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aescarra t1_j1i783b wrote

This, is a very, very terrible post


MUCHO2000 t1_j1icxje wrote

Agree to disagree. Terrible? Nah. This post was much worse than terrible and therefore must be labeled horrendous.


DeBlasioDeBlowMe t1_j1ie35x wrote

Fast forward every ten seconds and then complain about the show. That’s like when my GF is on TikTok throughout a whole movie and then says she just didn’t get it.


JWells16 t1_j1i7u5g wrote

Look, people are allowed to have different tastes, and it just seems like this show isn’t for you. That doesn’t make it terrible.

Your critique of Tanya not growing is part of her character and one of the central themes to season one.


kickbutt_city t1_j1i98ro wrote

Exactly. I don't care for heavy metal. That doesn't mean it's terrible music.


hoxxxxx t1_j1idnq1 wrote

i feel that way about jazz. i just don't get it, maybe because i'm not a musical person or whatever. it's nails on a chalkboard to me.


JHtotheRT t1_j1ia2f6 wrote

Yeah but this is a pretty obvious troll post. Why would you keep watching if you hated it? And the. Watch season 2 as well? It’s just trying to trigger fans of the show.


Rdw72777 t1_j1iawdv wrote

Film studies major. And keep in mind she didn’t “keep watching” she was “fast-forwarding every 10 seconds”…which is the tv watching version of the I didn’t have eggs subreddit.


phatelectribe t1_j1i9tmy wrote

I’m one of those that find it terrible as well, and just feel so many people are drinking the koolaid because Jen Coolidge is finally having her moment in the sun.

20 minutes in we’re looking at a ball sack for shock value and in general the acting is mediocre at best. You don’t really care for any of the characters and I found it a complete slog to get through the first season, let alone second which I gave up on during episode 2.


skrillatine t1_j1iakbr wrote

Lol who gives a fuck about stifflers mom? It's a good show with interesting characters in interesting and very human situations. The show is downright fascinating, and the eerie score pushes along the sense of dread and anxiety. It's very cohenesque


phatelectribe t1_j1ib55g wrote

Who cares? Lol have you been on the internet or seen the awards she’s being given as the “star” of the show?


skrillatine t1_j1ibsrv wrote

I promise no one is watching it for her, there are far more relevant actors in the show. No shade to her. She really carried pootie tang lol


phatelectribe t1_j1icpz8 wrote

Ah so everyone’s opinion in irrelevant detail except your hot take about who is watching and why?


Rdw72777 t1_j1idq7g wrote

You gave up at episode 2 but have passionate opinions about season 2? That’s like eating an appetizer but giving a bad review for a full tasting menu.


phatelectribe t1_j1ih4jb wrote

Nah, it was just even lamer that season 1 so I wasn’t going to waste anymore time. You’ll note my comments were about the show in general.


2ndChanceCharlie t1_j1i7ybn wrote

This show has a very unique vibe. The awkward tension is what makes it enjoyable. If you are fast forwarding looking for some big plot to emerge you will miss the whole point of the show.


Omar_Blitz t1_j1i8jv6 wrote

There's a sense of impending doom. Like chaos can rain down any moment now.


moorej66 t1_j1iad1t wrote

That's exactly what I love about White lotus. Season 2 took it to another level. I can understand why people don't like it but it's the Best show of 2022 imo.


societymike t1_j1ibmxm wrote

Close, but Andor was the best for me.


moorej66 t1_j1ibsev wrote

I'm 5 episodes into Andor and love it.


cwt36 t1_j1icrjc wrote

I’m jealous, you have so much fun ahead of you that I want to experience again.


Sublimed4 t1_j1idjfs wrote

I loved Andor. A totally different vibe than all the other Star Wars movies/shows.


tsturte1 t1_j1ic6w9 wrote

Good to know. I have this bad habit of giving a series 2 episodes. My wife says I've missed a bunch of good shows. I need to pay more attention


moorej66 t1_j1icx6u wrote

My wife has same problem. Most of us probably have busy lives and not willing to waste time when something not clicking. There is so much good television.


Fonzee327 t1_j1ic0fl wrote

Yeah and constantly has me back and forth with who the body in the ocean ends up being. Entertaining enough for me to watch and to keep me guessing.


micopico09 t1_j1ietod wrote

like a certain volcano is about to erupt?


sp1ralhel1x t1_j1jejp4 wrote

Post Show Recaps said the volcano was actually erupting during filming. (*according to elite daily as a source)


Blabatee t1_j1ibxio wrote

I agree with you, 2ndChanceCharlie. OP obviously didn’t get it. It’s a great show and unlike anything else I’ve seen.


classicb23 t1_j1i8x1q wrote

“I was fast forwarding every 10 seconds”


apscis t1_j1i9pq6 wrote

“Hoping for an ending that tied everything together, that I wouldn’t be able to properly appreciate, having not watched everything.”


