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xerxes00 t1_j2655sj wrote

Yes. I now believe posts like this are paid for by PR firms trying to shape opinions


VisforVenom t1_j2684hk wrote

Low karma profiles with no post history are usually the tipoff people look for. But you'd be surprised how often someone tries to phish your account or straight up purchase it with a middling amount of karma (20-100k) and I'm fairly certain a lot of those are for the purposes of discrete marketing.

Sometimes you can find someone doing a piss-poor job of shilling something, look at their post history, and see the exact moment they sold or otherwise lost their account. Just a sudden shift into singular topic shill posts about a topic never found in their interests prior.


GameOvaries02 t1_j268ppv wrote

16k and counting. One more year and I’ll be able to get the best thing I have ever gotten out of reddit(well, besides cat pictures):
