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WordsAreSomething t1_j147j6o wrote

The one set at Christmas is the best to rewatch at Christmas? I don't know...


ArchDucky t1_j1480x7 wrote

I was planning on watching it again next June 14th. Now I don't know what I'll watch on Flag Day.


TheRoguedOne t1_j148yoe wrote

I usually watch the Inhumans on Flag Day and Falcon and the Winter Soldier for Christmas. Hawkeye is more of a Labor day binge.


inksmudgedhands t1_j14bbu6 wrote

There's something about Clint that I like about that Hawkeye kind of touched on. Clint is the only Avenger who strikes me as not wanting to be an Avenger. The guy doesn't want to be a superhero. He wants to be an undercover agent. A spy. But now his face is being plastered everywhere. There is even a musical with his likeness in it. And, frankly, he is kind of over it. I can imagine his kids dragging him to see Rogers the Musical and he reluctantly went along to make them happy. Otherwise, he would probably roll his eyes at the idea and never see it.

I want to see more stories of this side of Clint. The reluctant superhero. He would be a good mentor to the Young Avengers. I can see Kate dragging him into the fold, all proud and hero worshiping him and demanding he be their Nick Fury. And Clint sighing and doing so because deep down he is protective of these kids. He wants them to thrive. He wants them to do well.


TheBlackSwarm t1_j14bnlh wrote

I think Jeremy Renner is over the role honestly.


inksmudgedhands t1_j14h8sg wrote

I think he's over by how the character has been written before the Hawkeye series. But I think if you would lean more on the spy who doesn't want to be a superhero part, I think it would work. Like I said, Hawkeye, the series, felt like a shot in the arm for the character. We saw how broken he is. And it would be interesting to see more of that side and get to know his backstory.


the_original_Retro t1_j14cmgj wrote

Yeah, I have to agree.

There was a "tiredness" about him in the first episode that I coincidentally watched last night so the memory is fresh. His character not only looked like Hawkeye didn't want to be there, the actor looked like RENNER didn't want to be there.

The parenting scenes at the restaurant were horribly written, woodenly acted and looked out of place. They felt... tired as well.

Maybe this changes in later episodes but the first episode really didn't shine a good light on the Hawkeye actor. I realize he was supposed to be someone that was tiredly dealing with the legacy of his previous actions and not wanting any of the publicity that came with it... but it was almost too genuine as it bled through the whole portrayal.


Fit_Serve726 t1_j14qv9u wrote

I think thats just him as an actor, he was the same in that terrible movie The Hurt Locker.


the_original_Retro t1_j14uxfg wrote

I think he has some shining moments.

He was quite good in his Bourne-related role, and he's excellent with banter (that scene with him and Quicksilver in Avengers 2 just makes me chortle every time).

They're just not coming across in this series... or, to be fair, at least not yet.


Fit_Serve726 t1_j14wgyf wrote

Yeah, Its tough to say, Im not sure how far you are into it, or if you have watched it before, but a few better actors come into it, and he is still kind of wooden compared to them. I do need to rewatch it again, but I am in the middle of my annual Band of brothers watching.


Reptar_here_me_roar t1_j15p1ps wrote

Yeah, I think what I like about Hawkeye is when I first saw him on the big screen I was like,”lol who does this fucking guy think he is? He thinks he’s an avenger with his little bow and arrow and karate? Fuck offff!” And then he’s like “yeah I kinda feel the exact same fucking way kill me now” so I’m like “hmm ok fine. I guess ur moves r prety kool”


BuzzHuzzFuzz t1_j1827dm wrote

Which is funny, because in every one of his appearances, he was instrumental in saving the world and without him, Avengers lost lol.


Reptar_here_me_roar t1_j1869wc wrote

Exactly. I actually think they did a great job on his character despite my low expectations


IAmTheClayman t1_j14t9ol wrote

“Quick, we need to churn out an article before the holiday break!”

