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adams215 t1_j1sfdwc wrote

The trope of the MC having room temp IQ except for when they are in fights where they are some fighting genius gets tiring. Not saying they aren't entertaining to watch. If they weren't I wouldn't watch those shows. But sometimes you get tired of seeing the different variations of Goku clones.


AdministrationWaste7 t1_j1t7a16 wrote

I never said naruto was some high iq genius but ok.

Op praised ichigo for not "having rocks for brains" unlike the other big three. which frankly idk where he got that idea from considering Ichigo doesn't really do anything but spam his "special moves" and bleaches fights don't really have any choreography to speak of(until recently) that would highlight any form of intelligence unlike say naruto where there is actually some of that lol


czartaylor t1_j1t316p wrote

That's a trope for a reason - explanation for the otherwise clueless reader.

There has to be at least one dumb character to explain universe magic mechanics to so the reader can understand them. And it's just most convenient for it to be the main character because well, they're pretty much always around so when you introduce new variants or mechanics, someone has to have it explained.


AdministrationWaste7 t1_j1t80x1 wrote

Where do people get the idea that naruto is dumb?

Like I guess socially he's kinda clue less sometimes.

But naruto isn't dumb he just isn't talented. That's literally his whole shtick. He's a social outcast who has to work harder than anyone else to prove himself.


czartaylor t1_j1td5nb wrote

>Where do people get the idea that naruto is dumb?

From the entire original series?

Naruto is unintelligent in the first series. He's well behind the curve on his classmates, he requires basic concepts to everyone else to be explained to him repeatedly, he has no strategic mind whatsoever (when most of his peers already have some), and it's even mentioned a couple of times he sucks at pretty much everything besides 'here's a bunch of chakra'. It's mentioned several times that his testing scores are atrocious. He's also just socially clueless.

He's markedly more intelligent in Shippuden, or at the very least his ego's gone down so he listens to his intellectual betters. But even then, he's still just kind of average. It's really not until the pain fight when he starts showing real intelligence.


crazypandaex t1_j1t9npk wrote

Also make sense for him to be socially clueless because of lack of parents growing up. Same goes for Luffy and Goku.