Arackels t1_j1i82hx wrote

Like, you are not even getting the surface level. Holy fuck.


McG0788 t1_j1iaokq wrote

Ya OP doesn't like the show because they're too dumb to understand it. The escort taught Albie a valuable (albeit expensive) lesson...


Vandesco t1_j1i88qv wrote

Um, are you sure you like Dark comedies?


EMOHLED t1_j1i70sb wrote

Nah you just have very very terrible taste


Swivman t1_j1i847q wrote

Tell me you have no taste without telling me you have no taste


financialanon t1_j1i9g3x wrote

To say the two escorts don't add anything to the show makes me wonder what could have gone so wrong in your life.


MFP3492 t1_j1i9qca wrote

Lol same I feel like, they were the glue for all the characters.


pivazena t1_j1icv0l wrote

Right? They are the agents of chaos this season


Rdw72777 t1_j1ibgif wrote

I mean I absolutely hated the escorts, but I don’t think there was enough plot without them. I didn’t care for the 3 generations of Albie characters either but it was pretty obvious in the end what the intent was, although for the first few episodes it was just confusing (honestly if you’re a mega millionaire on vacation with family just meet your escorts somewhere that isn’t 20 feet from your family, right?)


johnjonjameson t1_j1if9fp wrote

You hated them?? Why exactly..


Rdw72777 t1_j1iga9k wrote

I found the singer to be too pushy and her morals were moved so quickly, she went from kind of not being into the prostitution to doing it really quickly. The other one I just found to be too entitled and everything just kept working out for her. Neither one seemed to suffer any consequences for their actions and they just repeatedly got what they wanted. They had outmaneuvered everyone in a chess match when honestly a mentally deficient farm animal would have nipped their plots in the bud many times throughout the season.


Yamsforyou t1_j1isr6j wrote

I think another way to look at them is that they both had very clear and consistent motivations. 1) The singer just wanted to sing. Didn't matter what the consequences were, she just wanted to follow her dream. 2) Lucia clearly just wanted money. Ideally with kindness and fun times thrown in.

And White Lotus as a whole consistently tells a story about easy attractive people have it and of course, how money insulates you from consequence (until youre targeted because of that wealth). The main characters wife in season 1, the CEOs daughter in season 1, the escorts in this season - their youth and beauty are all mentioned time and time again, and the glimpse we have of their summer is spent at a top tier resort. No one was looking to nip their plots or even worry about their ulterior motives. They were given everything freely simply because they were beautiful.


Rdw72777 t1_j1j9fl6 wrote

See if it was that I could be more engaged, but we’re supposed to find them diabolical. One manipulated the most dim-Sutter college graduate this side of Stupidville. The other nearly kills someone with random pills and takes his job because she manipulated the hotel manger not so much with sex but being the only person on Earth who figured out she was a lesbian. Every intelligent person who encountered them wasn’t so much mesmerized by their beauty as they were “eh whatever, you’re not worth me turning my brain on for”.

I think my main bother with the non-singer was how transparent her plot was with the pimp. Like when the encountered him on the family trip they all bought into the “I’m trying to protect you” when the older 2 clearly snuffed out the scheme like 2 hours later (maybe it was a day not it was so immediate). They were both so concerned about her not getting in the car with him and then just immediately once money came into the picture they were suddenly not worried about her and figured it all out. Also, it seems kind of unlikely they hadn’t spent near that amount during their week of expensive shopping plus the nightly rates already, which made $50k just seem so…insignificant? Wasn’t the rate $2k per night each and Imperioli had like 3 nights and Albie 1 and then all the shopping, they must have already spent $20k, likely more, on them by the time of the $50k plot even came up.


Yamsforyou t1_j1jb2og wrote

Albie was a willing victim. He even said he had a thing for pretty, broken birds and wasn't even mad when he admitted he was played. He wanted the attention of a pretty woman but more than that he had a savior complex that showed up with both Lucia and the blonde. He pushed his father to get Lucia the money just as much to spite the father as to potentially "help" Lucia. He clearly states the money is nothing to his father. And they come from generational wealth which only compounds the idea.

With the hotel manager, it's not that no one could tell she was a lesbian, but that no one cared for her. No one looked her way. No one hits on her other than the singer, even though other women are continuously complimented. Her male coworkers thought she was a bitch. She is shown feeding cats during her spare time. Once again, it shows how people (especially socially anxious/reclusive people) easily fold and fawn when under the attention of someone beautiful.