“Uhhhhh, I know! I’ll write something about how the MCU show set during Christmas is good to rewatch at Christmas”

“Johnson, you genius! Someone’s getting a holiday bonus”

(FR though, I liked Hawkeye but this might be the laziest in a long line of lazy Collider articles)


JANGO- t1_j14jw6p wrote

The show is dog but ok


keothi t1_j16n09j wrote

Pretty sure you mean that as an insult but all I can think of is who's a good doggo?!


Paolo94 t1_j157sdf wrote

I actually quite enjoyed this show. It’s rare to have a show centered entirely around Christmas. There’s tons of Christmas themed episodes of shows, or one off specials, but we don’t often get entire seasons of shows focused around this holiday. It was a nice little treat coming back each week for Hawkeye’s continued Christmas misadventures, and there was a sort of charm to how low stakes the story was.

The writing, especially for the villains, wasn’t necessarily the best, and I had some issues with the finale, but the atmosphere and setting really went a long way for my enjoyment of the show. Also, the soundtrack was really good, and Hailee Steinfeld is a great addition to the MCU. Hawkeye isn’t my favorite Marvel show, but I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.


the_cardfather t1_j1651sf wrote

I understand why they didn't but I really would have liked it if they had turned the villains up a notch.


trevorda92 t1_j14ixuf wrote

I watched it for the first time this season was really good enjoyed the Hawkeye angle of him just wanting to be out of the spotlight again after many years of big fights along with all the damage he took. Kate was also a really nice addition to the team had a lot of spunk and stubbornness that made her fun.


PTzai t1_j16xul0 wrote



TheRealEnemabagJones t1_j149yai wrote

Definitely not the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.


DMPunk t1_j14psed wrote

I wouldn't recommend that one because it was terrible


Malf1532 t1_j16yup0 wrote

Watched it. Enjoyed it. Not going to watch it again. Nice try.


Randiebobandie t1_j15fctn wrote

Marvel (and Star Wars) is so saturated with low quality content. Disney, you took too much man, too much, too much.


drakesylvan t1_j14ewq9 wrote

My girlfriend and I just rewatched it and it's really fantastic. I don't care what anyone says. This was a wonderful series.


rageofreaper t1_j17r6r3 wrote

Totally agree. People on here are so fucking weirdly jaded. Some dude above criticising Renner for playing a Hawkeye who’s sick of this shit to the point he believed the actor felt the same and it’s like…just good acting dumbass.

Anyway I loved it. It was fun, I invested in Kate big time, i though Yelena was fun during her banter and scenes with Kate.


horseren0ir t1_j17vh1b wrote

Those same people were saying he’s a shit actor and the hurt locker is a shit film, tasteless peasants


PineappleZaddy t1_j17e7bu wrote

gonna be a yearly tradition for you? pass it down to your grandkids?


Fit_Serve726 t1_j14qn5r wrote

Always loved Vincent D'onofrio, he was always the best Detective in the law and order shows.


Blakeyo123 t1_j15br11 wrote

Okay you could also watch something new and interesting though


Calfzilla2000 t1_j15u0pc wrote

It's a decent show. Re-watching it now and I wouldn't say it's worth the re-watch (my girlfriend didn't see it originally though). It has some fun moments and the cast is really good.


KickerofTale t1_j16qo5y wrote

I’d argue that none of the MCU shows are worth a rewatch.


goliathfasa t1_j17pc92 wrote

That Disney advertising dollar not going to waste.


Ninetynineups t1_j16iefv wrote

Just watch the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special. It was darn good


azriel777 t1_j17um3q wrote

This is totally not an advertisement guys /s


ChrisChrisBangBang t1_j17ztds wrote

I dropped off it last Christmas & didn’t watch the last 3 episodes, I just watched them the other day, very Christmassy, enjoyable ending. I would be excited to see Florence Pugh starring in her own black widow movie.

