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Zeppo_Ennui t1_j5yn3kc wrote

You should have boycotted the cup. Hope all the human rights violations were worth your entertainment


brief_interviews t1_j60kp5d wrote

Serious question, what would boycotting the cup actually accomplish in this situation? Like materially, how would Qatar suffer if people in other countries didn't tune in to watch it?


Similar-Collar1007 t1_j5zfdzl wrote

hope you enjoyed typing that on your slave made computer and tablet or iPhone now seriously not everyone knows the geo political issues in the world so be respectful to people


Zeppo_Ennui t1_j5zpikr wrote

Be respectful to people. Exactly.


Similar-Collar1007 t1_j5zw8lo wrote

You aren’t respectful that guy might not know what abuses are going on


Zeppo_Ennui t1_j609tgb wrote

What was disrespectful? No names or insults were used. No disparagements about race, religion, gender, politics...etc. The dude obviously has internet access and none of the FIFA stuff is quiet. Go be butt-hurt about something else.


Similar-Collar1007 t1_j60e4fd wrote

First off the dude could be at work and using that internet we have no idea his internet access as person from a rural area I can attest along of people don’t have it besides work and school and second the thing your typing on was made with absue and slave labor do they matter less