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bravetab t1_j0w7vra wrote

The best thing about Glee, is the Community episode based on Glee.

"If we win regionals, then it's straight on to sectionals. And then a week later is semis. Then semiregionals. Then regional-semis. Then national lower-zone semis!"

"What the hell are regionals?"



bgottfried91 t1_j0x9cn8 wrote

>Don't let my confusion undercut their importance!


travio t1_j0wg7mp wrote


Trowj t1_j0xzfrc wrote

Annie’s pretty young, we try not to sexualize her


hopefulhearted t1_j0zhpy8 wrote

A season later: "We named the monkey Annie's Boobs"


Trowj t1_j0ziq3v wrote

I don’t recall that. Please forgive me: I have Changnesia


hopefulhearted t1_j0zks2n wrote

I can deal with the not getting paid, but I draw the line at enabling this man


killereggs15 t1_j0zst3l wrote

Actually, that was still season one, though Annie’s Boobs did have a recurring role in seasons two and three


hopefulhearted t1_j0zww1r wrote

You're absolutely right. That first season was quite a ride. Streets ahead


lukeco t1_j0y7j7h wrote

A fun little Community history lesson, that episode was almost the series finale.

As fans at the time remember, ratings were so low there was a looming fear it could be dropped by NBC any day. This was the halfway point of the 3rd season and it got short-ordered, which usually is the death kiss for a cable sitcom. Luckily it was able to finish its 3rd season and "wrap up," and instead of canceling the show they fired Harmon instead for S4. I remember hating this ep at the time, only for the fear it was how the show would've been sent off after all of its build up.


Binky390 t1_j0yluk3 wrote

Guess it doesn’t matter but wasn’t Glee on Fox?

Edit: not sure how to do strike through but I read this wrong and didn’t realize it was about community. This is why I should get up and get ready for work instead of surfing Reddit at 6:30.


lolzasaur84 t1_j0ynkfj wrote

Glee was on Fox, but Community was on NBC


Binky390 t1_j0yno2q wrote

Ohhh completely read the comment wrong. Thanks.


sideways_jack t1_j0z8e22 wrote

You say that like Alison Brie singing "sexy christmas" isn't the best thing ever.

"boop a doop doop --- sex!" kills me every time


bravetab t1_j0zifwx wrote

It is so outrageous and hilarious. I love that in the entire group, she was Jeff's kryptonite lol.


sideways_jack t1_j0znbpq wrote

"we try not to sexualize Annie"

proceeds to kiss her right after making out w Britta


Good_old_Marshmallow t1_j0zvvcu wrote

Glee was so perfect a target for satire because I’m 90% it started as a satire before becoming so popular they decided to just do it unironically. The pilot is almost a different show and is just wild


Jytterbug t1_j0z6dbj wrote

Sing sing singaling ding singaling ding dong


lego_office_worker t1_j0vli67 wrote

>The FOX comedy show ran from 2009 to 2005 and it was rumored to be cursed



Janderson2494 t1_j0vrzvr wrote

So they're cursed time travelers. Sounds interesting


MCUNeedsClones t1_j0vwlbi wrote

I would watch a high school drama about cursed time travellers... presumably they'd be trying to uncurse themselves? What's the plot?


Janderson2494 t1_j0vxtjb wrote

They travel back to different periods of time where there are rumors of witchcraft or the like involved to discover the origins of the curse and a cure. Salem late 1600s, Nazi experiments in the 1930s/40s, satanic panic in the 80s/90s. I'm sure there's a ton of eras and locations to explore around the world.

Family lineages are involved and the main characters meet old family members each episode. Show goes off the rails and they eventually get super powers, then inevitably battle the final antagonist who can bend time and space to their will.


Superfissile t1_j0xcs2o wrote

They’re a high school history class from a utopian parallel timeline. They travel back in time to observe history real time. They keep inadvertently doing minor things that create our current timeline.


WR810 t1_j0y6r26 wrote

I think some of these are Riverdale plots and the fact that I can't be sure should tell you everything you need to know about the show.


MCUNeedsClones t1_j0vyimg wrote

I am a big fan of the cursed high school time traveller show.^1

^1 But only the first two seasons. The good ones before it got bad.


mr_math24 t1_j0vm2m1 wrote

I mean a good portion of the young cast is dead or imprisoned.


TootieSummers t1_j0vp3li wrote

Who is imprisoned?


mr_math24 t1_j0vp6a3 wrote

I was wrong, the guy who was going to jail killed himself. So just dead.


tetoffens t1_j0vq600 wrote

Cory had been using drugs since age 13, well before even being cast. And I've never heard of a show putting a curse on someone to make them want to fuck kids and kill themselves as a result of that and prison time they didn't want to serve.

Naya was the one you can chalk up to bad luck but there were also some precautions she did not take which could have prevented it.


mr_math24 t1_j0vrmp9 wrote

I don't actually believe they were cursed ffs lol just explaining why people say that.


OShaunesssy t1_j0wqce1 wrote

>And I've never heard of a show putting a curse on someone to make them want to fuck kids and kill themselves

Lol are you being serious or really this thick? No, one thinks the show iterally cursed anyone, it's just pointing out how awful a lot of the casts lives ended.

No one thought the Madden video games were literally curing the athletes. People just pointed out how bad stuff happened to the cover stars pretty frequently.


