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Takseen t1_j6fddq5 wrote

I read the book and I'm enjoying the slow pace of the Tencent TV series.

I'm actually quite jealous really. Because they're doing a fairly small book over 30 episodes, each 30-50 minutes long, they really do get to include almost everything. Poor Wheel of Time with a larger book only got 8 episodes, and a drastically changed and shortened story as a result.


Traece t1_j6hfv9i wrote

I haven't read the books, but I've been mostly enjoying the Tencent series. It definitely suffers a bit from its slower pacing, and can even feel a tad repetitive at times, but I respect what they're trying to do here. It's an interesting story, and there have been some good moments and emotional scenes that help break up some of the monotony.

I suspect that when I reach the end I'll say it probably should have been 20 episodes instead of 30 or something, but I also plan to watch all 30 regardless. Butchering it with an 8-episode series would've been much worse than going all-in on a full-sized adaptation. I definitely prefer too many episodes to too few.