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brianschwarm t1_j4nfx6q wrote

I don’t think it has either, ultimately. But there are some good aspects of identity politics, such as understanding intersectionality. Basically, the understanding that a female POC has to deal with all the hardships that women do, but also all the hardships people of color do, and then this adds in to some extra hardships that neither one face. However, I tend to agree that diversity for the sake of diversity isn’t doing anyone good. We need to listen to diverse groups of people, not simply put someone of a minority group in a position of power who does all the things that the white supremacist patriarchy would’ve wanted anyways, agree?


[deleted] OP t1_j4nhn3j wrote

No offence but I really hope you don’t talk like this during a election because this is great way to lose one.


brianschwarm t1_j4nhvc6 wrote

Why would I change the way I talk based on whether it’s an election cycle or not? If I’m right, I’m right regardless of whether or not an election is going on. And I’m trying to build bridges here.