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jogoso2014 t1_j6hscmk wrote

If we’re talking about International Assassin, it’s one of my all time favorites.


NeitherAlexNorAlice t1_j6i51ws wrote

It is International Assassin, and I'm right there with you. In a vacuum, it's probably my favorite episode of TV. It's so damn emotional, creative, brilliantly paced, and makes you care about characters that have only existed in the space of that episode.

I'd kill to experience The Leftovers for the first time again. IYKYK.


OutsideObserver t1_j6j0nh8 wrote

Totally agree. Have never felt the emotions I felt from that episode, from visual media before. It was like a poem. I fucking love that show.


Hi_Im_zack t1_j6jdrot wrote

Watching that show during Covid lockdowns was quite an experience


dhakaface t1_j6ltm06 wrote

Yessss. When they were showing the politicians arguing that only 3% of the population had gone, nbd…


BrockSampsonite t1_j6jybj2 wrote

Easily one of my top 5 episodes of television, a really exceptional journey


timbo138 t1_j6jsyur wrote

I remember this episode being one of the first times I caught myself standing up as the episode unfolded due to the emotional response it evoked in me.


CliffMcFitzsimmons t1_j6kwubj wrote

I've seen bots and pieces as my wife was watching it when it came out but I never finished it because she watched a bunch without me and I couldn't be bothered to try and catch up. Worth a watch? I don't remember anything about it other than the basic premise


PoopStickler69 t1_j6kgtbx wrote

Lol. I knew it had to be that episode.

I need to rewatch that. Just an absolute brain fuck.

The first season was wild, but then it went off the rails, in the best possible way in later seasons.

I don’t think they could have continued such a dour show without going bonkers with it.


samspopguy t1_j6mkxd7 wrote

Also might be my favorite episode of anything ever.


brimur123 t1_j6hsj9g wrote

If you're looking for answers you're watching the wrong show. The Leftovers never intended to give answers, it's about characters having to live with the inexplicable and thrives in that.


Tesseract91 t1_j6i2k0o wrote

Exactly. The show is a study of the human condition and it does so impeccably. Showcasing how people react to things that don’t make sense would be undercut having some kind of logical explanation to it all, in the end.


Grumplogic t1_j6jbsuz wrote

But why were the teenage girls running around the woods naked at the beginning of season 2?


Stephen_Gawking t1_j6i7qig wrote

It does give enough answers though I think. I never bought the theory about Nora lying.


brimur123 t1_j6ib8cj wrote

It doesn't matter if she lied, what matters is that Kevin believed her


BrockThrowaway t1_j6ipz41 wrote

I agree that it doesn't "matter" if she lied, narratively.

However, trying to decide whether or not she lied is still kind of a fair question as a viewer.

It's not like you can conclusively say "you missed the point of the show if you're asking whether or not she lied."

But, you will certainly like the ending more if you don't linger on that.


meeseeksanddestroy t1_j6ivb08 wrote

The show told people directly for a whole season that the key to enjoyment and probably happiness for the characters, should they choose to pursue it, was just "letting the mystery be."


SoulCruizer t1_j6lwhgr wrote

Yes but that doesn’t mean it didn’t want people to speculate or have a general interest just that it shouldn’t ruin your enjoyment for not getting a definitive answer. You can still “ask” and “wonder” and people on the show have even talked about what they believed actually happened. Again the whole “let the mystery be” is about being ok without an answer not having an opinion or a take on it.


VitaminTea t1_j6ly0yj wrote

Nora's story is purposefully ambiguous but that doesn't mean we're supposed to ignore the mystery. The mystery is the point.


Roook36 t1_j6izpre wrote

Neither did I. But partly because that was my theory the whole time. So for me she just confirmed it. Never considered she might be lying until I looked online


WeDriftEternal t1_j6j41am wrote

The cool part is the writers basically have said she both is lying and is not lying and both are true. It’s just up to the audience to decide… although they have definite opinions internally.

They actually did want to shoot an episode on the other side with Nora but it was cut because they went from 10 eps to 8 in S3. The other episode would have been back in Jarden with Kevin’s kids. But they made it clear they did not shoot these and they are not shown to us… we got the story as is. So did she lie?


DrHalibutMD t1_j6jxazh wrote

It's not lying if she believes it, and in relation to the episode op is talking about and its direct follow up in season 3 dont we all still wonder if it really happened?

She might say it's the truth and even believe it's the truth but is it really? Is everything that happened in this episode real?


