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randelung t1_j6dy43v wrote

> The use of the sound is prohibited to prevent people becoming desensitized to something you should only hear in the most dire circumstances.

Please include emergency service sirens in that, too.


jackofslayers t1_j6ebmo9 wrote

It is illegal to use sirens in radio ads but seemingly no one cares


orangemaroon25 t1_j6g0qof wrote

I'm pretty sure I've heard drunk driving PSAs or the "click it or ticket" ads (some of which are made *by the government/law enforcement themselves) use sirens.


supercoffee1025 t1_j6e2uyl wrote

Living in DC I’m already quite desensitized to sirens going off every few minutes


mcg1997 t1_j6f9cyw wrote

Oh if this isn't the truest thing. Moved here less than a year ago, sirens have lost all meaning.


WeeklyManufacturer68 t1_j6hw4b7 wrote

What a shit hole. Sorry.


supercoffee1025 t1_j6hzi8h wrote

Eh it’s not the worst I love the walkability but the sirens are kinda like “really? how many of these are real emergencies?”


WeeklyManufacturer68 t1_j6keq2f wrote

Probably all of them. I don’t know the laws there but here cops have some sort of rule to only have 1 unit on at a time, something like that.


nutsotic t1_j6f9062 wrote

Maybe they shouldn't run weekly tests then


AmishAvenger t1_j6i7upz wrote

It’s not just about desensitizing people. The tones include information that can activate systems.


cogra23 t1_j6g73iz wrote

Emergency services sirens can and should be used in movies and TV series. They are banned from radio because a driver may mistake a real siren for a radio siren or vice versa


renegadecanuck t1_j6gp2n0 wrote

We should send that memo to the Canadian government so our cops will stop using our emergency sound for fucking amber alerts.


[deleted] t1_j6dykup wrote



DedTV t1_j6dziex wrote

Eg. Radio commercials that use things like police sirens to get people to pay attention.


bflaminio t1_j6e2nl9 wrote

There was a local radio station near me that used the sound of screeching tires to announce their traffic (on the 8's) broadcast. Every time I thought there was some car careening into me.

Of course, I stopped listening to that station.


jackofslayers t1_j6ebpwp wrote

Screeching tires on the radio is also illegal crazy that so many radio stations pull this crap


DedTV t1_j6exlfd wrote

It's not illegal (In the US. The UK and much of Europe is more sensible). Just about the only sound that can't be used is the US is the EBS Tone. Sirens, screeching tires, gunshots... anything you hear on broadcast TV, can also legally be used on the radio.

Per the FCC: "licensees should be aware of possible adverse consequences of the use of sirens and other alarming sound effects."

Which pretty much means "We DGAF. It's up to a judge to decide if you're liable if there's a problem."


[deleted] t1_j6e04io wrote



DedTV t1_j6e0qot wrote

Use of emergency service sound effects isn't prohibited. Currently.