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Due_Kaleidoscope7066 t1_j6humzw wrote

I don’t think it does. Like, for example if I had 100 shares and was selling them and you bought them, you would be increasing my net worth. In a very indirect way you’re making the stock price go up (though likely a minuscule amount) and I guess that technically increases their net worth. But it only really matters if they’re selling stock after you affected the stock price.


jawnyman t1_j6j4ioa wrote

If everyone sold their stock in Fox today it would greatly hurt the Murdoch family. They’d still have billions after selling a large position of the company, however.

Buying that stock is investing in the company and the Murdoch family. It justifies their advertising revenue and new developments and keeping the Murdochs in power. I’ve worked for the company before and I’ll never do it again. Maybe I’d work for the branch that Disney owns, but even that’s a stretch.

Rupert Murdoch is a sociopath and easily one of the worst influences on America still living today.


Due_Kaleidoscope7066 t1_j6jff0i wrote

Definitely not arguing that the Murdoch family sucks. I guess I just don’t understand the ways in which stock price affects things like advertising revenue and new developments. Oh well, thanks for shining some light on that. :)