WeDriftEternal t1_j6jzoh7 wrote

Everything that happened in the episode was real... but if she is lying or not is the question


DrHalibutMD t1_j6kbmgg wrote

So was Kevin really in another world where he was the President and/or his identical twin brother? ...and if he told the story to you would you be able to believe him? That's the question to me, more than whether Nora is lying or not.

Her story may be a lie but how can Kevin think that given what he's experienced? Heck everyone in the world has experienced the craziness of the original disappearance how can you discount her story?

Was she lying? Telling the truth? Maybe, either way who am I to judge her experience.


WeDriftEternal t1_j6kby1b wrote

Kevin being president was a different episode. Everything in book of Nora was real. The Kevin episode probably isn’t real of course. But Noras is. There is a long standing thing about Nora not being able to lie… that is prior to the book of Nora where she gains the ability to. But she may or may not have decided to use it. She can lie now, but will she?


SoulCruizer t1_j6lwtu0 wrote

The stuff Kevin goes through is absolutely real. There’s characters and things we see in it that just don’t make sense why they’d be there if he was somehow dreaming.


VitaminTea t1_j6ly4id wrote

Define "real"


SoulCruizer t1_j6m1lfm wrote

In the sense that it did happen and there were higher powers at play.


VitaminTea t1_j6m20gl wrote

Happened where though? In his head? In an alternate dimension? Purgatory? The same "other side" that the people (and Nora) went to? Was he alive and teleported or dead and there?

I just think "real" is too finite a concept. Of course it did happen (we watched it!) but I don't know that it was real.


SoulCruizer t1_j6m60ij wrote

Let the mystery be. We don’t get the logistics of how it works but it was absolutely real. Maybe you’re having a different conversation here. My point is that whatever happened isn’t some figment or dream where “it was all in is head” or doesn’t have some tangibility. When he died he was very much transported somewhere and this same place is where the guy who says he’s god was also transported and there’s actually other characters that mention the place. Who knows what it truly is but it very much is real.


alchemeron t1_j6ifr7b wrote

> If you're looking for answers you're watching the wrong show. The Leftovers never intended to give answers, it's about characters having to live with the inexplicable and thrives in that.

♫ Let the mystery be ♫


RadRuss t1_j6ifhpd wrote

It is a better execution of the same (or similar) concepts Lindelof was aiming for with Lost. The problem with Lost, in that respect, is that it leaned too heavily into the mystery, where Leftovers kept things a bit more focused.


opiate_lifer t1_j6kdxi1 wrote

To be fair to Lindelof when The Leftovers was first airing he explicitly made clear even during promo interviews the audience should not expect answers! If the creator outright tells you that, I see that as fair.


Studstill t1_j6k69q7 wrote

Also Lost is trash, though.

Watched all of both.


Gray_Squirrel t1_j6jios9 wrote

I generally hate mystery box shows, but The Leftovers is a big exception because it ends the show so brilliantly, IMO (trying not to spoil anything).


VitaminTea t1_j6ly8vu wrote

That's because the show is about the box, not what's inside it.

(I can't tell if this is profound or totally vacuous, sorry.)


TapedeckNinja t1_j6ipdya wrote

> The Leftovers never intended to give answers

"I don't understand what's happening."

"Me neither ... ... it's OK."


GigiRiva t1_j6jeu6g wrote

I've always enjoyed that a show specifically about characters having to deal with not having answers is most commonly criticized for not offering answers


Bigsam411 t1_j6j2l2v wrote

I mean the intro music for the last two seasons was "Let the Mystery Be" they clearly wanted to tell the audience they were not going to get all the answers to the mystery of the sudden departure. The show (along with other Lindelof shows like Lost) was more about the characters and as to whether or not they got their stories resolved.


ryanbenzie t1_j6hswp5 wrote

Just wait for every episode of season 3.


TheLastGunslinger t1_j6i4aex wrote

What do you mean? Lion Cult Sex Boat was totally normal.


Bigsam411 t1_j6j2tpf wrote

The interaction between Matt Jameson and the Guy claiming to be God was amazing in that episode. (I think thats when that happened)


Hi_Im_zack t1_j6je7me wrote

Every Matt centric episode was quality storytelling. One of my favorite characters ever


HotNatured t1_j6j5jsl wrote

David Burton, and man does that character offer more across subsequent watches. Bill Camp is one of those "that guy" actors that just always delivers, and The Leftovers gave him stellar material to work with. I particularly love him in the S2 finale where he's pointing out how ridiculous it is that Kevin feels the task--singing--is beneath him, having done what he did already in International Assassin.