Rdw72777 t1_j1jtohw wrote

I mean she didn’t fold or fawn to beautiful people, she was forced to accept the escorts because Imperioli made her and he was hardly beautiful. She was quite repulsed by the escorts personally/professionally, until magically she wasn’t, because the girl she was repulsed by acknowledged she was a lesbian and offered her sex when she was at her lowest moment. Recall leading up to that she realized the other front desk attendant she had a crush on didn’t realize she was a lesbian and that it was a date.


Yamsforyou t1_j1jw4np wrote

In my interpretation, she was clearly the hardworking manager with a stick up her ass always scrambling to have things perfect. She barked orders and didn't particularly care for anyone except the receptionist she had a crush on. She didn't openly identify herself as a lesbian because social stigma/cultural stigma especially with the higher place of authority she held in the hotel in a country with a terrible employment rate. The singer gave her an "out" from that feeling through offering to be her "girlfriend". She's repulsed by the fact these women chose to be escorts but she's not repulsed by the women themselves.

The receptionist was already taken and actively flirting with her fiance everyday at work so it's not surprising she didn't really notice her boss giving her gifts was pursuing her romantically. And after having sex with the singer, the manager quite happily lets the couple be. In my opinion, the manager never really made it obvious that she was pursuing her - women at work give eachother gifts all the time where I'm from.


Rdw72777 t1_j1k8xs4 wrote

The issue with that is that she wasn’t particularly hardworking and had barely any interaction with guests. Did any action she was actually shown taking was actually to improve the customer experience? Her barking at both male reception guys, cozying to the female reception person, switching the make reception guys and then switching back, etc were just all based on personal dislike with no regard for guests. Even her own interactions with Imperioli she was standoffish and she was obnoxious to/about Tanya.

Contrast that with season 1 when Armond was all over the place with trying to please customers and get the best out of staff (literally) and then the poor spa manager was essentially Tanya’s unpaid Portia. They really made the S2 resort manager almost useless and not acting in the interests of anyone but herself. In that vein I’m not even sure, after watching S2, what made that hotel experience better than a Hampton Inn except the location; when did anyone at the resort do anything spectacular for guests…arranging for a Vespa or maybe terrible lounge singing…lol?


Yamsforyou t1_j1kb6zd wrote

Fair point. I took her title and willingness to order around her coworkers as her having some sort of reputation that would have earned her the spot. She's also the one that spots the escorts first, when the other staff don't notice and the one of the first hotel responders to the original pianist's heart attack, and the one to be filled in about the dead bodies floating in the water. Clearly chain of command is very strong despite the fact she treats them like trash.

What I saw was a lonely woman who only had her work going for her, who gets progressively more creepy as her crush develops. I understand how others could see her as a more malicious character than that. I do appreciate that both managers from season 1 and 2 offered what they did with consenting parties though. Even though they both leveraged their position and the benefits they could give through work, it wasn't a situation of heinousness, more like transactional opportunity.

Also, everyone was obnoxious about Tanya lol. It's her whole character arc that she just doesn't understand how her sensitivities and personal asks imposes on literally everyone around her. Even the spa lady got tired of her.

I agree Armond was a much better hotel manager from the optics of the clientele, but that's why the robbery plot in season 1 was relevant. To a degree, the people working at the hotel (the native people) were oppressed and forced to serve the rich white clients that gave them their livelihood. While in Italy, none of that culture was present. The clientele and the staff weren't on such widely different planes of social class. The staff in Italy were allowed to flirt on the clock, whisper about clients, openly give disapproving looks to the clientele (when Albies dad signed the escorts in), and so forth. I think the show was very conscientious about the respective backgrounds of the resort locations and the people who naturally live and work there.


Rdw72777 t1_j1kbwe8 wrote

I didn’t even find her creepy, she was just adult-awkward. The broach purchase like 1-2 days after the compliment and mention of the shop was on the line but I don’t think she realized what she was doing with that (though she did with Rocco’s banishment). All in all her character was a bit of a shoulder shrug fir me, but Armond set the bar too damn high (and low) in S1 lol.

The resort seemed so average that I just had to pretend it was not high end so honestly none of the staff behavior even mattered, which I was fine with, but it’s such a huge contrast to S1.


partial_arts t1_j1i8cdk wrote

You watched 2 seasons of a show you didn’t enjoy, then wrote an entire essay about it? Lame.


CamBlamSlam t1_j1iatr1 wrote

No, they watched 12 minutes of a show between all the fast forwarding and then spent longer than that writing the essay


Pfordy40 t1_j1i8kps wrote

You should call and complain


jspurg t1_j1i7vjj wrote



InventedInternet t1_j1i7wb1 wrote

You do realize what a misdirection is right?


econhistoryrules t1_j1i88pz wrote

Fellow readers: can you imagine living your whole life with this kind of taste?


