Submitted by GoldenArias t3_zy2v1g in television

Malcolm in the Middle and Breaking Bad tend to be regarded among two of the most popular shows made in the past 25 years or so. I'm basing that on how most people react to the shows and because they both lasted for quite a few seasons. I just saw "Your Honor" being advertised on TV and I'm curious about it. Who here has seen it & what were your thoughts about it? Can Bryan Cranston do it again? (By do it again, I mean star in a wildly popular & successful television series.) Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.



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Tshoe77 t1_j24xwa3 wrote

It relies not only on Cranston, but the writing. Breaking Bad had phenomenal writing, plot, and character development that was done correctly.

Cranston can act as well as he wants, if the show was written poorly he's dead in the water.


cm135 t1_j26vq51 wrote

See: Henry cavill in the Witcher where fantastic acting is overshadowed by bad writing and direction


Tshoe77 t1_j26zyck wrote

God damnit. That one hits near and dear. I love him so much as geralt. He embodies the video games geralt so well and has the voice and size.

What a fucking tragic waste.


cm135 t1_j270dj7 wrote

He makes the show enjoyable for me, even though I know the rest of it is just ass. Definitely does video game Geralt justice, which is where 95% of my Witcher experience has been


mbornhorst t1_j23nznq wrote

Nothing wrong with not topping Breaking Bad. That would be hard to do!


djackieunchaned t1_j244jcs wrote

I’d bottom for breaking bad


cheap-thrills2022 t1_j23nf7c wrote

I feel Your Honour landed with a dud and is gonna fizzle out with season 2 (which is its last). It’s highly unlikely it will be remembered or discussed much after that. It will be a blip on Cranston’s post Walter White character.

Post Breaking Bad, both Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston haven’t had the best of luck in their endeavours (some exceptions aside like BoJack Horseman for Paul and Cranston’s Broadway success with Network). Also, I dunno where did Anna Gunn go. She was great on the show but haven’t seen much of her since.


Southtowns t1_j260kp7 wrote

Cranston got nominated for an Academy Award after Breaking Bad. He’s doing alright


MightyJoe36 t1_j253nef wrote

I don't think it helped it at all that there were 2 or 3 years between seasons.


mickeyflinn t1_j23h169 wrote

Do what again? Be part of a shitty product.

The first season of Your Honor was fucking terrible. I love Cranston but he is so good at picking shitty shows and movies to be in.

It is really wild how great he is and how bad his products tend to be.

I recommend you skip Your Honor it is utter dogshit.


OldRabies t1_j23khmj wrote

Yes. I dropped it after the first episode. Really bad. Yes, Cranston is a great actor, but not that great at picking up good roles


mikepictor t1_j25avuv wrote

It's no breaking bad, but geez, it's not awful. I was happy to watch it, even though it's not "the best thing". It's not a bad watch


Tandybaum t1_j26amgo wrote

I’m with you on this. It’s definitely not a masterpiece and it will likely be forgotten with time. However, it’s not THAT bad. Its definitely watchable.

I think Cranston almost has that curse that seems to plague directors who did something really great and then if the next thing isn’t quite as good then it’s FUCKING TRASH.


polkjamespolk t1_j267nlv wrote

I mean I thought he was pretty good in Malcolm in the Middle.


albertogonzalex t1_j242u7s wrote

Honestly, I don't think you're stressing how bad this show is enough.


Scacho t1_j24i2dh wrote

In what circle is Malcolm in the Middle considered one of the best TV shows in the past 25 years? Fine TV show, but one of the greatest, nah...


Mantis42 t1_j27d5i7 wrote

It's a top 5 sitcom, up there with Seinfeld and classic Simpsons.


jersey_ron t1_j2562ys wrote

LOL funny that this isn’t the top comment

Edit: forgot a word


GoldenArias OP t1_j24qgov wrote

I mean, it was really popular.


-Enders t1_j26h1qq wrote

It was fine, but in no way is it even remotely close to being one of the best TV shows in the past 25 years. Putting it in the same conversation as Breaking Bad (or about 50 other shows) is laughable


dmick74 t1_j240h8o wrote

First season was not only ridiculous, but one of the worst shows I watched that year. Cranston was great in Breaking Bad and has been entertaining here and there, but he’s not must see tv for me.


GoldenArias OP t1_j248o96 wrote

The consensus seems that it is not a show worth watching.


SirDaddio t1_j24defa wrote

Very slow mellow drama, i enjoyed it but it's nothing to rave about. How they're coming out with a season 2 is beyond my comprehension


JoshTay t1_j23nbeq wrote

> I just saw "YouTube Honor" being advertised on TV

That autocorrect had me wondering....


GoldenArias OP t1_j23pcqt wrote

Oh thanks, I'll edit that!


