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bigfondue t1_j66j26e wrote

I've only seen one episode. The one where they do cocaine, but they later find out it's fake. 'We've been up all night playing bloody ping pong for no reason!'


PM_YOUR_BAKING_PICS t1_j66oepq wrote

Being from neither country, I've always thought that watching Absolutely Fabulous and then watching Sex and the City is the quickest way to get solid understanding of the basic differences between UK and US culture.


DynamicSploosh t1_j68u9kv wrote

Yep both shows follow vain, spoiled, misguided, social climbers who give horrible advice and invite constant ridicule for the abysmal decision making their characters exhibit. One treats these characters as role models, the other does it ironically, treating them like the joke they are.


Misha220 t1_j6b652z wrote

At least AbFab is funny!


DynamicSploosh t1_j6b6cro wrote

AbFab is fuckin hilarious. At least they realised acting that way was something to be made fun of, not admired. Still holds up today. SATC is horribly dated now.


Misha220 t1_j6b7wwj wrote

I hated SATC and still do. They took themselves seriously as something to aspire to. As horrible as Patsy and Eddie are as people, I would take them anyday over the SATC foursome.


manderly808 t1_j67bsxa wrote

La Croix, sweetie. La Croix!


IgnacioHollowBottom t1_j677lsy wrote

Pats: Darling, you are a fabulous, wonderful individual.

Eddy: Oh, thank you.

Pats: And remember, I've known you longer than your daughter...


HidarinoShu t1_j66kopd wrote

I rewatch this every couple of years, my partner hates the show so much.


AnastasiaNo70 t1_j6743e0 wrote



HidarinoShu t1_j675ynm wrote

He just hates them says they are annoying. Itā€™s ok I can watch this on my own.


ohdearitsrichardiii t1_j67pnzz wrote

That's kinda the point? Patsy and Eddie are awful people, you're not supposed to like them


tw411 t1_j68h5th wrote

Gabon. Gabon. Is he from Gabon?


mdjmrc t1_j67ieo0 wrote

Iā€™m going to be thin, Iā€™m going to do thin things

Story of my life.


Nose-Nuggets t1_j676dq9 wrote

"I'm going around again!"

Still makes me laugh. Patsy on that ski lift with a bottle of wine in her hand.


pearlsandplumes t1_j67dhcd wrote

I still repeat this mantra whenever I'm feeling like I'm packing on the pounds: "This is not my fat. This is fat from another lifetime."


DomesticApe23 t1_j67ao6o wrote

What do you want? A statue?! A big, fat, ugly, armless statue?!

.... I've got arms!


InfamousHWJaguar t1_j687n65 wrote

Wheels on fire, rolling down the roooooaad!


smalltalkbigwalk t1_j6d6d7l wrote

Best notify my next of kin, this wheel shall explode.

Saffy certainly has awoken a fetish in me for uncomfortable nerdy girls in huge sweaters.


CableCoShow t1_j66ximg wrote

Ah, I love modern entertainment 'journalism'. It's just a constant stream of articles from 25 year olds talking about how we've all forgotten about a very famous show that came out 25+ years ago.


PaJme t1_j682z7u wrote

I love this show, my spouse and I quote it pretty often. The episode where Saffy puts on a stage play to portray her childhood trauma and Edina and Patsy end up taking it as a huge compliment is SO good.


TuffyButters t1_j68upvb wrote

ā€œSmall Openingā€ even the title still makes me laugh. Best ep ever!


sonarblips t1_j66kbs2 wrote

I wish they would stream this show on Roku or Pluto or something.


bubbameister33 t1_j6au2co wrote

Itā€™s on Hoopla, you can log in and use that with a library card (if your library supports it) for free.


Gonzostewie t1_j66mfjx wrote

This show is a guilty pleasure of mine. These two are hilarious.


HMK84 t1_j67k2ya wrote

I totally missed this show as I was very young when this was peaking. But then I discovered Kath & Kim years later and that filled the ditzy duo hole. The Aussies snapped on that one lol. AbFab better or same vibes?


Waterboarded_Bobcat t1_j67m1i6 wrote

Where are my dippity bix?

The wedding with Sharon and the horse hair switch is a seminal moment in television history.


lordGwillen t1_j67vj1l wrote

Look at me Kim Loook at MOOIII


HMK84 t1_j6dzigu wrote

Jane Turner is amazing ...le sigh. A real comedic genius.


