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cireh88 t1_j4ncqu9 wrote

Not HBO proper. Velma was made for HBO Max


johnppd t1_j4ncj10 wrote

Can't answer this cause I haven't watched it, but I wanna let you know that HBO had nothing to do with it. Velma is a Max Original, HBO ≠ HBO Max.


stamps1646 t1_j4ncy9t wrote

What did you think of it?


KatBoySlim t1_j4ni8bb wrote

I turned it off when it got racist. Then I saw screenshots with the body shaming, and the dismissal of the MeToo movement.

Racism in shows is only acceptable when you’re trying to portray that the people doing it are horrible, ie the Sopranos. That clearly wasn’t the intention here.


stamps1646 t1_j4nik4p wrote

ugh, that sounds very bad.

I haven't watched it yet, I only just re-subbed to HBOMax for The Last of Us series.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4njipc wrote

what was the example of racism?


KatBoySlim t1_j4nl6qq wrote


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nt5b2 wrote

I just watched the 2 episodes that are up. It is very abrasive, but I don't think it is racist.


KatBoySlim t1_j4ntb2j wrote

>I don’t think it’s racist

Here’s my test: would it be allowed in context if she were saying it about any other race.

The answer is no.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ntq8u wrote

the character is racist. the show is not. A character can be a racist, murderer, saint, doesn't mean that the show has an agenda.

Sopranos isnt racist. The character of Tony Soprano is racist.

Breaking Bad is not a pro-drug show because the main character is a drug dealer.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nu6xl wrote

I think you’re being disingenuous and I think the context of how Fred is the butt of all jokes, in combination with Velma’s statements, make this a transparent example of the “white man bad” brand of wokism.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nupej wrote

no you are looking to be mad and you didnt watch the show. Fred is not the butt of every joke, he is the butt of some jokes though. You are looking to be angry and you are not honest about it. There is nothing "white man bad" in this show. Watch the fucking show so you know what you are talking about. I won't be watching future episodes because this is not well written, but it is nothing like you describe it. The show makes references to her prejudice and her being jealous of people. There is nothing in this show that makes Velma a good person other than she is working on solving the murder but even with that her motivation is selfish.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nuvpe wrote

Ignorant take. Do better.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nw3e6 wrote

even your screen shots are fake and that dialog isn't in the show. She says fred is a rich, Entitled guy with a tiny dong. You are posting bullshit.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nxrhw wrote

Literally all that dialog is in the show.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nysf5 wrote


No it isnt and you blocked me like the weak ass you are.


read the fake screen shots you put up. you are pathetic.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nz865 wrote

Do you think I edited the video clip? Lol


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nzg1v wrote

no you arent smart enough to do that. I don't think you are even smart enough to form your own opinion.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nzk8n wrote

So you admit that you were wrong about me misquoting the show, as I proved with the linked video?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nzw3j wrote

No absolutely not. Go watch the show. You are weak. Why'd you block me, coward?


KatBoySlim t1_j4o05qi wrote

Aw does being wrong upset you? Watch the clip and admit that I did not misquote the show.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o0nf3 wrote

I watched the show. I don't need people to form an opinion for me. you posted things that are not on the show but you like being ignorant and wont go watch it for yourself. You blocked me and ran because youre a little puss. You are here just because you are afraid and weak. You don't know what you are talking about because you didnt view it yourself.


KatBoySlim t1_j4o0yq3 wrote

Writing things on the internet doesn’t make them true.

I posted a video clip from the actual show. How can you explain those clips?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o1oxb wrote

They are not in the show. You would know that if you watched it.

Why'd you block me and run away?


KatBoySlim t1_j4o1u3m wrote

They sure look like they are. I guess those Chinese counterfeiters are getting better at their job.


KatBoySlim t1_j4o0em9 wrote

Oh no, am internet tough guy called me a coward.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o107x wrote

I think any one who encounters you would say the same. the same reason people would say fire is hot. you blocked me because you are a weak ass. You are commenting on a show you have not seen and posting material you didnt create because you need other people to think for you.


KatBoySlim t1_j4o1aab wrote

Fire is hot. The fact that other people agree doesn’t make it untrue.

Bad example.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o1j1s wrote

No. People agree you are a coward because you are cowardly. People agree fire is hot because it is. this is an example of you not being smart. This is why you need people to think for you.


