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LocoCoyote t1_j1q5lxa wrote

Dude….I expressed my opinion on why I didn’t find it a “good” ending. You don’t have to be offended that I disagree with you. You liked the ending? Well good for you. Very happy you found it satisfying.

Go away now, please?


DavidSGundams t1_j1q6qfd wrote

Not sure where you got the sense that I was “offended” by anything you said. The post is a thread discussing endings of shows, which I thought we were doing. My bad.


LocoCoyote t1_j1q7p11 wrote

If I misread the situation, I apologize. It’s just that you seemed so argumentative about it.


DavidSGundams t1_j1q87uk wrote

Definitely not my intent - I just hadn’t seen your take before on the final season/finale and was just interested in the convo.


LocoCoyote t1_j1q8vgn wrote

And I went and ruined it… a bad ending if ever there was one.

All good. Have a nice day.