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TruthFlavor t1_j06fflk wrote

There's a distinction between 'Extras' and ' Day players'. Extra's are paid a certain amount and are not entitled to further payments [ eg: for international sales or syndication ] .

Day players, who say one line [" One steak, coming right up! " ] or have a scripted piece of action with a main character [ An old girlfriend walking hand in hand with a main character, in a brief flashback] do get residual payments..this is less popular with broadcasters and streamers as it costs money and admin. Whether or not that effects productions...I don't know.


DancingOnACounter t1_j09rrix wrote

Do you work in the entertainment? How'd you learn all the different levels of an actor?

I work in advertising and our definition of an Extra is different then that of film/tv.


TruthFlavor t1_j0atqck wrote

I shoot 'behind the scenes' material for TV shows, and one thing I hear quite frequently in the production office are 'Extra's' trying to bump their pay level up to 'day player' . " The director said as they bring in the birthday cake that I should step out of the way to let [ Named actor] pass.. so that's scripted piece of action !! ".

I don't blame them, it can quadruple your wages. Production staff tend to be very aware of the rules and what is a legitimate claim.

I am unaware of the commercial rules, other than they used to like to pay actors huge buy out fees , to cover international and future use.


DoomGoober t1_j0amaql wrote

You prolly never got residuals from ads, right? That explains a lot of the difference.


DancingOnACounter t1_j0ap6i6 wrote

Extras do not get residuals in ads even if they’re SAG members.


DoomGoober t1_j0bw9xv wrote

I was genuinely asking a question if you got residuals for ads, but based on your answer...

Sweet Jesus, SAG members get residuals for ads? Damn, that's awesome (I basically never did any ads under union.)

So then do SAG members get residuals if they are extras in non-advertisement work?