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Such_Newspaper_8458 t1_j14ft4d wrote

Nice to see Black men as the lead in a mostly all-white cast. Great change.


tetoffens t1_j14i7zq wrote

I saw the first 3 episodes (market research) and uhh...that guy isn't the lead. Chance Perdomo (not pictured) has the largest role out of Black men but the lead is a woman.

The picture at the top seems like they just might have thrown darts at names of people who were cast even without knowing what their role is.


TheWretchedSpirit t1_j14k4lo wrote

Actually, one of those people isn't even in the cast anymore. Well done, Collider! Top-notch journo, there!!


tetoffens t1_j14knid wrote

Actually, looking into it, two aren't. Carrero and McGhie both left. I think they literally just looked for the first sentence of people cast on wikipedia because it's the three in the picture. They didn't read two sentences further to two of those people leaving.

I was kind of wracking my brain trying to place two of them and yeah, I came up blank because they literally are not in it.

EDIT: They have changed the picture. I wonder if someone there saw this?


horseren0ir t1_j17ugjo wrote

Two cast members dropped out? That doesn’t bode well


tetoffens t1_j18a4al wrote

It happens all the time. On shows that wind up amazing and horrible ones. It's generally a scheduling thing. They didn't drop out after it was in production.


RealJohnGillman t1_j1b5jvi wrote

Okay, quick non-spoilerific question: at any point during any of those three episodes, was there a bartender?