Wouldn’t say it’s a definite rewatch but if you’re a fan of Marvel & for some reason didn’t go in on it last year it’s worth a look as a Christmas themed show


dershmoo t1_j18c68j wrote

It’s not a bad show but who would waste their time rewatching it? There is so much new content you could check out instead of rewatching a mediocre show.


ibot2 t1_j18khjp wrote

I don't understand watching a sidekick character. He shoots arrows...wooioooooooo


heliumeyes t1_j19gkr3 wrote

Lol. Nonsense. It’s a decent show. Not worth a rewatch. Loki is one of the few MCU shows worth rewatching imo.


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mickeyflinn t1_j14r04w wrote

In order to re-watch it, I would have had to watched it already and no thanks.

I am done with supercape shit.


Loganp812 t1_j14t93a wrote

Why? Because it happens to take place during Christmas?

I mean, it was a decent show as far as the Disney+ MCU shows go, I guess. It wasn't "omg I have to rewatch this!" levels of good.


JohnnyGFX t1_j15ty0d wrote

Rewatch? I have yet to feel inclined to watch it a first time.


hadriker t1_j17a7r2 wrote

Its a solid low-stakes show that's easy to rewatch. Great cast with good chemistry.


Also, I am just a big fan of Yelena.


Sulley87 t1_j181hdu wrote

Its my favorite show out of the marvel TV series, which is odd because i never liked Clint on screen. I enjoy Hawkeye more than Loki and Wandavision (they're both a close second). The atmosphere and dialogue of Hawkeye really transported me without making it feel like a set or studio which is a major problem these days with movies and tv.


TheDeadlyCat t1_j1894y3 wrote

I like how Clint gets meds, band aids etc. and we get to see the consequences side of all these heroics. Including his hearing aid.

Makes that drop from Nat in Black Widow stand out even more as BS.


chickbarnard t1_j18bj0v wrote

It set as Xmas, its cheerful, there's a lovely doggie, Jeremy is badass in it, Hailee is gorgeous and it doesn't feature a slightly awful country song. I'm pointing at you Guardians!!!


sizzlinpapaya t1_j18iss1 wrote

I thought this show didn’t get nearly enough love. Everyone that reviews marvel movies and stuff always wants some big bombastic thing with world altering implications but man, this was a nice story focusing on some good characters. I love Clint in this and his relationship with Kate was very fun to see grow.


bliceroquququq t1_j18r3uu wrote

Thanks MCU marketing department for this totally not paid for article encouraging us to watch a show.


MeronDC t1_j1gcppc wrote

the best show never to see under any circumstances


dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_j26herr wrote

Except the MCU is awful, so it’s like the best rotten apple of a basket of bad apples


CortaNalgas t1_j14mjyu wrote

Oh shit it’s been a whole-ass year since I watched it


jl_theprofessor t1_j14tqri wrote

It's boring garbage that willingly tries to commit character assassination of a beloved Marvel villain.


feric89 t1_j159phk wrote

Is that you Disney??? You're not supposed to be on Reddit while at work


peaphive t1_j14eaxt wrote

Bold of you to assume i watched it in the first place.


anasui1 t1_j152r00 wrote

I'd rather watch a random super depressing Ingmar Bergman movie than rewatching any of the MCU shows, already soldiered on through that garbage

Hawkeye has one good scene. One. When Clint does his thing in the warehouse. The rest is awful


Lobh24 t1_j15hsck wrote



Vat1canCame0s t1_j149rmy wrote

OP didn't need the last three words of the title.


NickQuickly t1_j14pvmg wrote

Lol Stop it Disney bots, go to bed your drunk. This show was so bad, so boring, so fucking uneventful. Please don’t waste your time. I hope this low level, zero effort, and just all around trash writing stops with the next phase. At this point Marvels going the CW route with a Disney level budget. Seriously every marvel Disney+ show besides maybe loki is absolutely trash and embarrassment to what marvel has put out before Disney+ was a thing. It’s totally okay to like or even love these shows but if you go around promoting them and telling people they are great then you my friend are just a fucking lair who can’t admit loves garbage tv.
