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KatBoySlim t1_j4o05qi wrote

Aw does being wrong upset you? Watch the clip and admit that I did not misquote the show.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o0nf3 wrote

I watched the show. I don't need people to form an opinion for me. you posted things that are not on the show but you like being ignorant and wont go watch it for yourself. You blocked me and ran because youre a little puss. You are here just because you are afraid and weak. You don't know what you are talking about because you didnt view it yourself.


KatBoySlim t1_j4o0yq3 wrote

Writing things on the internet doesn’t make them true.

I posted a video clip from the actual show. How can you explain those clips?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o1oxb wrote

They are not in the show. You would know that if you watched it.

Why'd you block me and run away?


KatBoySlim t1_j4o1u3m wrote

They sure look like they are. I guess those Chinese counterfeiters are getting better at their job.