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camusonfilm t1_j2elvsv wrote

I will never understand people negativity towards discussion posts. Would you rather this subreddit was just news articles and announcements?


Elleasea OP t1_j2en632 wrote

I don't have a problem with discussion posts. I'm specifically calling out posts that seem very specifically designed (and conveniently timed) to generate content that will regurgitated back us the first week of January in some blog/article and likely shared back on this same subreddit, like the people here didn't write it, for the author, in the first place.


camusonfilm t1_j2enygu wrote

That just seems like a really cynical interpretation to me. It’s the end of the year, naturally people want to reflect on stuff.


crosswalknorway t1_j2evh9p wrote

Reddit is a pretty cynical place. Sometimes for good reason, but sometimes it gets a little conspiratorial.


ImportantPainting t1_j2fr9eu wrote

The worst is when those Collider articles with "according to Reddit" literally in the title are posted here again lol. That website is junk


LiterallyKesha t1_j2fdj46 wrote

Who cares mate? It's discussion that people like me want to see. Should I be denied the conversation about the best shows of the year because some jackass is going to make an article using that public information?


wiklr t1_j2fkkzd wrote

There's no negativity against discussion posts. It's turning this sub into /askreddit thats the problem. The sub gets populated with low effort posts instead.