Submitted by thehandsomecontest t3_zzet7b in television

I never thought it was the perfect showz but I enjoyed the first season, I got through the second one but I just can't find anything in season three to keep me watching. I find this really sad because I think Rob and Meg wrote grate sitcoms, but I can't find anything to invest in with series three.



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FreyrFreyja t1_j2b6824 wrote

These posts always seem like someone seeking validation that something is bad, while not willing to say they think it's bad in case that's unpopular.

Maybe you just don't like MQ S3. Maybe there's nothing wrong with it, or you. Some stuff is just always gonna fall flat for someone.


Dan_Felder t1_j2be22l wrote

It's good to explore why you don't like a show anymore without saying it's objectively bad because you personally don't like it, at least if you're interested in storytelling.


improper84 t1_j2bd5ja wrote

There are movies I know are good that I don't enjoy. There are movies I know are bad that I love. Art is complicated and subjective.


JumboSTEVEO t1_j2bb588 wrote

Thank you! Say it louder for the people in the back!


jchal t1_j2bk86q wrote

Yeah, in the old days, you could just… not enjoy something and move on with your life.


The9Volt t1_j2br9on wrote

I know that i have problems with the subject matter in some of the episodes. The constant nft and vr talk for me was somewhat off-putting.

Everything else around that has been great though imo. Strong season but not on the same level as season 2.


Dan_Felder t1_j2bdz4a wrote

Covid hurt the second season a lot, but in general it changed from having some likable characters dealing with the insanity of an over-the-top game company to just a bunch of unlikable insane people being jerks to eachother.

Season 1 is about Poppi being undervalued and Ian growing to share the spotlight with her. Season 2 shows that Poppi was a nightmare once she got power.


Nomahhhh t1_j2bq74g wrote

You nailed it. I found everyone so unappealing with no redeeming qualities.

The two women testers especially were given too much screen time. They could have been great side characters but there wasn't enough there to watch.

Poppi was great in the first season - I was rooting for her - and then she just turned into something unappealing. I think that's what they were going for, but it didn't work for me.

Cricket was just pathetic - he didn't seem real in his feebleness. At some point he needed to have an arc but it never happened.

I binged the first season but struggled through the second. I don't think I'll watch the third.


hoexloit t1_j2c62wr wrote

Hahaha that guy is always going to be known as Cricket


Dan_Felder t1_j2c959m wrote

Yes, the Producer was almost awesome in the wonderful Covid special episode where he got to almost pull one over on Brad - but they were too committed to the joke about him being pathetic. It's not fun to watch pathetic characters.

Most of the best series that get stronger over time show you new depths to their characters, new reasons to admire or respect them. Even Kevin and Gary/Jerry from the office and parks and rec specifically - two characters that exist to be mocked for incompetence - are frequently shown to be talented and exceptional in various areas that aren't their main job. When a character is pathetic solely to be pathetic, there's nowhere to go and it isn't that fun to watch.

He worked in season 1 because he wasn't pathetic so much as delusional about others respecting him. He allowed himself to be pushed around. That was why his fighting-game sharking in the covid episode was so satisfying, he was playing into the underestimation. It'd be cool if he WAS skilled at many things but was a nice, conflict-adverse guy that rarely felt the need to show it or had been promoted out of the areas he was most skilled in due to previous excellence.

The "let's mock him for being undatable" episode in particular was just painful. The guy is an average-looking wealthy tech executive at a powerful company. He's kind and respectful to others; he repeatedly puts himself on the line to protect the creative ambitions of his team, he does it again for the benefit of his workers during contract negotiations. You're telling me he's incapable of getting a date with any human woman?

It's just absurdly mean-spirited for the sake of being mean-spirited. I don't want to watch that.


Ryase_Sand t1_j2bz0ip wrote

MQ Is one of those shows where the tone is off. There are genuine moments like in the flashbacks where they seem like real people, and then other moments where the characters are absurd or over the top. It's like Silicon Valley (grounded) one minute and Toast of London (absurd) the next.


Jash09 t1_j2e4yv3 wrote

God I miss Ray Bloody Purchase


doogled3 t1_j2eeedp wrote

That’s a good way to put it. The actual drama is so in the background of the episode to episode cartoon that it feels shocking when anything moves forward in a meaningful way.


Mrofcourse t1_j2crh5m wrote

This explains why the HR lady was my favorite character


rottengut t1_j2bf48e wrote

It wasn’t doing much for me either until the episode about Ian and Poppy’s childhood and then I think I cried a little.

Definitely agree with some of the comments saying there isn’t much plot arc this season but that episode stood out as objectively good and getting me to better understand the characters.


pushdose t1_j2crj6c wrote

Same with the CW episode. Those one-off concept episodes are awesome. Young Poppy was ridiculously cute and she nailed Charlotte’s mannerisms and speech so well it was uncanny.


