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[deleted] t1_j67iajb wrote



sevsnapey t1_j67jdhl wrote

> I really don't care and have already turned off any notifications for this thread as I really don't want to respond or interact with all of the haters.

submitted 38 minutes ago (last edited 31 minutes ago)

so that was a lie


Owasso_Landman t1_j67jbrn wrote

Person who doesn’t understand paragraphs is trying to lecture. 🤣


borek87 OP t1_j67nuy2 wrote

Dude... if you hate my take on Velma, sure... you do you, but don't try smart ass yourself out of the fact you don't even know what a spacebar does. You tried to write a clever line that I "discovered a spacebar" for paragraphs - which is literally not the key for paragraphs* - and now you're trying to backpedal on this.

* you aren't actually one of those people who when they write a document in word for example insert like 150 spaces to go to the next line are you? Damn... that would explain the dumb mistake. Next time just use Enter. Might be a shocking experience for you the first few times but you'll get used to it.
