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sexandliquor t1_j1klc0d wrote

Yep, this. Though sometimes depending on the show and depending on the director, you definitely get different looks and feels for some episodes more than other. Some directors have specific shots they like to do more than others, or add flourishes and what not.


NandoMoriconi t1_j1knv9s wrote

Your comment is making me think of the two-part episode of CSI directed by Quentin Tarantino called “Grave Danger.” I remember it feeling more or less like classic CSI, with a few little nods to Tarantino being at the helm here and there (e.g., events being presented chronologically out of order à la Pulp Fiction, an idea he most likely borrowed from Bertolucci’s The Conformist [1970]).


RoranicusMc t1_j1m8npg wrote

He also directed an episode or two of ER and there are definitely a couple extra shots of feet in there