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Pineapple996 t1_j091jlu wrote

They definitely can have dialogue. Sounds like OP is referring to actual actors that just had really small parts though.


aw-un t1_j0aazr7 wrote

No, they can’t.

Once you get dialogue, you are no longer an extra, you are a principal actor


Pineapple996 t1_j0b7hue wrote

Not true, at least in the UK. You can be hired as an extra and then be given a supplementary fee if you are given some dialogue. Then you are considered a featured extra but still won't have your name in the credits.


bent_my_wookie t1_j0au15l wrote

They can’t, even in scenes with lots of extras talking like at a party. Even the murmuring is dubbed because of industry rules about the definition of “extra”.


Pineapple996 t1_j0b8v9p wrote

In the UK they can. They would just be given a supplementary fee and called a featured extra. They don't have to be credited for having dialogue.


bent_my_wookie t1_j0c4xqc wrote

So are these rules by country or industry or just by whatever collection of companies decide on their projects? I'm interested an I don't know why.


Pineapple996 t1_j0crf2z wrote

In the UK It depends on what union agreement the company uses for their project. Have a look here. I have no idea what the differences are in other countries though.