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GaryC357 t1_j2l5obi wrote

Agree 100%. I stopped watching commercial TV a couple of years ago. Most of it's trash anyway. If something interesting does come on it gets canceled, so why bother.


theyusedthelamppost t1_j2l84yw wrote

>How any one watches commercial TV anymore is beyond me.

one way is DVR (fast forward through commercials)

another way is when I have something to do on commercials (food, bathroom)

But just muting the TV during commercials isn't too bad. Even when streaming movies I have to keep the remote in my hand to micromanage the volume anyway. It's actually easier to manage the volume when watching satellite by comparison if I'm just muting commercials.


theyusedthelamppost t1_j2l9u1l wrote

I liked watching each new episode of Better Call Saul as it aired. That way I could keep up with the discussion on social media when other were watching it and avoid spoilers. I heard a bunch of complaints about AMC+ so I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that.

Same situation with live sports. I'm not sure what packages exist to watch game in real time, but watching live in satellite works fine for me.


RunningToStayStill t1_j2lbv4b wrote

Same reason why people listen to commercial radio; they use it as wallpaper for their daily tedium.


cyrixlord t1_j2lstj9 wrote

It's like browsing the internet without an adblocker.


NoNefariousness2144 t1_j2m49nu wrote

It’s crazy to think that a whole generation or two will never embrace commercial TV and will stick to streaming. Young people physically can’t watch a show on a fixed schedule with adverts every 10 minutes compared to just picking an episode/film on streaming.

I guess companies will try and shift their ads onto streaming in the next decade.


LeoLaDawg t1_j2m97vp wrote

I can't stand the format of building a show around commercial breaks. Few minutes of sorry, pause, minutes of commercial, back to a few minutes of story, repeat.

Especially the big 3 networks.


SpecialpOps t1_j2mcy6i wrote

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I turn on AM radio When I drive so that my brain can tune out background noise and focus on driving. Same thing with television: I use it as talking wallpaper so that my brain has something to tune out and I can focus on what I need to do.


Aggravating_Sea496 t1_j2mnh1j wrote

When people used to watch TV as a family, a commercial break would be a good point to talk about whats happened so far and have a quick conversation.

It also provided an opportunity to use the washroom, get snacks etc.

Yes, you can pause a stream to do all of that. But there's a psychological difference between making a choice to stop the action or taking advantage of when it's done for you.


NathanBrazil2 t1_j2modmd wrote

i had YouTube TV which has live tv stations. was ok at $50 a month , but now $65 a month. im using netflix, HBO Max, paramount + , cheap Hulu and disney. these have everything except for the local news....


Juls_Santana t1_j2n5at7 wrote

Since returning back to watching sports entertainment more often, I'm now on a quest to invent some sort of technology or service that can remove/mitigate commercials from the viewing experience. I don't understand how in 2023 western society has failed to come up with some sort of classification system that identifies egregiously running ads as brainwashing, but that's precisely what it is in many cases. I feel like I'm being attacked when watching commercial TV.


nonresponsive t1_j2nebbw wrote

At least TV is built with commercials in mind. I'm pretty sure TV shows have scripts with basically -insert ad break here- type of memo, so the transition isn't jarring to the narrative.

If you're ever in a situation where you're watching Youtube without an ad blocker, you'll be watching a video, then suddenly you're hit with an ad mid-sentence. And it's honestly a bit frustrating. And the ads are always so loud.

Watching Twitch without an ad blocker is a non-starter for me too (to the point I've almost stopped watching except tournaments). Switching streams, ad. Random time during the stream, ad. Ad break, 7 ads. And Twitch is constantly trying to get around ad blockers which doesn't help.

I find TV ads to be somewhere on the lower end of annoying compared to what's out there. I mean, try to scroll through a website without ad blockers.. it's horrendous.


Jeffery_G t1_j2ngbhn wrote

Plus one for compression. Most sophisticated televisions offer it via Menu; if you use components for audio delivery, a standalone compressor smooths out all those jarring inequalities in sound.

BBC has always been a offender: every scene requires audio adjustment.


anasui1 t1_j2nmmi8 wrote

not everything that is on free tv is shit, and I'd sooner watch a good show with ads than a garbage ass one, of which streaming companies have aplenty, with no interruptions. Yes, ads are annoying, but I ain't bovvered much


[deleted] t1_j2obkjj wrote

I hate that every cartoon/comedy is loud and I can't fall asleep to it. I used to do Futurama but now I can't. And even as quiet as the Office is there's still that bangin ass theme song and Michael and Dwight randomly yelling


imsoggy t1_j2pzixx wrote

I (a US citizen) traveled around the world for a year. I remember the first time back in the US with a tv screaming "buy this shit!" at me.

My tolerance for our tv & radio ads has ever since been zero. It creeps me out to think of everyone out there getting willfully blasted with this tripe 24/7.


Indigocell t1_j2qehur wrote

I only ever watch regular tv while making my coffee in the morning, and it seems like most of the time I turn it on, it's a fucking commercial. It is truly obnoxious. 90 seconds of straight commercials, 5 minutes of regular programming, another 90 seconds of commercials. I swear that's not even much of an exaggeration.


mickeyflinn t1_j2r9zsu wrote

The only reason I hang on to cable is for live sports.

Yeah Commercial Network TV is just brutal to watch.