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TbddRzn t1_j2at2yq wrote

I binged it again a few weeks ago, and seriously it holds up so good. I actually think it got better this round of watching it. As I noticed more nuances and special things that just elevated the experience or maybe it’s just the high def resolution.

If you put the wire up against any great modern show I’d say it would still win 9/10 times. It’s just such a well written and well acted show.


NukeDog t1_j2b3v7q wrote

Agreed. The beepers/pay phones/trac disposable phones and the old technology of the show is obviously very dated already (and already was within just a couple years of it ending), but the writing and the acting is top notch and will stand tall, as Avon would say. It was real, it was raw, it showed the dirty and corrupt behind the scenes stuff that happens in every walk of life. I rewatch it about every two years and still find myself going “ok one more episode” at 1 am when I should go to bed. Best show ever.