CogitatorX t1_j0wb9w1 wrote

> Naya was the one you can chalk up to bad luck

and a massive drug problem.


opelan t1_j0xzylt wrote

That wasn't why she died though.


CogitatorX t1_j0y140n wrote

She had alcohol and multiple drugs in her system at time of death.


opelan t1_j0y1s3a wrote

Just traces of it. It is not like she was drunk or high on drugs. A completely clean person without a life vest likely would have drowned, too. There were dangerous currents in that lake.

>It revealed that the 33-year-old Rivera had previous problems with vertigo, had a recent sinus infection, and had a small amount of prescribed amphetamines in her system, but did not identify physical conditions or drugs as factors in her death.

>Toxicology tests also showed she had small, therapeutic amounts of the anti-anxiety drug diazepam and the appetite suppressant phentermine in her system.

>The autopsy report included the medical examiner’s earlier determination that the drowning was accidental and added the new information that she had a low level of amphetamine and diazepam, caffeine and a blood-alcohol level of 0.016%.

>The autopsy did not say whether the medication and alcohol played a role in her death. Her blood-alcohol level was five times lower than the legal limit for drunken driving in California, 0.08%.


wilsonh915 t1_j0y2wfp wrote

Yes, the time traveler's jynx. That'll do it


daemare t1_j0zkpgo wrote

Workin' from 2009 to 2005, what a way to make a living~


North_South_Side t1_j0w3jj1 wrote

I read it, fully knowing it would be dumb.

It was even dumber than I thought it would be.


griff1014 t1_j0w7d3p wrote

Wanna help a brother out and give me the TL;DR?


monsieurxander t1_j0wije2 wrote

She had an overall positive experience on the show and thinks people should be wary of focusing too much on the salacious drama. She lowkey plugs her podcast with Kevin McHale where they will "set the record straight.'


sleepyotter92 t1_j0ygptl wrote

lol multiple people, especially extras, talked about their awful experience on the show. the extras mainly had issues with leah michelle, who's an utter diva. pretty sure her and naya hated each other's guts because naya wasn't there to put up with leah's bs.

kevin and jenna are still milking the glee fame just like jonathan bennet is still milking the mean girls fame. they got nothing else notable in their careers so they gotta keep that fandom happy to keep the money flowing


MNGirlinKY t1_j0zpjme wrote

Well the extras kind of win on this one because Lea Michele just ruined her entire face with some very bad plastic surgery.


adamfrog t1_j14jtak wrote

Well shes also probably achieved all her dreams and made a ridiculous amount of money


jdbrew t1_j0yzd7q wrote

Having a positive experience does not negate the negative.

I have a family member who was a side character who became a sort of beloved side character and they brought him back multiple times. He was a teenager, about 14 at the time, and was getting into experimenting experimenting with drugs and alcohol and they not only allowed him to get drunk before shooting his scenes, they provided him the alcohol and encouraged it. Not that this was the make or break instance for him, but he went onto abuse alcohol until he ended up in the hospital one night after nearly dying. He’s been sober about a year now. But I always wonder what it would have been like if he wasn’t encouraged to get raging drunk before shooting.


HappyThreatening t1_j10cmdb wrote

Wait, they encouraged him to get drunk before shooting scenes for Glee? That sounds like something that would happen way back in the day, not in the 2010s. How damaging! Good for him on his sobriety.


monsieurxander t1_j12dssq wrote

During the second season, cast was drinking so much the producers staged an intervention. And then wrote a thinly veiled episode calling them out for drinking.

If this happened, it was on fellow cast members behind the backs of production.


TanonBeiste t1_j2fper8 wrote

There were no side characters around that age during the show’s tenure. Josie Totah (who joined in the very last season) was the youngest cast member and was 11-12 during filming


peanutdakidnappa t1_j0yejbn wrote

Kevin McHale the hall of fame nba player?


sleepyotter92 t1_j0ygkkd wrote

no, the gay singer who played a kid in a wheelchair


peanutdakidnappa t1_j0zuuej wrote

Thanks lol, I never watched glee and only know nba Kevin McHale. I was just thinking why the fuck would she have a podcast with nba Kevin McHale


Krinks1 t1_j0x8wgp wrote

>unauthorized Discovery+ and ID series

Say no more...


shadowlarx t1_j0yl0le wrote

I’ll be honest. I haven’t had any desire to rewatch the series since it ended and the only reason I kept up with it that long was to see what songs they would cover. Honestly, a lot of the storylines were pretty cringe. The one that stands out most to me was the “Blame It On The Alcohol” episode, where basically all of the characters, especially the underaged children, engage in heavy drinking and nobody really suffers any consequences from it, as everyone thought they were acting.


Lemonwalker-420 t1_j0zmkbl wrote

Citizens of the world need to be warned that there are people who would actually watch a Glee docuseries.


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bleeetiso t1_j12r98f wrote

did Jenna get surgery? or is that just age


DeadPoster t1_j0w30vn wrote

Ain't nobody happy to be on the TV set these days. Perfectly understandable.


Darryl_Lict t1_j0wf2cq wrote

For those confused about her looks, she is ethnically Korean and was adopted by a Catholic American family at the age of 3 months. Her adoptive paternal grandparent was Jewish, hence the last name.


toe_and_hole_analyst t1_j11icxs wrote

Why would people be confused about her looks? What do her looks matter?

"Where are you from?" "Scotsdale." "No no, where are you really from?"