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Takseen t1_j6fekg5 wrote

Apparently its going to be 30 episodes long for the first book, so it might be better to wait for the Netflix series if that's going too slow.

I enjoyed the countdown photos episode, it helped demonstrate Miao's methodical approach to studying an absolutely bizarre and seemingly inexplicable thing. Only thing that was odd is that his wife went along with it a little too readily.

Regarding the ads, on Youtube I just get a 15 second ad burst at the start and halfway through each episode.. Still more than Netflix, but way less than typical cable TV. I also don't speak Chinese, so all it does is make me curious what Santi(Santee?) is.


ISayISayISay OP t1_j6h7yrf wrote

I get far more ads than that - are you a paid subscriber? (I'm not.) And, yeah, not speaking Chinese, it does make them rather pointless!


Takseen t1_j6hgbud wrote

Yeah maybe that's it, I did sub when I ran out of free episodes