Submitted by OfCourse4726 t3_zvstte in television

Season 1 and 2 is ok but season 3, oh my god. Season 3 makes it one of the best shows of all time. It's a fairly accurate historical drama too. Game of thrones has nothing on this. For some reason they decided to pack probably 3 seasons worth of story into 14 episodes and as a result, it's non stop interesting plotlines. There is not a moment of filler. The ending has so much heart. It'll make most of you cry. Hardly anyone ever talks about this show. You should watch it if you're itching for a clever historical medieval drama.

edit: To clarify, the show I am talking about is called "Borgia". There is another show called "The Borgias" on showtime and that show is terrible. I didn't know they came out in the same year. I wish I had clarified this earlier, I didn't know so many of you would be confused. The two shows have different names.



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Skavau t1_j1r19du wrote

Game of Thrones is not a historical drama


DortDrueben t1_j1r1y0m wrote

I disagree. Maybe the most accurate depiction of the time. Especially the dragons.


Accomplished-Pear809 t1_j1qxfxj wrote

No. Season 1&2 are okay but it’s better than game of thrones? Seasons 1-4 of game of thrones are perfect imo. Why are you even comparing this to Game of Thrones?


Fat_Fucking_Lenny t1_j1siel5 wrote

Seasons 1-4 of Game of Thrones are the best! Late on, show got dumber season after season.


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tbi4z wrote

upon rewatching game of thrones, only season 1 was very good.


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tb9uy wrote

are you talking about borgia or the borgias? borgia is the good one, the borgias on showtime is bad. anyways, i am comparing it to game of thrones because of the insane political intrigue and schemes. borgia is better because it did happen in real life. the motivations and outcomes in borgia are of course more realistic and that's why it's better.


ubpfc t1_j1r5lbp wrote

This should be in the thread “unpopular opinions”


memnoch3434 t1_j1v2uvl wrote

Agreed. But hey at least it's a real hot take lol


kazmosis t1_j1rsp0o wrote

I think a lot of people are confusing the show you're talking about with the Jeremy Irons show.

That one was trash, the 2011 Fontana show is actually really good apart from the RANDOM ASS American accent on the Pope. Overall, GoT really took a nosedive in the latter seasons and Borgia maintained the quality or got better. But there is no denying GoT Seasons 1-4 were absolutely top notch, so I'd say on the whole they are pretty close.


sherlock_jr t1_j1uekf2 wrote

When I watched I had to look up the accent thing because it definitely stood out to me. I read that they intentionally had the actors keep their native accents and because it’s a phenomenal international cast, they all end up sounding different. I actually love the idea now because it doesn’t discriminate against an actor who might not have a perfect Italian accent but still should be in the role, basically accent blind casting.


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tb34k wrote

thank god. finally someone who actually knows what i'm talking about. i did not know the borgias also came out in 2011. i should've specified. yes the borgias fucking sucked.


whoisthedrizzle_ t1_j1rlqmd wrote

I've never seen this show, but I'll agree it's probably better than the final season of Game of Thrones.


bootyboixD t1_j1s4na0 wrote

I love Borgia but absolutely not.


ForTheLoveOfOedon t1_j1sm7p6 wrote

This may be the worst take I’ve seen on this sub. It’s one thing to try to highlight a show that many may have slept on or forgotten about. It’s another thing to go for one of the greatest TV shows ever. And this is in addition to being basically nothing alike—one is a fantasy show with magic, dragons, etc., and the other is historical drama in the real world. The Borgias is more comparable to Rome, The Tudors, and other historical genres.


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tax6v wrote

this is too funny. there are two shows about the same thing called the borgias on showtime and borgia(2011). the borgias is really bad. borgia is the good one. have you seen it? you said the borgias at the end so i suspect you are confused.


ForTheLoveOfOedon t1_j1tcg6q wrote

I am familiar that there are two shows, one with Jeremy Irons for Showtime and one with John Doman. I have seen the Irons one in its entirety and have seen the Doman one up until season 2 (my oldest brother was super into historical dramas). However, I did assume you meant the Irons one as that is the most famous version. So apologies there! I still disagree entirely, but that clarification makes it less crazy LOL

When I said Rome and The Tudors, I was making no comment on their quality. Rather that those two are historical dramas and are thus comparable to Borgia. However my personal opinion on Rome specifically is that it is one of the great lost potentials ever. It’s a shame that show was rushed and gashed. If it could have been made with a similar pace, budget, and network support that, say, The Sopranos and The Wire had, it would likely be considered one of the golden shows of its era. Very much a shame.


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tevgd wrote

rome season 1 was so perfect that it was nearly impossible to surpass it. i dont know how writers for season 1 could possibly have made season 2 so bad no matter what they had to work with. you should watch borgia season 3. it might've come years after season 2 or something because i watched borgia when it came out and do not recall at all anything about season 3 when i watched it again just now. it really is incredibly good.


ManyPunchMan23 t1_j1sn3wv wrote

I want an entertaining story, regardless of historical accuracy


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ponkyball t1_j1t4wla wrote

Borgia is a great show but at least for me, it's not better than Game of Thrones, maybe because I already knew the historical background fairly well. Many of the events in Borgia are greatly exaggerated but it does have a really great cast and I very much enjoyed it. I usually do enjoy shows like Borgia and The Tudors because I'm all about that history, even if you have to take it with a huge grain of salt.


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1talj1 wrote

are you confusing borgia 2011 with "the borgias" on showtime? the borgias was terrible.


ponkyball t1_j1tcr1w wrote

Fucking lol, both shows were in 2011 and had three seasons apiece? Hilarious. But yea, I'll check out Borgia, still doubt it's as good as GoT tho, but will have an open-mind and see, thanks!


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tdzm2 wrote

season 1 and 2 they were like newbie actors with a kinda low budget. season 3 though, they kicked it way up.


assetstoburn t1_j1ube6f wrote

Shame they didn't continue it.


Brunch_Included t1_j1ucknz wrote

I loved this show too, and watched Borgia and The Borgias, very familiar with the difference. The acting from Cesare in season 3 is superb and I’m just shocked I don’t see him in anything current. John Doman as Rodrigo was bold casting and shockingly worked. Loved it, wish there was more.


Skanderani t1_j1sb3wm wrote

Season 1 and 2 were ok season 3 is a steaming pile of shit


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1taz07 wrote

really? are we talking about borgia or the borgias? because it's impossible for 3 to be a steaming pile of shit.


Skanderani t1_j1uae9o wrote

Borgias, my bad, didn’t know there were two different shows


mtb443 t1_j1tc8js wrote

Pillars of the Earth is better than both


OfCourse4726 OP t1_j1tf3fu wrote

no it's not. i wish it was because the trailer and advertising made it seemed so. i guess i'll give it one more try since i havent seen it in years though. also have you seen borgia season 3? it seems it might've come years after season 2 and in america there was virtually no advertising for it. i didnt even see it back when it came out and i watched season 1 and 2 when it came out. if you love tv shows, you need to watch borgia season 3. trust me.