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tahlyn t1_j6dzpfs wrote

Back when it was first created in the 1970s or '80s, 500,000 was a lot more money. I imagine the fine has not gone up in 50 years and therefore is now just the cost of doing business.


ronearc t1_j6e7evx wrote

They should raise the fine to one meeeeeellllllliiiooonn dollars.


boardattheborder t1_j6evacl wrote

The eighties was only like ten years ago though… oh… oh god


tahlyn t1_j6evrp2 wrote

You're older than you've ever been...

And now you're even older...

And now you're even older...

And now you're older still...


Lork82 t1_j6f0jch wrote

Yeah 500k is only the cost of a halfway decent house these days.


mr_ji t1_j6e61zi wrote

Fines go up. The threshold for meeting that fine is what never changes.

If you're ever unsure, just ask yourself, "Which way is more advantageous to the State?" You'll have your answer.