DRob2388 t1_j2c11gq wrote

All there one off episodes are great. They honestly should spend more time writing those type of episodes than the one about going to brunch. It’s like a studio of 100s of people yet it’s only 4 people you ever see.


dawdledale t1_j2ce06o wrote

Apparently there is going to be a spin-off that is exactly that


DonQOnIce t1_j2er4m9 wrote

I thought the brunch one was one of the better episodes this season but I also agree with you generally. The arcs are so slow, repetitive, and boring. Not sure what is up with the writing.


halloweencupcake t1_j2d4k4p wrote

That’s because I liked young Poppi and Ian. Their current characters are now where near as like able as they were in season 1. Poppi was one of my favorite characters and really liked the show. But now I can take it or leave it. It really is because they have made it hard to like anyone.


Natiel360 t1_j2dif16 wrote

It makes me think of the Always Sunny podcast where Charlie has to give Rob pushback on his ideas to make sure that Rob’s big ideas still push the plot forward. I think MQ season 3 has a great concept (two studios) and has done nothing with it to make us care


jopma t1_j2fdmsf wrote

Yes Rob admitted himself though that he needed charlies help for it, I dont think charlie bad much to do with S3 from the conversation they have on the podcast


hoohoo3000 t1_j2bq09a wrote

My biggest gripe is that Poppy has become a parody of the character. Unsure if it’s performance or writing but she’s felt much sillier this season than previous ones.


oocakesoo t1_j2btjmu wrote

That's typical of most sitcoms. If you look at iasip for example, they are Charactures of the former characters. Writers lean into what they think is the most extreme funny version of the character for laughs. Laughs over character going forward. They are longer complex people with quirks. They're all quirks.


metal_stars t1_j2b85ba wrote

Because it sucks this season.

There is no story happening.

There is no narrative thrust to Poppy and Ian starting their own studio. It's not a story. It's just a different setting. A story has characters trying to accomplish a goal, and obstacles in the way of that goal, with the audience invested in watching them overcome those obstacles.

This season has none of that. This season has nothing like that.

What a wasted opportunity. Why is the season not about their company finding its footing, dealing with setbacks, iterating the game, bargaining with investors, etc?

Compare this with, say, Silicon Valley. Different kinds of shows, to be sure. And Mythic Quest is never going to be a show that takes place in a lot of locations, etc. But both are about tech geniuses starting a new company. But within that frame Silicon Valley has storytelling.

Or even when Michael started to try to start a new paper company on The Office. There were story dynamics there. An arc was happening.

This season of Mythic Quest just... does not have storytelling. It's actually very weird.


peanutbudder t1_j2b9nq2 wrote

> But within that frame Silicon Valley has storytelling.

You mean the same story every season is story telling?


metal_stars t1_j2bep5x wrote

I mean, sure. I enjoyed Silicon Valley, but the point I was making wasn't that it's an infallible masterpiece, I was just comparing how it had story arcs to how this season of Mythic Quest doesn't.


DZ_tank t1_j2baarg wrote

Completely agree with this. They had Ian and Poppy split off from MQ…and for what? The change hasn’t impacted the show at all, except now half of the scenes take place in an empty Apple Store (my iPhone autocorrects “apple store” to uppercase, that’s crazy). Everything just feels like filler B plot. The Christmas episode was awful, which is so disappointing because the previous Christmas episode they made was fantastic.

I don’t know what happened, but it’s reminding me of the 4th season of Community. It feels like shitty fanfic writing, and absolutely nothing of any consequence has happened.


StuffonBookshelfs t1_j2bdvei wrote

And for what?

Idk…but I am interested in watching the rest of the season to find out the answer to this question?


DZ_tank t1_j2bete6 wrote

There are two episodes left. They made a huge change at the end of season 2, and 80% of the way through the following season it’s had zero impact. It’s been long enough to show this plot point was made with zero long term plan in mind, and it’s been handled very poorly.


StuffonBookshelfs t1_j2bh9c8 wrote

They made a lot of changes. CW had to be written out, they’re still doing partial Covid shooting, and this season was for working through them. And the first few episodes of this season were not written with a lot of jokes. But the end of this season has been great. If this is where they wanted to go with Ian and poppy, it was a hard place to get to.


After_Hovercraft7822 t1_j2bfnxl wrote

I like this season of MQ quite a bit.

I feel like more of them trying to work on an MQ expansion would have gotten stale and we’d still be complaining about it. Having Ian and Poppy be forced to intensely look at themselves and their relationship is a good way to keep things moving forward.

At the end of this season, both characters are going to have to make some dramatic internal changes, which allows this story to fold them back in to MQ as evolved characters. I don’t think this is story that could have happened while they were at MQ.

I will say, I think the B plot of MQ and the movie feels like it’s been really slow, and the C plot of the HR lady and monetization team seems to exist solely to keep these two characters around. I would have left Ashly Burch in school and had her remain a tester to pay her tuition. I would have left Pudi in prison, with a work release program at a department store. Then, when Grimpop finally works through their issues and secures finding, be told they need to figure out monetization and arrange to have Pudi work with them.


