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WeDriftEternal t1_j161i6y wrote

I'd rather have TV discussion than the bots auto-posting every vareity/deadspin/marvel article in existence seconds after the twitter feed posts it


stumpcity t1_j16ig4j wrote

Jeez, even if it was just bots posting Variety, at least that's a legitimate outlet.

So many of the linkbacks people throw up as a veiled excuse to harvest rants and its attendant karma are just absolute Geek Culture trash sites that are all minimum 2 or 3 steps removed from where the story legitimately originated... which is almost always a trade paper anyway.

I can't count the number of horseshit Collider and Paste links in here that basically only exist so someone on r/television can post them for updoots. Nobody else seems to actually read them, including the people sharing them.


ijakinov t1_j16sgk0 wrote

This is what I hate about news that spreads on TikTok. The trash sites are featured in videos with often misleading, inaccurate & super sensationalized headlines; and because nobody reads the actual articles what spreads is a lot of misinformation & in turn sometimes creates drama. variety is generally pretty careful when they are reporting on something that’s not an exclusive.


OneGoodRib t1_j17orrg wrote

No sarcasm op is ridiculous. What's the point of this sub just being people linking to news outlets with nothing else? What's wrong with there being questions sometimes? There's really not THAT many questions in the sub right now, and if it's such a huge issue then op and the others can just go bookmark Variety for their tv news since they don't care for discussions.


WeDriftEternal t1_j17qjns wrote

Just to defend OP a bit, there's been a increase of potentially bot-like posts that look "normal" across various subreddits for the last couple weeks that have gotten some users suspicious, and reddit seems to promoting more self-posts than normal, even ones that haven't been upvoted. So, unusual activity is happening and many users are noticing it. That being said, the old default subs have always had issues with bots, but those were generally link posts, this may or may not be related.


badgarok725 t1_j18cs0r wrote

I mean tbf, Reddit is a news aggregator firstly

Obviously you need some discussion threads but it's been a blast of incredibly low effort ones recently


FirmLibrary4893 t1_j18tqsy wrote

> What's the point of this sub just being people linking to news outlets with nothing else?

How is that not a point? That is literally the point of subs like news, worldnews, etc


fadetoblack237 t1_j168g9d wrote

Sometimes multiple times. It's obnoxious.


riegspsych325 t1_j1a7k50 wrote

and most of all big news is posted by a single user. Anytime anyone expresses skepticism in that user’s posts, mods delete the comments. And when said user is mentioned by name in a complaint, people get banned. A post on r/movies talked about the issue and the user got banned and a warning from reddit admins

Just go to any entertainment sub, sort by top weekly and you’ll see that user responsible for more than half


FondleGanoosh438 t1_j17uixq wrote

I think people who complain about discussion threads need to hit the sports subs and see nothing but tweets from talking heads and terrible articles written by literally who.