Necessary-Feature576 t1_j1ibyy0 wrote

I know, I was feeling weird reading this post and being able to think that I just disagree with each statement. Then I saw that no one agrees with OP so I feel less weird. Like, I personally thought the theme song for the second season was fantastic and couldn't believe someone didn't like it.


Faustt_Thee_Artist t1_j1i6vn9 wrote

What’s a show you do like?


EMOHLED t1_j1i77xc wrote

Probably the office/parks and rec

Edit: this wasn't meant as a dig at those show. I like them too. But they are very streamlined and mainstream so I was just saying if someone really likes those, they probably don't love the HBO style


ponchomoran t1_j1i8c2g wrote

The office and parks n recs are great, he probably likes Big bang theory


tigersanddawgs t1_j1i98i7 wrote

I love P&R and white lotus! the office is a bit too cringey humor for me though


Yenserl6099 t1_j1i8q1y wrote

There’s nothing wrong with liking the Office and Parks and Rec. Both are good shows


Rdw72777 t1_j1ib00u wrote

You laugh but her comment history she’s show a post on r/DunderMifflin


skengly t1_j1i8dfe wrote

You not liking the show and it being terrible are two different things...


alltheriffs t1_j1i8uy8 wrote

It sounds like you didn’t even watch the show.


scootscooterson t1_j1i9y0x wrote

OP we’re all concerned you don’t know what a plot is.


mganges t1_j1i7qpk wrote

You are very, very, very wrong


ggakablack t1_j1i9kwz wrote

Imagine watching the entire season two and thinking there’s no plot going on, lol. Maybe stick to Blue’s Clues or something?


IFiguredUOut t1_j1i98aq wrote

This sounds like a review from somebody who is used to TikTok and superhero movies.

Not every show or movie needs instant gratification. If you’re fast forwarding, I’m guessing you’re looking for a scene with explosions or an insane, violent murder.

This is definitely not for you. Sounds like you’re more of a Fast and Furious/John Wick/Yellowstone type. And that’s cool. I think those are all terrible, but I know people like them.

Different strokes for different folks.


LooseSeal88 t1_j1i9n1b wrote

So, like...the point is that the characters are almost all supposed to be unlikeable. You're not supposed to outright root for anybody.


alphagray t1_j1icnmi wrote

I don't know if that's 100% accurate. I would agree that they're all terrible, but the show doesn't sell you on the idea that you're not supposed to root for anybody. In fact, it rather enjoys selling you in the idea that someone is terrible and then pivoting to elicit your sympathy for them for a while only to then expose their ruinous selves again, which is something of a rug pull. Armond is deeply relatable and sympathetic.... If yiu forget the bit where his biggest problem with handling a workplace birth was how it was going to affect him. His downward spiral after that is just sad. Funny, but heartbreaking once you get to the end.

Only true if you invest in him of course. If you like watching stuff at a high level and not buying in, I mean, it's great TV for that. Otherwise it sometimes feels like it's making a joke of its audience, which I just kind of don't have time for. The world is garbage, I don't need TV to make me feel bad.


LLJedi t1_j1ia6qs wrote

I think season 1 was good and had substance to the white privilege stuff but season 2 didn’t have that. It became compelling water cooler talk for couples I think with the whole did he do anything wrong by not telling his wife / kissing the prostitute and doing molly but the over arching theme that you can’t escape yourself even on vacations and the types of problems the elite deal with didn’t hit that well for me


BigDEEZZY69 t1_j1i8zrv wrote

This show was great. It's weird but funny and different.


financialanon t1_j1i9s81 wrote

I had a friend like OP. He used to just enjoy being provocative.

His go to opinion to trigger everyone in college was that he didn't like Bob Marley.


Rdw72777 t1_j1ierq6 wrote

Surprised it wasn’t about the Beatles.


eddiej21 t1_j1ia02l wrote

Why do characters always need growth? There’s people in the real world who don’t grow from age 20-death, I love when someone is portrayed like this. She never needed to grow, so she didn’t.


seltzerforme t1_j1i9qw9 wrote

And the truth shall set us free! Thank you, I thought it was just me. Totally overrated show


100yearsago t1_j1ibotr wrote

Why would you watch season 2 when you didn’t even like season one? What a choad you must be in real life.


Gozillasbday t1_j1i82pn wrote

I don't like the show, but it's very well made. At least from what I know from watching season 1. The acting is great and for what it is it's pretty great, I just don't like things like that. Kinda wish I didn't bother with season 1 and skipped season 2, you probably should have done the same.

I also really don't like The Who, but I can acknowledge that they're good at what they do. Something else I also ignore. There's lots of other things out there you might enjoy, do that instead.


