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AdmiralAckbarPlease t1_j27fmpe wrote

I’ve been to friends houses that have surround setup. I’ve noticed that sometimes they aren’t configured properly. In surround, all the dialogue is usually coming through the center channel. If your L+R and surround speakers aren’t placed right, it’s definitely possible that the mix isn’t always the issue.


crashfrog t1_j27xtb0 wrote

Like, not everybody’s room can functionally support 5.1 audio, just based on geometry and materials and other architectural details beyond your control.

We should still get to watch TV too, though!


AdmiralAckbarPlease t1_j27y8k6 wrote

Right. The flip side of this, is that maybe people should figure out how to turn up the center channel so they can get more of the dialogue


crashfrog t1_j27yp3m wrote

They’re not mixing dialogue to the center channel anymore. It doesn’t help. Finding that out was $600 right down the fucking drain, by the way.

The one thing I’ve done that did help is get an Apple TV and two HomePods, which I placed right where we sit on the couch. Just physically being nearer to the speakers was a marked increase in intelligibility.