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DaveShadow t1_j167wxa wrote

It’s karma whoring. Blatantly so.

It put me off Twitter when I started trying to use it more actively recently, where you’d get people posting five or six questions an hour,but never having genuine conversations. It’s to get engagement, get karma and upvotes and then move on to the next question.

It can somewhat lead to good conversations with other people, but you’ll notice a lot of the time, the OP asks a question but barely engages deeper in the thread. It feels so soulless and fake. Vapid.


[deleted] t1_j16qrfw wrote



DaveShadow t1_j182s49 wrote

At a complete guess, and with the greatest of respect, that sounds like you were downvoted cause you asked something that would have been easily found via the search bar. 99% of questions asking for recommendations have already been asked and answered extensively. Not every thought needs a new thread.


longdustyroad t1_j1ae58b wrote

I don’t need or particularly want the OP to engage in a thread. They aren’t the center of the discussion, just someone who kicked it off. I actually get annoyed when the OP (on any sub) replies to every comment