Westerosifatlord t1_j1i9ds2 wrote

I liked season 2 of The White Lotus. Having never watched Aubrey Plaza in anything else(I do not like sitcoms), I didn’t find her to be a particularly good actress.


Rdw72777 t1_j1icp6w wrote

I mean if the acting on this season hers was probably actually below average. Meaghann Fahy (Daphne) was probably the best, followed by Leo Woodall (Jack). The rest of the acting kind of is subjective, like Theo James (Cameron) was so hateable is only partly because of acting because he was written to be so dickish. Jennifer Coolidge, you either love her or hate her. The whole DiGrasso family (Imperioli, Abraham, DiMarco) we’re utilized weirdly (except maybe Albie, but his arc was meh) and none really came off as great acting really. I honestly thought Portia was like the 4th best actor in the last few episodes, but was kind of a canvas to explore Albie’s character the first few episodes.

Notice I didn’t mention Plaza (Harper) or Sharon (Ethan), yeah they were just kinda meh, dominated by Fahy and James in almost every scene they were in together. Also meh, the gays, the hotel staff and the escorts.

I think the writing might have been layered better this season, but the acting might have been a bit off from the first season.

Oof did I ramble on lol.


Kurisoo t1_j1ieoxa wrote

Pretty much how I feel exactly. Season 1 was better imo because of more consistently good acting and a straightforward plot. Season 2 was trying to juggle too many storylines that didn’t end up connecting and all left you wishing they were fleshed out more.


Rdw72777 t1_j1ifq0w wrote

The formula was definitely different in season 2, except Jen Coolidge. We were meant to kind of like the hotel staff in S1 but not in S2, fir instance. But at the end of the day I’ll definitely watch a S3.


joshuahuntkc t1_j1ibljt wrote

Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it requires a post. Your critiques are pretty flat. You don’t like it and that’s fine. Better off tweeting it.


girouxfilms t1_j1ic3a6 wrote

“But then I was fast forwarding every 10 seconds”

Holy heck, how can you even begin to understand the multi-layered complexities of this show if you are too impatient to even watch it fully? Sounds like this show might have just gone over your head.


bofofob t1_j1ich71 wrote

I think that the first season was pretty funny and this one just isn’t really. That’s a big risk. It’s interesting that they chose to do that, but also obvious that some people won’t like that choice.


RyghtHandMan t1_j1iedg8 wrote

I think some people feel the need to watch every popular show to avoid feeling left out of the cultural conversation, and not only does that mindset presuppose that every show has the same mass appeal but it also makes people actively resentful of media that they feel has wasted their time when they don't find it gratifying enough within the time that they have invested in it. But they still feel the need to have "finished" it

If you're fast forwarding through a show, just stop watching it. You've already decided it isn't worth your time.


Rdw72777 t1_j1jvh2w wrote

I like Aubrey Plaza well enough, but I can’t imagine fast forwarding to get to her and her only. It’s just so oddly specific fir the quality of acting and type of characters she’s known for.


CFT0417 t1_j1iewq9 wrote

Yeah I stopped watching halfway through season 2. I just didn't care about any of them. Season 1 was ok and I was hoping 2 would be better, but it wasn't and I quickly lost interest


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gibson531 t1_j1i9iev wrote

I don't understand why people feel they need to make these kinds of posts. You didn't like it, who cares?


laserinlove t1_j1iatf9 wrote

Counterpoint, it's great.


shroomsaregoooood t1_j1ib4gj wrote

I found it quite boring personally, but definitely wouldn't call it terrible, as I think it's good at what it's meant for. The entire first season felt like a long weird tease where I kept expecting something more interesting to start happening but it never really does. I guess that's somehow the point of the show? Idk after the first episode of season 2 I just couldn't do it anymore. The whole thing plays out like a vanilla resort based reality show from VH1 with a bougie twist. But yeah it's ok to not be the target audience of any given show. Doesn't mean it's terrible 🤷‍♂️


SGlace t1_j1ib9ey wrote

I don’t feel like you understand what the show was about if you’re looking for character growth.

Also the music score was great sorry


chrissamperi t1_j1icj8z wrote

That’s a shame. Well keep at it! Maybe someday you’ll acquire good taste! ✌🏻


AJStroup22 t1_j1id368 wrote

agreed, s1 was good but i’d rather watch paint dry than watch s2 again


AJStroup22 t1_j1id84t wrote

these comments are not it


bootyboixD t1_j1idmjw wrote

It’s nice to see a post from someone else who doesn’t really get the hype for this show, I just wish it was a better critique than this lmao


TheCircleMethod t1_j1idqnv wrote

I liked it. My wife liked season 2 more even though it took a while to get going. Liked the ending, not sure if it was quite (pooping in the luggage) but the fall off the boat was great


alphaminus t1_j1ie11v wrote

This show is a cool new kind of thing. A prestige cringe opera, with phenomenal writing and acting that shows us a curated beautiful world populated by deeply flawed people. They all live out their own private tragedies and basically almost never grow or connect. Also it's funny.