Roook36 t1_j6hvo7l wrote

Let the mystery be


sm0gs t1_j6jdili wrote

I'm so glad they changed the theme song, cause that song was perfection


The_Meemeli t1_j6moejf wrote

I also liked the varying opening credit songs for season 3.


TripleSingleHOF t1_j6hux2a wrote

Leftovers season 2 might be my favorite season of television ever. It's in the group photo, at least.


Ahambone t1_j6nu5qn wrote

You're not alone! Top-to-bottom the best season of TV I've ever seen.


TripleSingleHOF t1_j6othh3 wrote

I think it's hard to say what the "best" season of TV would be, but the Leftovers S2 is definitely among my favorite.

Like, if someone says season 4 of the Wire is the best season in television history, I won't argue against that. But if you ask me which one I would prefer to re-watch, I'm picking the Leftovers just about every time.


Ahambone t1_j6ow499 wrote

We...we must be friends, because as I was writing my original comment, my thought was "yes today I think it's better than S4 of The Wire but tomorrow I might think differently"


TripleSingleHOF t1_j6oy4c1 wrote

I'm currently re-watching the Wire, and I'm just about done with the second season. I'm really stoked for the third and fourth seasons. It doesn't get much better than that.


yodimboi t1_j6i280x wrote

Twin Peaks The Return episode 8


Wes___Mantooth t1_j6in0s0 wrote

Yeah that is probably the weirdest episode of TV ever made, and I loved it.

I also loved International Assassin.


AxumitePriest t1_j6ims1p wrote

Was listening to a podcast(the watch) where lindelof was on, and he spoke alot about how much he loved Twin Peaks so maybe that's connected


yodimboi t1_j6iu4q1 wrote

International Assassin aired 2 years before the Twin Peaks episode, and as far as I know Lindelof isn’t a time traveller


AxumitePriest t1_j6iya1c wrote

I've never seen the last season of Twin Peaks so I dont even remember when it aired but lindelof was on the podcast to promote the final season so he might've been inspired by the earlier season or something Idk here's a link to that episode of the podcast, the watch


ryantyrant t1_j6kv4za wrote

Twin peaks influenced pretty much all of television that followed it. It’s like having a film director say how they love citizen Kane


dafones t1_j6ibl4u wrote

>I'm starting to feel that I won't ever get answers.

FYI, the show isn't about the "why" of the Departure.

It's about seeing how people reacted to the global trauma of the Departure.

Also, I absolutely loved the Leftovers.


25sittinon25cents t1_j6lld6f wrote

>FYI, the show isn't about the "why" of the Departure.

I think this is the issue many viewers that had negative or disappointed views of the show had. The show sets you up with a hell of an amazing premise, but it takes you in a different direction than what many expected to find out. You either went with it, or you didn't


thanksamilly t1_j6lppjo wrote

If I remember correctly, they were very explicit in all the press they did at the time that the show wasn't about why it happened. I think they learned their lesson with Lost.


shogunreaper t1_j6ml1ge wrote

And yet they kept adding to the mystery. They simply said that as an excuse.


Lord_Erie t1_j6hxhdg wrote

Is that the one where Kevin is >!"dead" in that afterlife/limbo hotel thing?!<


mrgo0dkat t1_j6hul6v wrote

Don't drink the water.


RedditGGGB t1_j6hvpwz wrote

The Leftovers is complete insanity


sameguyontheweb t1_j6htkre wrote

Which episode? Hopefully you're talking about the "hotel" episodes.

It's great 😃


gornky t1_j6i1xnj wrote

That's my all time favorite episode of any TV show ever in the history of television.


Howie-Dowin t1_j6ijmuy wrote

Everyone who enjoys TV as a medium should watch the Leftovers. Fantastic show.


Hemoglobin97 t1_j6i8fe2 wrote

Home, where my thoughts are escaping...


Denzorr t1_j6i7zq7 wrote

That episode might be in the top best episodes of all time


prism1234 t1_j6jq4f6 wrote

I feel like the show was pretty clear from the beginning that it wasn't going to provide answers and that wasn't really the point. Unlike Lost where from the way the mysteries were presented made getting answers more integral.

