they need to figure out monetization and arrange to have Pudi work with them.