Rdw72777 t1_j1judxh wrote

And it had a scene with an Opera…with the Queen of Sicily in the audience lol.


Future_Sundae7843 t1_j1ie1mv wrote

>Especially Tanya. Truth be told, her character was the most terrible one in the show. No character growth, and just annoying in general.

well shes got BPD.


in_the_qz t1_j1ie3pd wrote

Haha well I feel like not growing is Tanya's whole thing. It took me awhile to put my finger on why she and her assistant seem to similar - for me, the point is that Tanya never developed past the mentality of a 20 year old. I think her fate made sense as there isn't really any more mileage there.

It's totally ok to not be into this show. I tend to like plot-heavy shows and this is NOT one of them. I do think they should have stuck to 6 episodes, there really just wasn't enough there this season to justify 7. I think I still enjoy it because it's fun to talk about the characters with other people and there's a lot you can analyze. I did prefer season 1 though, as I really loved to hate some of those characters. This year the folks were more sympathetic.


BjornBeetleBorg t1_j1iejhf wrote

Gurl, bye. season 2 of that show was great appointment television


smacks23 t1_j1ieoww wrote

What dark comedies do you like? White lotus is flawed but fantastic compared to the drivel other networks are producing


Mud_Landry t1_j1iesum wrote

Tell me you have zero attention span with out actually telling me you have zero attention span. Put down TikTok and go the fuck outside.


Rdw72777 t1_j1if9b4 wrote

Poor kid couldn’t handle the comments lol.


knee_cut t1_j1ifa3w wrote

I liked how many characters in season 2 became what/who they loathed in episode 1.

Valentina, Harper, and Albi at least.


Ankhleo t1_j1ifh6i wrote

someone had a bad day huh.

Look I wasn't that into s1 (but finished it and decided to binge s2 cuz xmas), the overall plot design and the way certain characters are portrayed is really good. The show does not skip around (apart from the opener) and brings a full relationship-based drama to its entirety, the pacing is ok, sometimes a bit slower but bearable. Definitely not a 'so fucking bad' rating. But I respect your rights to rant. Evidently though the general consensus is not on your side.


texjeh t1_j1igjp6 wrote

Like OP - I found myself skipping ahead particularly during the Harper/Ethan/Cameron/Daphne nonsense because I found the whole storyline SO BORING.

I love Aubrey Plaza - I feel she played Harper as well as the puddle deep emotional depth in the script could possibly allow. I was SO ANNOYED with Harper from start to finish - which I feel is an achievement by contrast to the other 3 in that group who I felt very little at all for other than very very bored.

I disliked the soundtrack and dramatic cinematic pauses - I felt like they were striving to induce drama and tension where there was little to none.

I felt like the escorts were a nice catalyst (in the truest sense of the word).

Tanya had several great moments that I enjoyed - not just comic relief but some moments that made me sympathetic to her as a character.

Overall - season 2 was just… ok


gdubh t1_j1igjy4 wrote

I love the awkward vibe, moody b-roll, outstanding sound track, and Armand’s subtle Basil Fawlty. But that’s me.


BumbleBrett t1_j1ih9g8 wrote

I was excited to read the post. Why was it deleted?


FlimFlamThaGimGar t1_j1iit54 wrote

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, yours just happens to be wrong


shiloh_jdb t1_j1ik11f wrote

Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but there’s a lot that I disagree with here. I won’t get I to all off it because you genuinely missed or weren’t interested in a lot of the show. For example “the two escort girls” were absolutely critical to the show.They were the only characters who weren’t lying to themselves or to each other “their partner/family/friend co-worker”. They were the catalyst for the conflict in the Ethan/Cam quartet, they were more central to the. diagrasso stiryline with Allie realizing the he’s just as shitty as his dad and his dad tryin to change. They were more tangential to the Tanya storyline but Lucia being there as a landing point for Albie helped Portia get suckered by Jack. And Mia got Valentina to start living her life.

You can argue about how well any of it was executed but you can’t say that the characters, as intended, didn’t need to exist.


jingleheimerschitt t1_j1ia3vd wrote

>boring characters with no growth for whom the audience can't root for

My experience is that people who say this kind of thing are usually just mad that the characters didn't do what they wanted or grow in the "right" way. Sometimes a lack of growth -- or "good" growth -- is the point.


SpikedHyzer t1_j1ia7lu wrote

I agree with you. Season 1 was OK. Season 2 was a slog.