JoshTay t1_j23pnqq wrote

I would watch the hell out of a show called 'YouTube Honor.' Maybe your accident was a stroke of genius.


nickhenne t1_j23tanu wrote

Your Honor had potential but that first season was a mess. So many plot holes and bad writing. Cranston did his best to carry but it just wasn’t good. So much so I couldn’t even watch Wednesday because his dipshit son from Your Honor was a main character in it.


PrologueBook t1_j23xmxh wrote

For real, the characters don't make any human decisions until the season plot is established.


NasherBasher t1_j25brqw wrote

He's still annoying dispshit in Wednesday. I think he's getting typecasted as a punchable prick.


albertogonzalex t1_j242pem wrote

Your honor sucks.

It's so dumb. Self congratulatory, "look how sensitive and aware we are of systemic racism" white savior nonsense. It's like the show runners just wanted everyone to know how in tune they are to racism in America without the awareness to realize they just made a blacksploitation show for 2020. It's pure boomer bullshit.


HOLY_TERRA_TRUTH t1_j27ywr7 wrote

Why did the show make you feel this way? Literally only bad things happen to people of color in this show - is that not supposed to be on TV or what? Is the non-boomer thing to do is not tell a story like this?


yodimboi t1_j26jph7 wrote

That all sounds true, even though I haven't seen it, but Bryan Cranston.


azul360 t1_j24ttek wrote

I tried to watch the first season but.....holy crap the son is the worst. Dude makes THE WORST decisions every time there is a possible decision and was so unlikable I kept hoping he'd just go to jail and the show was over.


Waylornz t1_j2724yy wrote

Your Honor s1 was good and had potential to be great but it was extremely evident that Covid hit right in the middle of production for the last few episodes which made the whole season land flat on its face.

Personally I think there’s enough in there to warrant watching it, especially if you’re a Bryan Cranston fan.

I’m hoping for some minor redemption with s2, BC grew out a massive dirty beard for it and knowing that it’s the final season means there’s not much to lose if I abandon it after a few eps if it doesn’t improve how s1 finished.


xobeme t1_j23q1qk wrote

Over 800 reviews posted on rate the show at 7.6/10 so that seems like it could be pretty good.


albertogonzalex t1_j242zz8 wrote

Your Honor is only a good show for trump voters who think they "don't have a racist bone in their bodies."


Old_man_atom t1_j25balf wrote

I absolutely love Cranston…but that show was literally one of the most poorly written shows I’ve ever watched. I’m stunned it’s back for a second season.


WWDB t1_j273n0c wrote

I was entertained by it, but the plot was absolutely a complete joke.


Holdmypipe t1_j2466wd wrote

He is in the process of writing a reboot for Malcom in the middle right now.


Gabemiami t1_j25i16x wrote

Only if he takes big breaks, only to re-emerge in another amazing role. Over-saturation of seeing or hearing a celebrity gets annoying. If you find yourself asking, “this guy, again,” it’s time for a break. I’m looking at you, Will Forte.


k3wl3st1 t1_j25j76s wrote

I'm sorry ...but yes, your honor ranks right up there. 10.5 stars ... highly recommend.


sofewcharacters t1_j25w33s wrote

Your Honor is a remake of an Israeli show. I always prefer to watch the original (although I subverted this with The Bridge and watched The Tunnel instead) because if the US wants to do a remake, the original was obviously pretty good. Whether the remake lives up to the OG is another matter.


NotRustle67 t1_j2660j8 wrote

I believe he could do it again. Just not with this show..


Benway23 t1_j2691bn wrote

Put him in the Babylon 5 reboot!


HiddenCity t1_j26k2g1 wrote

Cranston did alright in seinfeld


mbelf t1_j27ywyh wrote

I’ve seen the first season. It’s riveting in parts, but it relies on some spectacularly stupid decisions by some characters.


icebox_Lew t1_j289xs6 wrote

Your Honor was very good. Lasted one season and was well worth a watch. It was nowhere near as prolific as Breaking Bad, but wasn't trying to be.


Antennae89 t1_j28hy5w wrote

I enjoyed it. His acting is the strongest quality of the show, even when getting dragged down by the son who for some reason keeps getting casted. I appreciated how fast the show moved. Many big events would all happen within the same episode, just after the audience learned what was going to happen. Most [Netflix] shows will be dragged out.

A similar show that I thought was executed better was HBOs Into The Night.


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Wh00ster t1_j23hfi3 wrote

I’ve never watched Breaking Bad


xobeme t1_j23q5yr wrote

I've only watched three seasons of Breaking Bad so any time the subject comes up I simply shout "no spoilers please, no spoilers!"


Rhinoplasty1904 t1_j257nih wrote

It is one of the best shows. Period. So glad it is just a story being told and not a story being told then wanting to get more money so they flub the ending. Watch it, you wont be disappointed. -edit- WOW….there is a second season?! Holy crap. I must not remember the ending…I thought for sure it was not a cliff hanger. Oh well, I remember it being good….but I guess it was forgettable (had no idea a second season was coming)