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DyingToGetIn t1_j0uoc6h wrote

Anyone noticed she finally got that damn cigarette lit on Weekend Update?!


LavernMan t1_j0vbm8v wrote

My partner noticed it right away. After that revelation, I was all smiles.


DyingToGetIn t1_j0vd98f wrote

If you watch closely you can see her get excited and comment on it. Going to miss her sooooo much


TheDocWhovian t1_j0wn66k wrote

She literally says exactly that right after she lights it.


DyingToGetIn t1_j0wnky0 wrote

You’d be surprised at how many people missed that. It looked like it almost caught her off guard.


TheDocWhovian t1_j0woo3k wrote

It’s possible she thought it’d be a prop cigarette that didn’t actually draw when she tried to light it. But knowing SNL, of course it’s a regular cigarette.