KatBoySlim t1_j4o1m3m wrote

Public education has failed you.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o1wze wrote

Maybe, but I am not the weak bitch talking about a show I didnt watch based on information provided by someone else. That'd be you. Go hide with your other cowardly folks and live in fear of the scooby doo show that you havent seen.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nz36s wrote

>she says Fred is a rich entitled guy with a tiny dong

The second clip in the link I provided matches my screenshot, not what you wrote here.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nzb0e wrote

go watch the fucking show so you know what she says. block me again.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nzdj9 wrote

I don’t need to rewatch it. I provided a clip that matches my screenshot.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nzngj wrote

Stay ignorant and afraid. You like the sopranos which is very racist and only makes white people look bad. But that show doesn't threaten you. Keep posting about a show youve never actually watched.


KatBoySlim t1_j4nzscq wrote

So you’re saying that you were wrong when you said I misquoted the show?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o2gqp wrote

No and you wouldnt know what the show says because you didnt watch it. You are here because you are fragile and not very smart talking about a show based on opinions someone gave you. I thought you were going to block me again? Do you just crave my attention?


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4o3jf4 wrote

you are here saying that the show is trying to make white people the bad guy. It doesn't. You are ignorant and afraid. You haven't watched it and you got your info from someone else because you cant think for yourself. You should be embarrassed.


faceintheblue t1_j4ng68b wrote

The thing I keep hearing is that the show has a powerful 'the writer(s) had an idea they couldn't get made without an existing IP, but then upon getting a new show for the existing IP greenlit, they ignored everything about that IP that wouldn't let them run with their original idea' vibe to it.

Velma is not new Scooby-Doo content done with a fresh angle. Velma is whatever the showrunner really wanted to make, draped in bits and pieces of Scooby-Doo IP so the studio would think it would be interesting to the kids who watched Scooby-Doo who are now adults in the key demo. I'm sure sometimes this sort of thing works out fine. It looks like this isn't going to be one of those times.


laurentiubuica t1_j4ndnsq wrote

The show is cringey joke, after cringey joke. No substance at all. Ultimately the writers failed to give us a decent show. The fact that is a Scooby Doo spin off, without any mention of Scoob, because apparently they wouldn't want to taint the Scooby Doo IP, makes the show worse.


uknownada t1_j4neyka wrote

What went wrong is that they gave a celebrity who doesn't like animation an animated show. It's happened so many times before. Comedy Central is filled with cartoons like this, as is Fox.


Scotsmania t1_j4ng7d9 wrote

She's been involved in a lot of successful projects in different positions so from a numbers POV her involvement likely seemed like a good bet when just looking at the data. Someone will get sacked for not looking deeper at her content and doing due diligence though when giving her carte blanche.

I dunno if you remember the threads when this was announced, at the time loads of people were predicting this kind of outcome but they became downvote central as everything negative was accused of homophobia, racism etc.


jogoso2014 t1_j4nergk wrote

The user score is irrelevant to HBO. But the review scores are another matter if it doesn’t match up with viewers.

It appears to be popular though.

However they wouldn’t be responsible for the creative process and they may have a deal with Kaling overall.


root_fifth_octave t1_j4ndawe wrote

Watched it basically to see why everyone was hating it, and ended up enjoying it for the most part. 🤷


mr_claw t1_j4nfc48 wrote

Can you donate your brain? For science?


root_fifth_octave t1_j4nhvrd wrote

>Can you donate your brain? For science?

I mean, eventually yeah. They'll probably want to detox it first.


PositiveStress8888 t1_j4nfj8g wrote

What I cant believe is this many adults upset over a Scooby-Doo spin off.


mximus t1_j4ngul4 wrote

You must be new to reddit... LOL


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nd7up wrote

Mindy Kaling did a voice. so your premise is false but you know that.

Charlie Grandy created the show. Why be purposefully ignorant?


darthphallic t1_j4ng6bq wrote

To be fair she’s executive producer and most of the promotional material had her name right at the top, it’s easy to imagine how some folk could get confused


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ngfoo wrote

I don't believe this person is confused. Especially since this show has been discussed to death.


KorovaMilk113 t1_j4ngyfq wrote

Haven’t watched the show but have been keeping up with the discussion even before it dropped and I was also under the impression she was the main show runner and a writer, didn’t know she was just a voice and whatever extent her producer role was (which could very well have leaned closer to show runner zone but I have no clue obviously)


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ni9ac wrote

she is not the show runner and but she is a producer on the show. She is not the creator, just the biggest name attached.


