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LetzPlayGameplay t1_j5yp1as wrote

How much did you watch? I was pretty iffy on it until episode 6 where it immediately starts to pick up. Season 2 is all bangers all the time


Quarbit64 t1_j5z8twp wrote

I think I watched 3 episodes. That's not much, but I didn't see any discussion online about how the first few episodes are dull (e.g. Seinfeld), so I decided to drop it. I might give it a second chance one day.


LetzPlayGameplay t1_j5znxi9 wrote

Yeah a couple friends told me that's when it gets good and they were spot on. Episode 6 is fantastic. Give it another try if you can


bajesus t1_j6157ve wrote

Might just not be for you. The episode ratings are pretty level from start to end with a couple of highs like episode 6/7.