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nonresponsive t1_j2nebbw wrote

At least TV is built with commercials in mind. I'm pretty sure TV shows have scripts with basically -insert ad break here- type of memo, so the transition isn't jarring to the narrative.

If you're ever in a situation where you're watching Youtube without an ad blocker, you'll be watching a video, then suddenly you're hit with an ad mid-sentence. And it's honestly a bit frustrating. And the ads are always so loud.

Watching Twitch without an ad blocker is a non-starter for me too (to the point I've almost stopped watching except tournaments). Switching streams, ad. Random time during the stream, ad. Ad break, 7 ads. And Twitch is constantly trying to get around ad blockers which doesn't help.

I find TV ads to be somewhere on the lower end of annoying compared to what's out there. I mean, try to scroll through a website without ad blockers.. it's horrendous.