Samarski910 t1_j2fdn2g wrote

I loved Silicon Valley. There’s nothing like it.


DancingCactius t1_j2bncqg wrote

Season 3 is much worse than the first two seasons, simple as that.


openew t1_j2bog09 wrote

Theres no forward momentum. That is the problem

S1 was an origin story, which are always fun.

S2 was during covid, so got a pass

S3 is just... a random series of events strung together with a few laughs.

I suspect, since they come from the IASIF mind-set, of having dozens of seasons, that the goal is just to string it out as long as possible and take that sweet Apple+ money.


Fawqueue t1_j2biusr wrote

I can't speak for why you don't like it, but I can speak for why it's not working as effectively for me. They are down a noticeable cast member, and the remaining cast are split between two story lines, not intersecting as often as they did in season one. It feels more disjointed, and thus less enjoyable, than when they were all together playing off each other.

It would be true of any show. If Friends alternated between the guys doing stuff in Chandler's and Joey's apartment, and then the girls in Monica and Rachael's, with the two groups rarely all together, then it would have been a lot worse.


Ajguyette t1_j2d42w6 wrote

Giving Rachel’s character too much screen time…i find her soooo annoying, not giving either of the main characters any love interests for 3 whole seasons, keeping the comedy PG 99% of the time (don’t have to go full blown rated R but could add a little adult humor in there , also hate how almost every character went from working at MQ to doing their own thing or no longer being employed by them in 1 season essentially


mGreeneLantern t1_j2fhgg1 wrote

They split the party. You never split the party.


thehandsomecontest OP t1_j2fhqo4 wrote

! This is it! This is the answer. The reason you don't split the party in D&D is the same reason you don't do it in sitcoms it makes things lose focus.


Lincture t1_j2bqva3 wrote

Mister Quest?


junkronomicon t1_j2d5ztw wrote

It’s all about Jo for me. She’s a great character.


0nefatgrub t1_j2broiy wrote

Same. Couldn’t sit through more than half of the 2nd episode.


JoseSweeeney t1_j2cjhbk wrote

I just finished the childhood episode (ep 6 I think) and it was great. The rest of the episodes have been decent but it doesn’t have the same magic as season 1. I’m enjoying it though just a slight down grade honestly same feeling I got from Ted lasso after season 1. Still watchable just not as engaging I think Rob & Meg can pull it back to form though.


shortyg83 t1_j2e6fn1 wrote

I was thinking the same thing, I really like the first 2 seasons but season 3 had no story at all.

But the last few episodes were actually pretty good.


gonzagylot00 t1_j2fawjx wrote

It happens, no reason to feel bad about it. And really, maybe Mythic Quest told their story in the first two seasons and didn’t really need a third one.

I’m about 5 episodes in, and in certain ways it seems like they are just redoing the things that they already did in seasons one and two.

There are still some great performances in the show, especially Jessie Ennis as Jo.


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FrankPapageorgio t1_j2bfvs9 wrote

It has been bad… I can’t get through it.


redavid t1_j2bg6c5 wrote

i haven’t watched season 3, but perhaps it just continued being a repeat of season 1 with no advancement just like season 2 was?


FlopsMcDoogle t1_j2bglxo wrote

Oh weird I hadn't even heard season 3 was out...I guess I'll check it out


KYWizard t1_j2c0wcb wrote

Wow. Same. The aussie woman I can't stand. She is a terrible actress. But something else is


chromeshiel t1_j2d87i3 wrote

The show still succeeds in its dramatic elements, but misses the mark on humor. It was never a perfect comedy, but it had something special that isn't quite there this time.

And the conflict between Ian and Poppy turned from sweet to sour, unfortunately.


thehandsomecontest OP t1_j2dmumv wrote

Seems like the consensus is that the story doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. I looked at the IMDb and the only change in the writers section from S2 to S3 is Humphrey Kar becoming the story editor. I'm not going to lay all the problems at his feet but, seems like the place to start.


Benway23 t1_j2dw8bn wrote

I just like seeing Ashley Birch getting work.


MSW_21 t1_j2f371a wrote

I find her so overused in this season - like they’re forcing her down my throat


mymousu t1_j2frl2t wrote

I agree!!!!! It’s so lame and boring now!


[deleted] t1_j2b7xcd wrote

Didn't realize S03 was out. Guess I'll have to wait for another 3 month trial of Apple TV.


OneIShot t1_j2bbeeq wrote

It’s only like $7….


[deleted] t1_j2bbtkw wrote

I refuse to give apple my money.


OneIShot t1_j2dxhez wrote

Seems silly if they are producing stuff you like. Not to mention not supporting the literal people making it.


abbzug t1_j2bc7yx wrote

Have there been any changes to your medication recently?


PetyrDayne t1_j2b6o4l wrote

The only good episodes were the ones with young CW. The show should have been a dramadey
