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Great_Zarquon t1_j2dq5gj wrote

It's been the same thing in /r/movies for a couple weeks but any mention of it is getting shut down, it's pretty clear that either a) the subs are getting hijacked by people trying to farm content for / test AI accounts or b) the mods decided they have something to gain by opening the floodgates and priotizing quantity over quality. The sudden increase in the number of hollow low-effort engagement bait posts is pretty crazy and there's been no discussion about it.


Diamond-Is-Not-Crash t1_j2fqblw wrote

I’ve noticed this on r/futurology too, so many very low effort discussion posts. I had no idea what was causing the spikes. But it doesn’t bode well for online discussion if this is the work of bots/AI accounts. Soon every post must just be low effort spam.


djnicko t1_j2egyne wrote

I don't remember any time it being brought up being shut down. I remember the first post I saw about it noting it was some strange reddit algorithm change amplifying text only posts. And as another person mentioned, they are trying to quash it.


maricatu t1_j2fmev7 wrote

I think there just aren't many mods for the amount of trafic these subs have. Or any of the major subs actually.


Mentoman72 t1_j2eal80 wrote

Maybe there isn't much actual news happening right now with the holidays as well? There also just isn't much new content at the moment, I think things will even back out after the new year.


Takseen t1_j2egqbd wrote

I'd take those posts over linking a 1+ hour video essay with no editorial comment, or "I just finished watching Very Popular Show, why aren't more people talking about it?"


Tehni t1_j2fjqs7 wrote

Better yet, "I just finished watching Very Popular Show From 5 Years Ago, why is it so underrated??"


NoNefariousness2144 t1_j2fshg9 wrote

“I just finished watching Andor on Disney+. Has anyone else watched this underrated masterpiece?”


LagT_T t1_j2ftoi6 wrote

Yeah not at all a member of Disney's marketing team.


jackofslayers t1_j2ehg7n wrote

As a mod mentioned in another sub, Reddit made changes system wide recently to promote more posts that are all text.

This is what is leading to more question posts.

It is definitely a lot recently so I understand the complaints.

Personally. I much prefer the questions to the threads linking to articles that are clearly just an ad, that has always been most of the content I see on here.

To put it another way, I prefer “What is your listicle?” Posts to an actual link to a listicle. At least that way I get multiple lists and I do not have to click an outside website.


cabose7 t1_j2f9g2g wrote

My tip if you're using an app like reddit is fun, go to Content Filters and block any thread with a "?" in it.

Inevitably you'll still see some question threads but it does filter out a lot of them


camusonfilm t1_j2elvsv wrote

I will never understand people negativity towards discussion posts. Would you rather this subreddit was just news articles and announcements?


Elleasea OP t1_j2en632 wrote

I don't have a problem with discussion posts. I'm specifically calling out posts that seem very specifically designed (and conveniently timed) to generate content that will regurgitated back us the first week of January in some blog/article and likely shared back on this same subreddit, like the people here didn't write it, for the author, in the first place.


camusonfilm t1_j2enygu wrote

That just seems like a really cynical interpretation to me. It’s the end of the year, naturally people want to reflect on stuff.


crosswalknorway t1_j2evh9p wrote

Reddit is a pretty cynical place. Sometimes for good reason, but sometimes it gets a little conspiratorial.


ImportantPainting t1_j2fr9eu wrote

The worst is when those Collider articles with "according to Reddit" literally in the title are posted here again lol. That website is junk


LiterallyKesha t1_j2fdj46 wrote

Who cares mate? It's discussion that people like me want to see. Should I be denied the conversation about the best shows of the year because some jackass is going to make an article using that public information?


wiklr t1_j2fkkzd wrote

There's no negativity against discussion posts. It's turning this sub into /askreddit thats the problem. The sub gets populated with low effort posts instead.


Xonra t1_j2f036c wrote

I will take it over what this sub was before which was just a shit ton of very obvious ads for the next "amazing" Disney+ show or how some new show is the height of this and that.


CokeMooch t1_j2efbto wrote

What’s a listicle? A frozen list?


Takseen t1_j2ega46 wrote

Combination of article and list.

Those "top 7 shows that ended with a downer ending!" kind of articles


CokeMooch t1_j2ehp79 wrote

Ohh lol, damn there’s a whole term for those and everything. They are annoyingly prevalent so it makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


Elleasea OP t1_j2ei85x wrote

I love your interpretation though!


AutoModerator t1_j2ddwbo wrote

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srkad t1_j2enofp wrote

The whole point of Reddit is to start discussions. Discussing your favorite X of the year in X sub seems like a no brained conversation to have at this time of the year.


deepfriedcertified t1_j2f71t9 wrote

It’s New Year’s Eve today. People are gonna want to look back on the year, it’s not like everyone is in on some conspiracy.


sciamatic t1_j2fvo48 wrote

Wow, it's almost like at the end of a year people like to talk with other people about their best and worst of the year.



They must be trying to con people into something because there's no natural way people would want to have those conversations.


PuertoRock007 t1_j2de1g8 wrote

1883 is the best limited series.


pm_me_reason_to_livx t1_j2debwu wrote

Why did I see this the day I was planning to start writing my Top 25 of 2022 listicle? 😅 Well at least I won't need help with mine I guess.


MasqureMan t1_j2dyah8 wrote

I don’t see the problem if people are engaging with the posts. If you don’t like those posts, don’t engage with them. Reddit is full of stuff I don’t care about, so I don’t engage with it instead of crapping on other people enjoying themselves.


RecordEasy t1_j2eiywj wrote

The problem is when a sub drastically changes content. There is very little news on r/television and r/movies now. It's all boring discussion. So subs that we once enjoyed are now overrun with low effort content and people endlessly circle jerking about the same thing over and over.