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[deleted] t1_j65kxz1 wrote

That "Nicole Kidman is best known for..." are the younger generations so out of her star quality, that they really need a list? Never mind, when that list includes Batman Forever?


Isiddiqui t1_j65rnmj wrote

>That "Nicole Kidman is best known for..." are the younger generations so out of her star quality, that they really need a list?

Variety always does this with new show announcements, regardless of the actor.


Janderson2494 t1_j65ya6j wrote

Wasn't she the crazy friend in 'Just go with it?'

^this ^is ^a ^joke


ithinkther41am t1_j679c77 wrote

They should just do it like the Henry Winkler gag in Bojack Horseman where they’d always say he’s best known for (insert TV episode where he guest starred or had a minor role).

“Nicole Kidman is best known for the AMC commercial that plays before the movie.”