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TripleSingleHOF t1_j6hux2a wrote

Leftovers season 2 might be my favorite season of television ever. It's in the group photo, at least.


Ahambone t1_j6nu5qn wrote

You're not alone! Top-to-bottom the best season of TV I've ever seen.


TripleSingleHOF t1_j6othh3 wrote

I think it's hard to say what the "best" season of TV would be, but the Leftovers S2 is definitely among my favorite.

Like, if someone says season 4 of the Wire is the best season in television history, I won't argue against that. But if you ask me which one I would prefer to re-watch, I'm picking the Leftovers just about every time.


Ahambone t1_j6ow499 wrote

We...we must be friends, because as I was writing my original comment, my thought was "yes today I think it's better than S4 of The Wire but tomorrow I might think differently"


TripleSingleHOF t1_j6oy4c1 wrote

I'm currently re-watching the Wire, and I'm just about done with the second season. I'm really stoked for the third and fourth seasons. It doesn't get much better than that.