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Mookies_Bett t1_j17hpvu wrote

I really disliked Season 3, and especially what they did to Hughie for no reason other than to manufacture dumb relationship drama. Felt like a plotline out of a CW show or something. I really disliked how when people pointed some of these flaws out, Kripke went on a Twitter rant about how anyone who dared criticize his writing is obviously just an incel or a misogynist.

I was never much of a fan of Supernatural or the writing there, so I was surprised when the first two seasons of The Boys were so solid. Now I'm starting to see those same cheesy, completely manufactured plot choices pop up in this series as well. I'm still probably going to check out Season 4, but my expectations are pretty low, and if it turns into more dumb, manufactured relationship drama I'll probably give up on it entirely. Meanwhile this spin off feels like the absolute worst parts of The Boys personified.