[deleted] OP t1_j4nktc4 wrote



MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nl1wc wrote

no Im not and Im not lying. Saying she is responsible for the show is lying and nothing I said is false. So, I'd just say fuck off to your statement.


wontholdthedoor t1_j4nh9w8 wrote

How about you go fuck yourself instead of pretending to be upset about a show based on a series you don't care about?


[deleted] OP t1_j4nccx0 wrote



brianschwarm t1_j4nck0b wrote

Why? If activists weren’t dictating anything, women still wouldn’t be able to vote.


[deleted] OP t1_j4ndjmd wrote

Woman would’ve been allowed to vote eventually no matter what.

Considering activists are too busy being woke lately it’s dumb idea to let them have any voice.


brianschwarm t1_j4ne5dz wrote

You’d be surprised how things stay the same unless someone (an activist) advocates for change. Activists have made things better for you too ya know.


[deleted] OP t1_j4neve4 wrote

I wouldn’t say pushing identity politics down in my throat has done things better.


brianschwarm t1_j4nfx6q wrote

I don’t think it has either, ultimately. But there are some good aspects of identity politics, such as understanding intersectionality. Basically, the understanding that a female POC has to deal with all the hardships that women do, but also all the hardships people of color do, and then this adds in to some extra hardships that neither one face. However, I tend to agree that diversity for the sake of diversity isn’t doing anyone good. We need to listen to diverse groups of people, not simply put someone of a minority group in a position of power who does all the things that the white supremacist patriarchy would’ve wanted anyways, agree?


[deleted] OP t1_j4nhn3j wrote

No offence but I really hope you don’t talk like this during a election because this is great way to lose one.


brianschwarm t1_j4nhvc6 wrote

Why would I change the way I talk based on whether it’s an election cycle or not? If I’m right, I’m right regardless of whether or not an election is going on. And I’m trying to build bridges here.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ng1kp wrote

I just know that people who use the terms "woke" and "identity politics" are some small brained fearful folks.


[deleted] OP t1_j4nh4h6 wrote

People wouldn’t use these words if activists actually understood that people doesn’t want politics pushed down their throats just because some people are too buzy with performative nonsense.

And yes Identity politics are hot garbage. People should knock it off with the bullshit.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ni01f wrote

I think people worried about seeing diversity in entertainment need to fuck off. Nothing is being pushed down your throat. You can go watch Yellowstone or one of it's many spin offs and be happy.


[deleted] OP t1_j4nipft wrote

Talk about being tonedeaf now. People doesn’t have any issue with diversity. They have a issue when it has done in hamfisted way which has happened alot of time.

The fact you don’t understand so easy concept is strange.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nj5h6 wrote

you haven't watched this show and here you are talking about "woke" and "identity politics". you have a problem. Don't say "people" or "they" when you are speaking for yourself.


[deleted] OP t1_j4njvqh wrote

I don’t need to. The show scream about it. Frankly it’s embarrassing that progressives thought that was good idea.

> Don't say "people" or "they" when you are speaking for yourself.

Then you absolutely haven’t paid any attention lately.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nkmnh wrote

you are speaking yourself. That is 100% true.

you are ranting about something you do not know about so I feel like you support the statement that people that use "woke" and "identity politics" have small brains. Frankly it is embarrassing at how scared you are.


uknownada t1_j4od3ht wrote

Please, watch the show. It is so anti-woke that it kind of hurts. It even makes fun of #MeToo.


uknownada t1_j4neo7x wrote

The show mocks those "woke activists" what the hell are you talking about


Possible-Extent-3842 t1_j4netos wrote

It has nothing to do with activists. It's out-of-touch Hollywood writers who think their shit don't stink.


chadslc t1_j4nd0nr wrote

Mindy Kaling just sucks that bad, regardless of what her motivation is.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4ndr8x wrote

Charlie Grandy is the creator so maybe you dont like Mindy but you also don't like facts.


chadslc t1_j4njneq wrote

That doesn't take away from Mindy Kaling being about as entertaining as Tim Allen.


MeasurementNo0 t1_j4nk6qb wrote

I do not know either outside the things that made them famous. I liked Kelly on The Office and as a kid, I liked Home Improvement. I also liked Tim Allen's stand up from before Home Improvement. I also thought he killed in Toy story but that is all I know about him.