Ryash913 t1_j1ibu2v wrote

You know what they say about opinions…


laserinlove t1_j1ibxtg wrote

I'm going to take a shot in the dark a and guess you're Gen Z, teens to early twenties.

I found most of the characters experiences somewhat relatable but that's because I've gone through many of the life stages experienced by the characters. But if I'm looking through just a younger experience, there's really just Albie to relate to. So if I don't get Albie then there's not much left in the shows characters for me to relate to.

This isn't to say young people cannot enjoy or relate with shows that having just older cast. It's more that, this show in particular focuses on people at varying stages of life and being able to relate there may help.


paul_is_on_reddit t1_j1ibywx wrote

Considering OP's comments, maybe this should have been filed under r/unpopularopinion


miakat27 t1_j1ic56n wrote

It just sounds kind of like you don’t enjoy women as characters


ponkyball t1_j1ic5fa wrote

The music score and soundtrack for the show are on point. I'm a musician (classical) and I'm always on the lookout for new music and this show has some good ones to save for sure. Just finished epi 2/3 of season 2 last night and remembered some oldies from the list but also picked up two new pieces.


RadamD t1_j1iccoi wrote

"exaggerated and unnecessary music scores"

This is one of those opinions that is, in fact, not valid.


GMoneyJetson t1_j1icdij wrote

My only problem while watching season two was that they were in Italy but stayed and ate at the hotel most of the time, lol. At least Tanya did venture out with “the gays,” so you have to give her credit. In retrospect, though, I have known many people who go to exotic vacations and beautiful places and barely leave the grounds as well. So it’s not atypical behavior at all.


Rdw72777 t1_j1juvme wrote

Yeah the thing was shown as though it was at an all inclusive Sandals but the characters all at one point or another ventured off site. Like if they are meals offsite they wouldn’t be allowed back in lol.


maen_baenne t1_j1icetk wrote

That's a hot fucking take. Dead ass wrong though.


chandlerw88 t1_j1idhuk wrote

I think it’s a nice looking show but outside of that, not very good. Also, the intro song is pretty great.


Lmnolmnop t1_j1idr9j wrote

Yeah, I barely got through 2 episodes of S2. Thank you for this, I won't even attempt 3.


Msedits t1_j1iep61 wrote

“Plot, plot, plot, bad, bad, bad.” You’re way to focused on the plot which makes me think this show is not for you. White Lotus is a thematically driven show.


DNA2020 t1_j1i95il wrote

Aubrey Plaza was the worst part of season 2 in my opinion. The first few episodes took their sweet time and I was impatient, but it helped with character development and I was invested in the end.


Rdw72777 t1_j1id9vh wrote

She wasn’t the worst part, but she was far from from the best part. She wasn’t given a lot to do/work with, since in the end she and Sharpe (Ethan) had the romantic chemistry of non-incestuous siblings and their whole arc was to simply morph into other already developed characters (Fahy and James as Daphne and Cam) who outshone them in every scene together.


sugar-fairy t1_j1i9j20 wrote

the comments LOL. shitting on white lotus is forbidden, got it


SirBennettAtx t1_j1ieois wrote

It’s not that, just the way OP was ‘fast forwarding every 10 seconds’ waiting for some weird plot twist when that’s not the point of the show at all.

Just feels like OP wanted to hate the show from the start and didn’t even give season 2 a chance.

THATS’s why OP is getting bashed in comments.


tjm003 t1_j1iaczx wrote

I need to know what shows you think are not terrible


DeliriumTremors t1_j1iak3b wrote

Seriously? What did you write op? Other than a crazy long review of a show you supposedly hate. My guess is you just couldn’t relate to the material.


MikeDamone t1_j1ibi1x wrote

No character growth, characters who are shitty and shallow, no central plot point - these are all very intentional themes. It's a dark comedy and one of the central features is all the different flavors of shitty each character is. Let me guess - you also hated Seinfeld because the characters were awful and showed no growth over nine seasons.

There's a difference between a show being terrible and you simply just not liking it. I'm not a fan of ballets, but I'd be quite a dipshit if I complained about a critically acclaimed production and whined about the lack of dialogue. Get a clue, OP.


haverchuck22 t1_j1ibjjn wrote

with all due respect op, sounds like your bad at watching tv. love dark comedies....HATE lotus. nonsensical


shroomsaregoooood t1_j1idea2 wrote

Idk, I love always sunny and righteous gemstones, but found white lotus pretty boring. That doesn't seem nonsensical to me lol.


natethedawg t1_j1ic5k8 wrote

Stick to parks and rec


JohnBanes t1_j1iccsp wrote

A social commentary on Capitalism and the wealthy irks people, I think we’ve made it.


jazzdrums1979 t1_j1icf5l wrote

As others have mentioned, you clearly stuck around to watch both seasons. It impacted you enough to write a post here. Something either negative or positive resonates with you to care enough. In that regard the writers were successful. You’re not supposed to love it.