That said the show actually does provide a good answer to at least the main mystery at the end. It's ambiguous if the answer is true or not, but you could just choose to take it at face value.


zumera t1_j6iecx5 wrote

I came in here fully expecting you meant good weird not bad weird! That episode helped cement the series as one of my all-time favorites. The moment Kevin >!has to select a suit!< I knew it was going to be everything I could want in a television episode.


antmars t1_j6izbst wrote

Homeward bound. I wish I was homeward bound.


zeeke87 t1_j6jrjsg wrote

Twin peaks the Return wants a word with you…


Flakesy t1_j6ib3g1 wrote

The show had many episodes where i was left with the question why i should still watch the next. But i can certainly say that it is one of the most satisfiying endings to a show i have ever seen. Every doubt i had was blown away, it was perfect.


fireshighway t1_j6icibp wrote

The theme song for season 2 of the show is literally “let the mystery be.” You will not get “answers.”


ERSTF t1_j6kuvhn wrote

I am torn by The Leftovers. To me it has many of the Lindelof list of sins. It's a good show but insists upon itself. This episode, to me, feels like Lindelof showing off without caring much whether or not it serves the story or its characters. All three seasons of The Leftovers had three episodes I didn't like. This is one of them. I hated the three final episodes from season 2. Careful plotting and character building go out the window to bend characters out of shape to have a batshit crazy ending. Nora acting stupid when she is far from it. Characters not making phone calls and a long list of plot devices. I hated Assassin because it feels that it's weird just for weirdness sake and many plot devices were written without an endgame in mind (like Lost did), writting yourself into a corner, if you will.

I have no problem with weird shows and episodes. I love Mr. Robot and I feel the weird season two episodes work within the universe of the show. Not for The Leftovers. To me is Lindelof showing off. Again, this is a guy we know well bungles his writing for having no endgame for many of the things he writes. This is the guy behind Lost and Prometheus... a movie that clearly had characters acting dumb, introducing mysterious things without knowing what it all added up to and adding mythos that didn't need to be added and changing lore that didn't need to be changed. Watchmen is amazing but I think it has to do that the source material is batshit crazy to begin with.


reachingrespite t1_j6kwuxx wrote

Try any episode of Twin Peaks the Return. Weirdest 18 hours of television you'll ever see


testsubjectsmile t1_j6icss2 wrote

The Leftovers never interested me when it aired on television, but man watching it years after it’s possibly one of my favorite television series of all time.


Snuffl3s7 t1_j6icujw wrote

It's not really that hard to figure out. I'm not trying to sound like a dick here.

But if you've been paying attention to what's been going on with Kevin the whole season, I think it's a very straightforward episode.

And the surreal elements are fairly tame compared to some of the stuff you get in other shows like Twin Peaks.


Chinchillin09 t1_j6j7syu wrote

You won't get answers, I felt the same way than you but you have to change the mindset that the show isn't about getting answers but how the people live and cope with what happened.


eliostark t1_j6jfdfp wrote

i thought you were talking about the boat episode (look out for it in s3), but yes, International Assassin is pretty trippy too.


favorscore t1_j6oo569 wrote

OP im watching this for the first time too and just finished s2. what a show


Spartyjason t1_j6i5noo wrote

Its amazing. And it's bookended perfectly with Homeward Bound, in think episode 10.

I adore that show.


KingRemoStar t1_j6inwwj wrote

You’ll get enough answers to have closure.


eidbio t1_j6jgwgu wrote

It only gets weirder and leaves more questions open on S3.


e-streeter t1_j6jpcwa wrote

Absolutely. Fucking. Brilliant.


Teamsumo13 t1_j6kk4k0 wrote

This show reminds me of wonderful Sunday night's watching this and Penny Dreadful. The sub reddits were great too for both shows.


funkhero t1_j6kq77v wrote

Fantastic direction from Craig Zobel, check out Mare of Easttown for more from him if you want. Also co-created Homestar Runner, interestingly enough. Also directed a fantastic episode of Westworld

He also did The Hunt, written by the very same writers as the episode he directed. I thought it was a funny movie, enjoyable at least


ChildhoodBig531 t1_j6kvxux wrote

C’mon , what about when Jesus gets his head ripped off by a lion on the Tassie ferry

Bob Dylan lyrics level existentialism played out in live action that one


lopakjalantar t1_j6l55p0 wrote

lol i realized that they never gonna unveil anything about those missing people just after the first few episodes so i stop there


RunningToStayStill t1_j6laicb wrote

Thanks for warning; if it even resembles the nonsensical plot lines of The OA even in the slightest, I think I will stay away.


KYWizard t1_j6lc269 wrote

I avoided this because Lost was such a let down. I generally don't like mystery boxes and it sounds like 18 hours into it and you still aren't getting any answers. Like lost. Some of the shit will never make sense or be answered I would fear, and that has kept me from watching this show.