ABB0TTR0N1X t1_j68f6rx wrote

I feel like Eddie and Patsy are closer to the English equivalent of Prue and True.


senpaimitsuji t1_j67smsr wrote

God I need to do a rewatch again. These idiots never fail to make me laugh, especially bubble. Patsy and Eddie are gonna go on my future tattoo sleeve


themanfromvulcan t1_j66tgx3 wrote

Nobody remembers sapphire and steel.


seventhcatbounce t1_j66w9jr wrote

i do the bloke from The Man from UNCLE and the woman from The New Adventures wandering around empty sets scared the absolute bejesus out of us as kids


PloppyTheSpaceship t1_j681a13 wrote

I just like it when Eddie is in hospital and is seemingly hallucinating Lady Penelope at her bedside.


JMCrown t1_j690lox wrote

ā€œOne more face lift on this one and sheā€™ll have a beard.ā€

I aspire to be Patsy.

Sadly, Ab Fab is also responsible for cursing us with the pathetic attempt to recreate an American version, ā€œHigh Society.ā€ But if youā€™re not going to commit to well written jokes about drugs and sex then itā€™s going to be crap.


get_the_reference_ t1_j6act39 wrote

I hate you! Just when my life hit a good patch, along you came, you miserable piece of flesh. You should've ended up in the dust bin! The incinerator was too good for you! You know, when I heard that Eddie was pregnant, I told her to abort! ABORT, ABORT, ABORT! I said "Chuck it down the pan!". I said "Bring me... a knitting needle!"


SidonieFalling t1_j6bvwhl wrote

The way Patsy cries after Saffy slaps her is seared into my brain.


Zoraji t1_j68onkn wrote

I loved the role reversal. Saffy was the responsible one where her mother and Patsy were the wild ones, living for the next party. This is one of my wife's favorite shows.


Particular_Sun8377 t1_j6937dh wrote

This show really symbolises the 90s. The economy was on fire and the cold war was over.


LostAd6024 t1_j68ne36 wrote

I grew up watching this with my dad. Itā€™s still just as hilarious.


Embarassed_Tackle t1_j68vhcu wrote

> Im chanting as we speak

LOL the most famous line for all Buddhists and meditators.

And it was actually said by the inspiration for Edina Monsoon, publicist Lynne Franks


fdjadjgowjoejow t1_j6ao923 wrote

Preaching to the choir sweetie

I think you buried one of the leads regarding this show though understandable since it pertains to the DVD's.

It seems like it's been decades since I watched the DVD outtakes on repeat with tears and snot running down my face, I have never since laughed so hard.

Comedy gems and genius all around.


aliveinjoburg2 t1_j6835an wrote

I was partially raised on this show so it has always held a special place in my heart. Thankfully my mom is like neither of these women.


South_Conference_768 t1_j689ckz wrote

Love Ab Fab and Kath & Kim. In that genre gotta check out Gavin & Stacey. The supporting characters are brilliant!


dandipants t1_j6afhfq wrote

Money! Keys! Passport!


DeNiroPacino t1_j6al33q wrote

I was obsessed with AbFab in the late 90s. It would air on Comedy Central daily and watching episodes became a compulsion.


Misha220 t1_j6b73wt wrote

The new episodes aired on Monday nights. I LIVED for those nights and would laugh until my body hurt.


ThisIsRyGuy t1_j6bhjfm wrote

You little bitch troll from hell!


Lili_Danube t1_j6co3py wrote

Season 1-3 was PERFECT. Season 4 was hit and miss. Season 5 was unwatchable.


smalltalkbigwalk t1_j6d6nxh wrote

That one S5 episode where Edina brought home the wrong baby is a classic for me amongst the earlier ones.


Notacka t1_j678drk wrote

The movie was good.


SquidgeSquadge t1_j691fes wrote

They have always reminded me of my mother and her best friend when I was growing up. It wasn't fun to live with that but I loved them all the same.


ostrich9 t1_j6a5hm3 wrote

This show always came on in the afternoons in the summer on comedy central in my childhood. I never got into it, I was too young to "get it". Maybe I should give it another try.


beware_oftheleopard t1_j67n4wl wrote

Oh no I used to love it but it's not aged well at all.


sati_lotus t1_j68gm5t wrote

I think you can say that for many 90s comedies though. Comedy mocks modern culture.

Hence why when we watch it 30 years later, we go, 'ugh, were we really like that?'


WatermelonSnow t1_j67lzr3 wrote

I used to love the show, until the one christmas special where Edina strikes a toddler in the face. I just couldn't watch that show anymore after that.


maeldeho t1_j68vrwh wrote

But that wasn't played as a joke - it was the final straw and made Saffy throw them out of the house (quite literally in Patsys case šŸ¤£)