I found it absurd and ironic, the people with means are exploiting and being exploited by people without means. There is dark humor in all of that.


acowingegg t1_j1i8hnb wrote

I loved the show haha.


BMonad t1_j1i9sol wrote

And a terrible opinion and analysis. Good day sir.


MFP3492 t1_j1i9zdt wrote

When a show sucks I don’t finish it. Westworld season 3 was so horrible I couldn’t finish the last 4 epis. That’s when u know a show us actually bad, u don’t finish a good show.


TomGNYC t1_j1iaixs wrote

>"The other characters were just shitty, boring, obnoxious rich people doing shitty stuff."

I watched one episode and abandoned it partially because of this. It gave me a strong Wes Anderson vibe and I can't stand Wes Anderson. This does not mean it is terrible, it is just (it seems to me) a specific type of humor targeted to a specific demographic. Personally, I can't stand this kind of humor but a ton of very smart people that I know absolutely love this stuff and eat it up and find it hilarious. It's just a perspective thing. I think it's more prevalent if you grow up with money and privilege because you're exposed to these type of characters and this behavior so it triggers a strong response maybe? All the people I know that love this stuff grew up kind of like that but that's not my world so I'm really just guessing.


pantz86 t1_j1i8z5a wrote

I agree 100% with everything you wrote.


Zev_Stampfer t1_j1ia4pl wrote

Something tells me you looooove Schitts Creek


myeff t1_j1i72ps wrote

I felt like I needed a Silkwood shower after watching season 1, although I agree with many of the good aspects you pointed out. I have no desire to watch season 2 based on everything I've heard.


Texantioch t1_j1i8r0k wrote

I mean I thought it was better than season 1.


tugnasty t1_j1i85nb wrote

Is there actually a premise to this show or is it just rich terrible people being mean to each other and having sex?


therealswood2 t1_j1i9yj0 wrote

WTF do you think a "premise" is? I guess every show you watch has to be about super heroes?


tugnasty t1_j1idu8h wrote

I'm sorry I don't find your fictional desperate housewives at a beach resort show endlessly thrilling.


ashinaclan123 t1_j1i8b06 wrote

I’m convinced all the Aubrey plaza fanboys can’t handle this show because Plazas character is a typical hypocritical smug liberal who goes against her beliefs once she gets rich.


Texantioch t1_j1i8zj1 wrote

This isn’t the take you think it is.


ashinaclan123 t1_j1i97v5 wrote

I don’t even know what that means lol. I think the take is pretty accurate, you’re free to disagree though. But a lotta of the plaza fans can’t handle that her character ended up cheating with Cam.


Texantioch t1_j1iahes wrote

Well that makes way more sense than your first comment, the “typical smug liberal” but kinda threw me off. I don’t think her views changed because of money.


ashinaclan123 t1_j1iaq6s wrote

But the whole point is that she is a typical smug liberal who just ends up being a hypocrite once push comes to shove lol. She spends the whole trip shitting on Cam about how stupid and unattractive he is and then she ends up hooking up with him purposely lol.


therealswood2 t1_j1iv2oa wrote

It really says a lot that you can’t even watch a television show without projecting your conservative vs liberal bullshit onto it. Get a life, dude.


ashinaclan123 t1_j1iy0mq wrote

??? I’m not projecting it lol. It was glaringly obvious mike white was hitting us over the head with a club with it.


therealswood2 t1_j1j0rem wrote

Yeah, ok, buddy. If what you took away from the writing and her performance was “like all typical smug liberals, she is a hypocrite”, then I really don’t know what to tell you, other than you should probably get some exposure to different perspectives.


ashinaclan123 t1_j1j29it wrote

No, that’s not what I took away. I said that she was a smug liberal who ended up being a hypocrite (so was Albie). So were the two girls in s1. It’s a common theme that Mike White has been open about lol how young peoples views are overly naive and don’t align with their actions.


therealswood2 t1_j1j2pw8 wrote

“Young, naive people do things counteractive to their views” is a hell of a lot different that “all liberals are smug hypocrites”, which is how you phrased it. It’s fine, babe, we don’t agree. I’ll enjoy this show, and you can go back to the WWF and The Office. Have a great holiday season! ✌🏼


ashinaclan123 t1_j1j3rqi wrote

I never said all liberals are smug hypocrites lmao, you lack basic reading comprehension. Also your assumption that I watch WWF is ironically what smug liberals do lol. That’s probably something Harper would say. Btw I’m pretty liberal and progressive (so is mike white).