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KatBoySlim t1_j4nz36s wrote

>she says Fred is a rich entitled guy with a tiny dong

The second clip in the link I provided matches my screenshot, not what you wrote here.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nzb0e wrote

go watch the fucking show so you know what she says. block me again.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nzdj9 wrote

I don’t need to rewatch it. I provided a clip that matches my screenshot.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nzngj wrote

Stay ignorant and afraid. You like the sopranos which is very racist and only makes white people look bad. But that show doesn't threaten you. Keep posting about a show youve never actually watched.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nzscq wrote

So you’re saying that you were wrong when you said I misquoted the show?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o2gqp wrote

No and you wouldnt know what the show says because you didnt watch it. You are here because you are fragile and not very smart talking about a show based on opinions someone gave you. I thought you were going to block me again? Do you just crave my attention?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o3jf4 wrote

you are here saying that the show is trying to make white people the bad guy. It doesn't. You are ignorant and afraid. You haven't watched it and you got your info from someone else because you cant think for yourself. You should be embarrassed.