SO, how much like lost is this mystery box show?


sb505 t1_j6lngrd wrote

Stylistically it's similar, but The Leftovers is much better than Lost, imo (and I was a pretty big fan of Lost). It's been a minute since I watched the Leftovers, but there's not a bunch of dangling unfinished story threads hanging all over the place, like Lost, if that's what you mean.

There's mystery that's unexplained sure, but not a ton of loose ends (that I recall).

The Leftovers is among my very favorite shows of all time.


Kespen t1_j6likqs wrote

If you’re gonna jump the shark you better do it with style.


Kaykaybee3 t1_j6ll9gl wrote

Just keep watching seriously- it’s so worth it


drohhellno t1_j6mwp8r wrote

Are you talking about International Assassin? That’s my favorite episode of any TV show ever.


MitchTJones t1_j6igtaj wrote

Hahahahahaha, just you wait for season 3’s reboot of the literal Bible. Definitely keep watching ;)


vibroguy t1_j6j1w40 wrote

wait until you get to 3-7


MKoilers t1_j6j9elt wrote

You spelled “best” wrong!


GoldieLox9 t1_j6kcu9a wrote

I am not a fan of weird bottle episodes but dang The Leftovers is sooooo great. I didn't understand International Assassin and the hotel until season 3. It was worth it.


killa_cam89 t1_j6l9j2c wrote

It's my favorite tattoo I have also. My favorite episode of TV ever.


MSDoomed t1_j6lb9sv wrote

Dude I think about this episode all the time


DougieJackpots t1_j6ix6ui wrote

Lol, it's an achievement in television. Probably isn't the show for you.


jera111 t1_j6lmv35 wrote

It was a boring show.


no_name_left_to_give t1_j6ietb1 wrote

Season 2 is overrated. Lindelof crawled up his own ass a bit, fortunately he crawled down before season 3 and it turned out excellent.


Fthewigg t1_j6icd3m wrote

A perfect episode of a perfect example of a show that went off totally off the rails.

Season one had so much promise and they scrapped practically everything they were building just to make a jaunt through the funhouse. This show was a spectacular disappointment.

This is possibly the most hit-or-miss show I’ve ever seen. If you like continuous storytelling where plots aren’t dropped at the side of the road for the next weird thing: this show probably isn’t for you.

Edit: took the downvoters a minute, but there you are in all your pathetic fragility. God forbid any of us have an opinion and we don’t just stroke it to the circle jerk. I wish you all understood that I don’t write this to criticize your taste. I’m telling the next likeminded sucker not to buy all the gushing, like I did. It absolutely isn’t for everyone and many will be left incredibly disappointed.


zumera t1_j6iepbo wrote

>Season one had so much promise and they scrapped practically everything they were building just to make a jaunt through the funhouse. This show was a spectacular disappointment.

See I'd say that season one had a great foundation but was entirely too grim to be a multi-season success. The path the show takes in the next two seasons is what makes it incredible.


Fthewigg t1_j6ila9l wrote

It’s the premise of the entire show: how do people deal with tremendous loss? That’s grim. It takes an ages old concept, and applies it in a unique way (instead of war, famine or disease, it’s something supernatural).

It started as an intriguing character study and became a Twilight Zone ripoff, except the wacky, unbelievable shit kept happening to the same characters.

I don’t know anyone who deals with loss by having a dead person in his head, investigating disappearing ponds, or hopping into the death realm not once, but twice. That shit with his dad’s magic song was plenty fucked, too.

By all means, find it incredible. I know you’re not alone and there is zero point arguing taste. I think it was an incredible disaster, and I’m not alone, either.


Kespen t1_j6liv99 wrote

I’m with you. Hated the show and it’s exactly up my alley.


TapedeckNinja t1_j6iq625 wrote

It's the highest-rated episode of the whole series and one of the highest-rated TV episodes on IMDb with a 9.6/10.


Fthewigg t1_j6is3vs wrote

Cool, it’s a great standalone episode, I suppose. If I wasn’t so frustrated with the general insanity of the shows “direction,” I might appreciate it better.

Other than the characters, please tell me how it connects to season one. My point is story continuity, and the lack thereof.

You Leftovers fans are just so precious. If more people watched your show (like, give it the viewership of Sopranos or Breaking Bad), those numbers would absolutely plummet. People who like a show enough to keep watching rate it high? Who could’ve possibly guessed?

What would it be if everyone watched it?

I think Breaking Bad is spectacular and I think the rating of Ozymandias is way too high, so…
