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hessian_for_hire t1_j667b7p wrote

Bronson is my favorite


contaygious t1_j67jdod wrote

Yeah gonna be tough to beat that ever. Too bad no one saw it.


elvers t1_j67oin0 wrote

except, lots of people. Cool thing to say, but very untrue


contaygious t1_j68tbgc wrote

It made 2m dollars . That is very underrated my buddy


elvers t1_j68yp72 wrote

Odd metric to use for ‘underrated’ but do you, buddy


contaygious t1_j690t9p wrote

Underrated and under viewed 76%

As fans of the movie can't we get along my guy rofl


nesh34 t1_j67s9iu wrote

Came here to say this, fantastic movie.