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[deleted] OP t1_j4nccx0 wrote



brianschwarm t1_j4nck0b wrote

Why? If activists weren’t dictating anything, women still wouldn’t be able to vote.


[deleted] OP t1_j4ndjmd wrote

Woman would’ve been allowed to vote eventually no matter what.

Considering activists are too busy being woke lately it’s dumb idea to let them have any voice.


brianschwarm t1_j4ne5dz wrote

You’d be surprised how things stay the same unless someone (an activist) advocates for change. Activists have made things better for you too ya know.


[deleted] OP t1_j4neve4 wrote

I wouldn’t say pushing identity politics down in my throat has done things better.


brianschwarm t1_j4nfx6q wrote

I don’t think it has either, ultimately. But there are some good aspects of identity politics, such as understanding intersectionality. Basically, the understanding that a female POC has to deal with all the hardships that women do, but also all the hardships people of color do, and then this adds in to some extra hardships that neither one face. However, I tend to agree that diversity for the sake of diversity isn’t doing anyone good. We need to listen to diverse groups of people, not simply put someone of a minority group in a position of power who does all the things that the white supremacist patriarchy would’ve wanted anyways, agree?


[deleted] OP t1_j4nhn3j wrote

No offence but I really hope you don’t talk like this during a election because this is great way to lose one.


brianschwarm t1_j4nhvc6 wrote

Why would I change the way I talk based on whether it’s an election cycle or not? If I’m right, I’m right regardless of whether or not an election is going on. And I’m trying to build bridges here.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ng1kp wrote

I just know that people who use the terms "woke" and "identity politics" are some small brained fearful folks.


[deleted] OP t1_j4nh4h6 wrote

People wouldn’t use these words if activists actually understood that people doesn’t want politics pushed down their throats just because some people are too buzy with performative nonsense.

And yes Identity politics are hot garbage. People should knock it off with the bullshit.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ni01f wrote

I think people worried about seeing diversity in entertainment need to fuck off. Nothing is being pushed down your throat. You can go watch Yellowstone or one of it's many spin offs and be happy.


[deleted] OP t1_j4nipft wrote

Talk about being tonedeaf now. People doesn’t have any issue with diversity. They have a issue when it has done in hamfisted way which has happened alot of time.

The fact you don’t understand so easy concept is strange.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nj5h6 wrote

you haven't watched this show and here you are talking about "woke" and "identity politics". you have a problem. Don't say "people" or "they" when you are speaking for yourself.


[deleted] OP t1_j4njvqh wrote

I don’t need to. The show scream about it. Frankly it’s embarrassing that progressives thought that was good idea.

> Don't say "people" or "they" when you are speaking for yourself.

Then you absolutely haven’t paid any attention lately.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nkmnh wrote

you are speaking yourself. That is 100% true.

you are ranting about something you do not know about so I feel like you support the statement that people that use "woke" and "identity politics" have small brains. Frankly it is embarrassing at how scared you are.


uknownada t1_j4od3ht wrote

Please, watch the show. It is so anti-woke that it kind of hurts. It even makes fun of #MeToo.


uknownada t1_j4neo7x wrote

The show mocks those "woke activists" what the hell are you talking about


Possible-Extent-3842 t1_j4netos wrote

It has nothing to do with activists. It's out-of-touch Hollywood writers who think their shit don't stink.