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downonthesecond t1_j6eblv8 wrote

>The use of the sound is prohibited to prevent people becoming desensitized to something you should only hear in the most dire circumstances. "To preserve the unique purpose and effectiveness of the EAS Tones, the Commission enforces laws that prohibit their use or simulation, except for specific permitted uses," the FCC said.

With the number of times I've heard the alerts for their weekly tests, I've already become desensitized to it.


DiscoveryOV t1_j6f7v4t wrote

It needs to play often enough people know what it is and don’t panic, but not so often it becomes ignored. Additionally, that tone gets picked up EAS systems which do certain things with it within the broadcast system. So just playing it randomly could potentially affect those systems in more ways than just the tone simply playing.


orangemaroon25 t1_j6g1bd0 wrote

I live in a college town and every time in September when the new out of state/international students hear the monthly tornado siren test for the first time is a fun explanation.