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lobster_johnson t1_j048gl6 wrote

"Disjointed" is basically a core element of Hugo Blick's style. If you've watched his previous shows, especially The Shadow Line and The Honourable Woman (both masterpieces), all of the same elements are there.

Blick has a unique style. He draws out the dialogue scenes to absurd extents, he relies on stilted, stylized (some people have called it tarantinoesque) dialogue, and he appears to intentionally undermine moments of action with broken pacing, and violate a dozen filmmaking rules at the same time. Sometimes it feels like we're watching a stage play and not TV. But somehow it seems calculated and somehow it works, and his shows are always beautifully shot and filled with superb character actors.

One of the things I like is the air of mystery he's able to imbue his shows with. Even when the plot is a pretty straight story, you never get too close to the characters to get bored of them. There's always some inexplicable motivations going around.

The nearest contemporary I can think of in terms of style and weirdness is David Lynch, especially the Twin Peaks sequel.

I've not seen all of The English yet, so I will reserve judgement. So far it hasn't grabbed me as much as Blick's earlier shows, but I don't dislike what I've seen so far.