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Roook36 t1_j6dmnwq wrote

I'm wondering if people who haven't read the books can even enjoy it. I'm enjoying the slow pace and how they are going into everything in the books. I also thought it was crazy ep 3 was entirely about the numbers. But there are going to be 30 episodes, so if you break the book up to 30 eps then it actually spent as much time as the book does.

But i am not sure I'd be into it if I hadn't already read the series and had a lot of things I was looking forward to seeing in live action

So does it get better? The books and story are amazing. Is it going to stay slow and drag things out? Yup. 30 eps is a lot.

Also have to say it's kind of funny watching two scientists lose their mind over satellite readings. I get why it's a big deal, but they went all out piling stuff on a table just so the lead can dramatically sweep it all off. One scientist looks for a pen by throwing all the binders on their desk down on the floor. They're printing out the results and holding onto the paper like "come on....print faster...come on!!!" Haha