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lildudefromXdastreet t1_j1seekv wrote

Why are you watching the bount arc? You realize it's filler right?


Godsfallen t1_j1sfudq wrote

Cause, like most people, if I’m sitting down to watch a show I’m going to watch all the seasons of a show. I’m not just gonna go “eh, I’ll skip this season”


SaintOfSwords69 t1_j1sg6bu wrote

While that’s a good approach for most things, it’s absolutely a terrible approach when it comes to anime.


ElNido t1_j1sr73o wrote

Yeah, I used to watch filler before finally understanding what it was - empty plotlines that will never connect to the main one. Naruto was terrible about this, because the show tried to make it seem like the filler would someday matter or payoff. After a filler episode or filler arc, characters would be like "visit us someday!!", and "I hope to see you Naruto when you become Hokage!!" and Naruto would be all "Yeah! That'll be great! Believe it!"

Never heard from or seen again.


lildudefromXdastreet t1_j1shj6y wrote

Well most shows don't include entire seasons worth of what is essentially fanfic which is almost literally meant to keep children occupied while the story continues in manga form....just skip it dude


hazychestnutz t1_j1sfzsd wrote

Bleach has TONS of filler though. Not necessary for the main story at all


mikharv31 t1_j1t92vi wrote

But they did have some good filler the zanpakto revolt was excellent


SeamusDubh t1_j1tte8g wrote

It was 45% filler which just beats Naruto's 41%.


Starfish_Hero t1_j1sp6g5 wrote

Filler episodes aren’t canon material. People aren’t saying to skip it because it’s bad (though it is), you simply do not need to know anything that happens in a filler arc because it’s entirely inconsequential to the plot.


THETRILOBSTER t1_j1sz5ea wrote

I'm with you dude. If I'm gonna watch an anime series, imma watch the whole damn thing. I get filler arcs aren't always the best content but Bleach has decent filler. I actually enjoyed the Bount arc and I've seen lots of people say the same. Stick with it. Bleach is great.
